It is rude to point at a person.指着人是失礼的.
The teacher is pointing at the map and saying,“Here is Beijing.”
The needle of a compass points to the north.罗盘针指向北方.
Both the hour hand and the minute hand pointed to twelve.It was noon.时针和分针都指着十二,是正午的时候.
一般来说 point to 与 piont at 是可以互换的。不过两者也是有一些区别。
"Point at" 习惯上表示指向离说话人较近的事物,重点在于指的对象。
("Point at" usually means that something indicates a specific place occupied by a second thing.)
"Point to" 一般用来表示指向离说话人较远的事物,重点在于指的方向。
("Point to" usually means that something indicates a general direction. It is more commonly used to describe ideas or arguments rather than concrete objects.)
The teacher pointed at the blackboard and said,“You must look carefully.”
The evidence collected during an inquiry points to the correct interpretation of the event being studied
A rude boy points his finger at a man in a wheelchair.
通过上面的解释以及例句,你应该对问题已经有答案了。那就是用“piont at”
“piont at”and “piont to” are often interchangeable in real life
最后注意的一点是,如果是用枪指向某人或物件的话,只能用piont at.
There's one exception where you point your gun at something but not to something.
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