
我要情景对话!狠简单很简单的!最好长一点的!说3分钟左右就可以了!简单的喔!!!急需急需!!!谢谢大家昂!!!!200分悬赏````是2人对话喔!和2楼的一样,有翻译的更... 我要情景对话!
2008-11-27 · TA获得超过6740个赞
Dave and Peter are college classmates as well as good friends. They are talking about a trip in summer
Dave: Peter, we have been working very hard the whole school year. Don’t you think we need a nice summer vacation?
Peter: Absolutely. I am planning a trip for my summer vacation. Do you want to join me?
(当然,我有一个暑期旅行。你想和我一起吗? )
Dave: Why not? I’d love to go with you.
Peter: Great! But I can't make up my mind as to which city we should go. It is really hard to decide
Dave: Hehehe...decision decision, what’you’re your mind right now?
(呵呵呵呵,去哪儿呢,去哪儿呢,你怎么想的? )
Peter: Hangzhou, Suzhou, and yangzhou
(杭州,苏州,扬州 )
Dave: I went to Suzhou last year. I had very bad experiences there. The taxi drivers were rude. The hotel services were lousy and the food was...
(我去年去过苏州了。我有非常糟糕的经历。粗鲁的出租车司机。差劲的酒店服务和食品还... )
Peter: all right, forget Suzhou then. How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou?
(好吧,忘掉苏州把。杭州和扬州如何? )
Dave: I have never been there. I can't make any comments on that. Let's check out the information from Xiehang(携成网) and it will tell us all necessary information.
(我从来没有去过。我不能作任何评论了。让我们在Xiehang (携成网)上面查查吧 ,它会告诉我们一切必要的资料。 )
Peter: great!
(太棒了! )
So Peter and Dave both check out the information on net
Dave: Peter, you can see that the airlines, hotels are not offering any discounts if we want to go to Hangzhou as it is the peak season in summer. But if we go to Yangzhou, we can get big discounts on the hotels. I think we should take that into consideration.
Peter: you are right. I really hate to go to a scenery packed with people. We can always pick a better time to go to Hangzhou.right?
Dave: absolutely.
Peter: so I will book the tickets and the hotel right now.
Dave: Thank you so much, Peter! What shall I do?
Peter: Nothing. Just get ready and relax.
Dave: I can’t wait for this trip.
Peter: me neither. I’ ll let you know, Ok?
(我也是。到时候叫你,好吗? )
Dave: Ok. Bye. Take care.
(好的。拜拜。小心点。 )
Peter: You, too.
2008-11-22 · TA获得超过1.8万个赞
这两篇符合不? 我觉得三分钟挺长的,这两篇有MP3的,都大概3分钟吧

Man: Hi.

Woman: Hi.

Man: What'd you do last night?

Woman: I watched TV. There was a really good movie called Soylent Green.

Man: Soylent Green?

Woman: Yeah. Charlton Heston was in it.

Man: What's it about?

Woman: Oh, it's about life in New York in the year 2022.

Man: I wonder if New York will still be here in 2022.

Woman: In this movie, in 2022 ...

Man: Yeah?

Woman: ... New York has forty million people.

Man: Ouch!

Woman: And twenty million of them are unemployed.

Man: How many people live in New York now? About seven or eight million?

Woman: Yeah, I think that's right.

Man: Mm-hmm. You know, if it's hard enough to find an apartment now in New York City, what's it going to be like in 2022?

Woman: Well, in this movie most people have no apartment. So thousands sleep on the steps of buildings. (Uh-huh.) People who do have a place to live have to crawl over sleeping people to get inside. And there are shortages of everything. The soil is so polluted that nothing will grow. (Ooo.) And the air is so polluted they never see the sun. It's really awful.

Man: I think I'm going to avoid going to New York City in the year 2022.

Woman: And there was this scene where the star, Charlton Heston, goes into a house where some very rich people live.

Man: Uh-huh.

Woman: He can't believe it, because they have running water and they have soap.

Man: Really?

Woman: And then he goes into the kitchen and they have tomatoes and lettuce and beef. He almost cries because he's never seen real food in his life, you know, especially the beef. It was amazing for him.

Man: Well, if most people have no real food, what do they eat?

Woman: They eat something called soylent.

Man: Soylent?

Woman: Yeah. There's soylent red and soylent yellow and soylent green. The first two are made out of soybeans. But the soylent green is made out of ocean plants. (Ugh.) The people eat it like crackers. That's all they have to eat.

Man: That sounds disgusting.

Woman: Well, you know, it really isn't that far from reality.

Man: No?

Woman: Yeah. Because, you know the greenhouse effect that's beginning now and heating up the earth ...

Man: Oh, yeah, I've heard about that.

Woman: ... because we're putting the pollutants in the atmosphere, you know?

Man: Mm-hmm.

Woman: I mean, in this movie New York has ninety degrees weather all year long. And it could really happen. Uh ... like now, we ... we have fuel shortages. And in the movie there's so little electricity that people have to ride bicycles to make it.

Man: You know something? I don't think that movie is a true prediction of the future.

Woman: I don't know. It scares me. I think it might be.

Man: Really?

Woman: Well, yeah.


Reporter: Well here I am at the Brooklyn Academy of Dramatic Arts. I'm asking different students here about their favourite forms of artistic entertainment. Pop or classical concerts? Art galleries or the theatre? The ballet or the opera? The first person I'm going to talk to is Benny Gross. Benny comes from New York and he's 20 years old and he's studying the piano. Benny, hello and welcome to our programme.

Benny: Hi, thanks.

Reporter: So, first question Benny—have you ever been to an art gallery?

