“full house”是什么意思?
释义:(1). 客满,满座
(2). 有三张同点牌外加一对的一手牌,即满堂红,是扑克术语
(3). 韩剧《浪漫满屋》也可这样翻译
复数: full houses
(1)an audience, or group of people attending a meeting, that fills the venue for the event to capacity(剧院、会场等的)座无虚席,满座;客满。
(2)a poker hand with three of a kind and a pair, which beats a flush and loses to four of a kind满堂红,葫芦(指扑克牌戏中三张同点牌带两张同点牌的一手牌,比同花大但小于四同点)。
(3)a winning card at bingo in which all the numbers have been successfully marked off全中牌(宾戈赌博游戏中所有号码都成功划出的得胜纸牌)。
2024-04-11 广告