2018-07-27 · 百度认证:高顿教育官方账号

handbook or notes?首先我想说关于到底使用handbook还是notes真的是个人选择问题,实质上不影响考试结果。我一个朋友就看handbook,结果一二级一起一次性通过。我始终看的notes,。handbook的好处就是重点集中、逻辑清晰且来源官方,缺点是更新慢没有包含许多新内容。notes的优点是包含很多很多新内容,总之考试“接地气”,应考足矣!缺点是缺乏逻辑、内容繁多、累觉不爱。所以,两种教材的选择纯粹是个人偏好,最完美的选择当然是先过一遍handbook,形成整体感觉,然后看notes。但由于人性的弱点或者各种奇葩的原因,这基本是不可能的。无论选择哪个教材,认真学习加以做题,我相信,胜利就在前方!
FRM做题。做题还是必要的,通过做题还是可以明白自己到底哪里弱,还需要载看点什么。一级建议大家60%学习教材+40%做题,二级侧重理解所以是75%学习理解教材+25%做题。必须要做的题包括近四年的GARP官方样题、notes随书送practice exam。很多人崇拜的FRM百题也要做的,毕竟是专业人士总结预测题目,对考生有一定指导意义。
Here are some reasons why you should consider obtaining your FRM...
1、You will be recognized across the globe as a leader in financial risk management
2、You will be more desirable to executive recruiters and hiring managers since they are now seeking FRM holders for senior risk management jobs more than ever before
3、The FRM professional certification differentiates you from your peers
4、Studying the broad concepts underlying risk management in today's dynamic market environment will give you a holistic view and appreciation for the role risk management plays in an enterprise
5、Provides you with the feeling of personal achievement and the satisfaction of conquering an exam developed by the best risk management practitioners in the world
(能给你以一种集个人成就、征服考试和成为全世界最好的风险管理人员的满足感 )
6、Objectively benchmarks your knowledge of the major strategic disciplines of financial risk management:
Market Risk (市场风险)
Credit Risk (信用风险)
Operational Risk (业务风险)
Risk Management in Investment Management (投资管理中的风险管理)
7、Allows you to join an elite group of 13,685 FRMs across the globe with the only risk management certification recognized worldwide
8、Expands your personal and professional opportunities within the world of finance
9、Provides you with the ability to network with some of the world's leading financial risk management professionals
1、You will be recognized across the globe as a leader in financial risk management
2、You will be more desirable to executive recruiters and hiring managers since they are now
seeking FRM holders for senior risk management jobs more than ever before
3、The FRM professional certification differentiates you from your peers
4、Studying the broad concepts underlying risk management in today's dynamic market environment
will give you a holistic view and appreciation for the role risk management plays in an enterprise
5、Provides you with the feeling of personal achievement and the satisfaction of conquering an
exam developed by the best risk management practitioners in the world
(能给你以一种集个人成就、征服考试和成为全世界最好的风险管理人员的满足感 )
6、Objectively benchmarks your knowledge of the major strategic disciplines of financial risk
Market Risk (市场风险)
Credit Risk (信用风险)
Operational Risk (业务风险)
Risk Management in Investment Management (投资管理中的风险管理)
7、Allows you to join an elite group of 13,685 FRMs across the globe with the only risk management
certification recognized worldwide
8、Expands your personal and professional opportunities within the world of finance
9、Provides you with the ability to network with some of the world's leading financial risk
management professionals