Benny: Yes, lots of times.

Reporter: And the ballet, have you ever been to the ballet?

Benny: Yes, a few times. It's all right, I quite like it.

Reporter: And what about classical concerts?

Benny: Yes, of course, many many times.

Reporter: Erm—next—have you ever been to an exhibition, Benny?

Benny: Oh, yes—I love going to photographic exhibitions.

Reporter: Do you? Now, next question—what about a ... folk concert?

Benny: No, never. I think folk music is awful.

Reporter: Ok. And the opera? Have you ever been to the opera?

Benny: Yes. Two or three times. It's a little difficult but I quite like it.

Reporter: And a pop concert?

Benny: No, never.

Reporter: And finally—have you ever been to the theatre?

Benny: Yes, once or twice, but I didn't like it much.

Reporter: Ok Benny. Now the next thing is—which do you like best from this list of eight forms of artistic entertainment?

Benny: Well I like going to classical concerts best because I'm a musician, and I love classical music.

Reporter: Ok and what next?

Benny: Erm let's see—next, art galleries I think. And then, exhibitions.

Reporter: OK—art galleries, then exhibitions. Then? The theatre?

Benny: No, I don't think so, I don't really like the theatre.

Reporter: The ballet? The opera? Which do you prefer of those two?

Benny: The opera.

Reporter: So of the theatre and the ballet, which do you prefer?

Benny: Erm, the ballet I think because there's the music. I can always enjoy the music if I don't always like the dancing.

Reporter: Right, well, thanks very much, Benny.

Benny: You're welcome.

Reporter: My next guest is Kimberley Martins. What are you studying here, Kimberley?

Kimberley: Modern dance. I want to be a professional dancer when I leave.

Reporter: OK, so here we go. First question—have you ever been to an art gallery?

Kimberley: Yes, lots of times.

Reporter: And have you ever been to the ballet? Stupid question I think.

Kimberley: Yes, a bit. Of course I have. I go almost every night if I can.

Reporter: And what about classical concerts?

Kimberley: Yes—there are classical concerts here a lot—the other students perform here and I go to those when I can.

Reporter: What about exhibitions—have you ever—?

Kimberley: Oh yes, lots of times—I like exhibitions—exhibitions about famous people—dancers, actors, you know—

Reporter: Mmm. And what about a folk concert? Have you ever been to one of them?

Kimberley: No, I don't like folk music very much.

Reporter: What about the opera?

Kimberley: No, never. I don't really like opera. It's a bit too heavy for me.

Reporter: A pop concert?

Kimberley: Yes. I saw Madonna once. She was fantastic—she's a really great dancer.

Reporter: And have you ever been to the theatre?

Kimberley: Yes, I have.

Reporter: Right. Thank you Kimberley. My next question is—which do you like best of all? And I think I know the answer.

Kimberley: Yes—ballet, of course. After that, exhibitions. And after that, art galleries.

Reporter: OK.

Kimberley: Erm, what's left. Can I see the list?

Reporter: Yes, of course.

Kimberley: Erm, let me see—oh, it's difficult—I suppose—what next?—er—classical concerts, pop concerts, the theatre. Well, I think pop concerts next, I like going to those. Then I don't know. Classical concerts or the theatre? Classical concerts I think. So that leaves the theatre after them. OK?

Reporter: Great. And many thanks for talking to us, Kimberley.

Kimberley: You're welcome.
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2008-11-13 · TA获得超过103个赞
人物:Rose, I(named Jack).

Rose: Hi, Jack.

Jack: Hi, Rose.

Rose: Long time no see, how are you doing?

Jack: I'm doing terribly bad. And how about you?

Rose: I'm fine, thank you. But you, what's up?

Jack: I just cannot find a agreeable job. The salary offered by those companies are really too low. I've had interview several companies, and they all felt satified to my performance, but when
hearing my salary request, they all could not offer.

Rose: Almost the same with my situation. The current job market is so stagnant. I'd have to adapt myself to the reality.

Jack: I cannot agree with you more. But you know, the salary they offered could even hardly afford my daily consumption.I just feel that's gotdamn crazy.

Rose: Hey, Jack, come on. Do you know the current situation of job market? There will be nearly 5 million college graduates nationwide, inclusive of a lot of masters. For my own sake, I gave up my baseline at last. Today, I've just signed a job contract with XX(公司名).

Jack: You're really appreciated to remind me. I gotta find a job as soon as possible even with a pretty low salary.

Rose: Cheer up, Jack. I don't think it matters to start with a low salary. You know, gold will shine everywhere. I believe you can get a decent job within 3 years as long as you're hard enough.

Jack: Thank you very much for your encouragement. Let us make a brilliant future hand in hand...

Rose: Hey,Jack. Don't touch me...
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2008-11-13 · TA获得超过323个赞
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2008-11-11 · TA获得超过807个赞
Karen walks into a boutique. She wants to buy a scarf....
Sales Assoc: Hi, are you being helped?
Karen: No, I'm not. I'm interested in some scarves.
Sales Assoc: All our scarves are in this section. What do you think of this one here? It's made of silk.
Karen: Hm, it looks nice, but I'd like to have something warm for the winter.
Sales Assoc: Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf. How about this one?
Karen: I think that's what I want. How much is it?
Sales Assoc: It's...seventy-five dollars plus tax.
Karen: It's a little expensive. Do you think it's possible to get a discount?
Sales Assoc: Hm, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount. That's the best I can offer.
Karen: That's good. Could you wrap it up for me?
Sales Assoc: Sure. Is there anything else I can get for you?
Karen: No, that should be it. Thank you.
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