eclipse编程问题的英文解答 求翻译!! 50
Any rime anth rnetic operations are done with floating-po ; nt numbers, round-
off error occurs. The Math class methods (see p. 183) such as pow and sqrt use
various approximations to generate their answers to the required accuracy. Since
they do different internal arithmetic, however, the round-off will usually not re-
sult in exactly the same answers. Note that choice A is not cofrect because both
Math. pow and Math. sqrt return type doubt e. Choice B is wrong because no mat-
ter how x. was previously calculated, the same x is input to pow and sqrt. Choice
C is wrong since round-off error occurs no matter how many bits are used to rep-
resent numbers. Choice E is wrong because if x is representable on the machine
(i. e., hasn't overflowed), then its square root, x]/2, wil not overfJow. 展开
off error occurs. The Math class methods (see p. 183) such as pow and sqrt use
various approximations to generate their answers to the required accuracy. Since
they do different internal arithmetic, however, the round-off will usually not re-
sult in exactly the same answers. Note that choice A is not cofrect because both
Math. pow and Math. sqrt return type doubt e. Choice B is wrong because no mat-
ter how x. was previously calculated, the same x is input to pow and sqrt. Choice
C is wrong since round-off error occurs no matter how many bits are used to rep-
resent numbers. Choice E is wrong because if x is representable on the machine
(i. e., hasn't overflowed), then its square root, x]/2, wil not overfJow. 展开