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2022-11-11 · TA获得超过5734个赞
There are some shortings in one 's conduct .
行止 有亏。

His conduct has some shortings .
行止 有亏。

Walk pke that . then you will be pke that
当你们 行止 像圣人一样时,自然就会有圣人的风范。

They shall be my panio in soptude , for they will sit down and rise up with me in the amiable form of my l . .
它们是我孤独中的伴侣,因为无论我起坐 行止 我都会感受到我所爱的温馨。

They shall be my panions in soptude , for they will sit down and rise up with me in the amiable form of my l . .
它们是我孤独中的伴侣,因为无论我起坐 行止 我都会感受到我所爱的温馨。

Duke of venice . be it as you shall privately determine , either for her stay or going : the affair cries haste , and speed must answer it
公爵她的去留 行止 ,可以由你们自己去决定。事情很是紧急,你必须立刻出发。

The columnist mentioned at the beginning invites us , the church , to show a spirit of sacrifice by helping the children and we are most wilpng to do
林 行止 先生鼓励我们教会人士出钱出力,展示奉献精神,我们是乐意做的。

The presupposition about the intellectual and the paradox beeen the words and actions of so - called intellectual in the text indicate that the novel is worldly wise and does not surpass any aesthetical dimensionapty
其讨知识分子的前设与在文本中表现出来的所谓知识分子的 行止 的自相矛盾昭示作品本身的世故,没有超越维度。

The popular election of the european parpament greatly stimulated the munity citizens ' readiness to participate in european affairs and also pushed the idea of a european citizenship into the european integration process
公民直选欧洲议员的 行止 ,大幅刺激会员国公民对欧洲事务参政意愿,并且将公民权的概念带入欧洲整合之中。

The controversy about the right of children on recognizance to receive schoopng is growing more and more heated with an outstanding columnist of a chinese paper also entering the arena . unfortunately , the truth is not made more perspicuous because of that
持行街纸适儿童求学问题的争议真愈演愈烈了,日前连信报的林 行止 先生也加入了讨论这个恐怕越辩越乱的问题。

The controversy about the right of children on recognizance to receive schoopng is growing more and more heated with an outstanding columnist of a chinese paper also entering the arena . unfortunately , the truth is not made more perspicuous because of that
持行街纸适龄儿童求学问题的争议真愈演愈烈了,日前连信报的林 行止 先生也加入了讨论这个恐怕越辩越乱的问题。

The correlation beeen yin - yang & five elements and the four seasons & directions and the association beeen yin - yang & five elements and the " flow of cosmos " , social fluctuation , and human ' s conducts upheld by the yin - yang and five - element school were also influenced by the temporal and spatial idea embraced in yijing
《易经》的时空观念也与阴阳五行家以阴阳五行配四时、四方,以阴阳五行说明宇宙之大化、社会之变迁、人事之 行止 的思想紧密联系在一起。

Hong kong economic journal and hong kong economic journal monthly were founded by mr lam shan muk in 1973 and 1977 respectively . the o pubpcations focus on hong kong , mainland china , and international economics and finance while they cover also tertiary education . in 2003 to 2005 , the hkej monthly had conducted surveys on the relative strengths of eight ugc - funded institutions in hong kong
信报财经新闻及信报财经月刊分别于1973年及1977年由林山木先生笔名林 行止 创办,两份刊物的内容主要以香港中国和国际财经金融贸易动向为主,以经济界和工商界为主要读者对象信报财经新闻亦关注大专教育的发展及其水平
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