04年加入梦之队,他在北京奥运会上所在的梦八队的表现极为出众,之所以喜欢他,就是他在球场的快攻常常能在后场BLOCK,接着飞奔到前场ALLY-OOP或者自己断球快功用自己特有的JAMES大鹏展翅扣篮将球扣进。他不光是快功的完成者,有时候还是快功的发起者,传出很漂亮的球使队友轻松LAYUP或DUNK得分他在场上表现如同凶猛的老虎,他的每个灌篮都能带给球迷欢呼和尖叫。他能把场上的气氛带动起来,梦八队在北京奥运会上得到冠军。 展开
04年加入梦之队,他在北京奥运会上所在的梦八队的表现极为出众,之所以喜欢他,就是他在球场的快攻常常能在后场BLOCK,接着飞奔到前场ALLY-OOP或者自己断球快功用自己特有的JAMES大鹏展翅扣篮将球扣进。他不光是快功的完成者,有时候还是快功的发起者,传出很漂亮的球使队友轻松LAYUP或DUNK得分他在场上表现如同凶猛的老虎,他的每个灌篮都能带给球迷欢呼和尖叫。他能把场上的气氛带动起来,梦八队在北京奥运会上得到冠军。 展开
In 2004 joined the Dream Team, the Olympic Games in Beijing, where the eight team dreams of the most outstanding performance, he was like, he is often in the course of the fast break in the market after the BLOCK, then run and play up front ALLY-OOP Or steal their own unique function of the fast JAMES Mirs Youth Pre-employment Training dunk the ball into the hold. He is not only quick completion of the gong, or sometimes the sponsors of the fast-gong, and a nice spread the ball to make it easy LAYUP teammate or scoring DUNK his performance in the field as the ferocious tiger, he can bring to each of the Slam Fans cheering and screaming. He can drive up the atmosphere of the court, the eight team dreams in the Beijing Olympic Games to be champion.