英语的填空题
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It
was
a
few
days
be
fore
Christmas.So
when
the
office_off___at
half
past
five,most
of
the
young
men
___left__and
had
a
party.
在圣诞节前几天,当公司下班后,许多年轻人离开了公司,然后在举办聚会!
was
a
few
days
be
fore
Christmas.So
when
the
office_off___at
half
past
five,most
of
the
young
men
___left__and
had
a
party.
在圣诞节前几天,当公司下班后,许多年轻人离开了公司,然后在举办聚会!
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It
was
a
few
days
be
fore
Christmas.So
when
the
office__closed___at
half
past
five,most
of
the
young
men
___stopped__and
had
a
party.
在圣诞节的前几天,当公司在五点半关闭后,许多年轻人停止工作并开个party。
was
a
few
days
be
fore
Christmas.So
when
the
office__closed___at
half
past
five,most
of
the
young
men
___stopped__and
had
a
party.
在圣诞节的前几天,当公司在五点半关闭后,许多年轻人停止工作并开个party。
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It
was
a
few
days
be
fore
Christmas.So
when
the
office__1A.closed___at
half
past
five,most
of
the
young
men
___2
B.stayed__and
had
a
party.
圣诞节前几天,当办公室5点半下班后,大多数年轻人留下来聚会
was
a
few
days
be
fore
Christmas.So
when
the
office__1A.closed___at
half
past
five,most
of
the
young
men
___2
B.stayed__and
had
a
party.
圣诞节前几天,当办公室5点半下班后,大多数年轻人留下来聚会
已赞过
已踩过<
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