travel diary 》的英语作文

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2022-10-10 · TA获得超过5589个赞
Teaching aims:
1.Get the students to understand the text.
2.Improve their reading skills.
3.Make them be interested in English.
4.Encourage them to use spoken English and what they have learnt from the text to municate with the clas *** ates,by which they can improve their spoken English as well.
Teaching importance and difficulty:
1.How to use a good way to improve their reading skills.
2.The most important thing in this period of class is output,that is,the students can use what they have learnt to make a short dialogue with their clas *** ates.And that is also the aim to learn English.
Teaching aids:
Teaching procedures:
Step 1:Warm up
T:Hello.Everybody.I am very glad to be here to give you a class.Are you happy to be here?… Good!Before the class,I would like to show you some very interesting pictures.Do you want to see them?… (Show the students some interesting pictures of cats.)
Step 2:Presentation
T:Well.Do you like those lovely cats?…Do you love to see more pictures?… Ok!Let go on.(Show them more pictures of landscapes.And when e to the last picture of forest,ask them some questions involved with the text to lead in.And in this part,the teacher should cover the whole the text by asking some questions.From this,the students can know what they are going to learn in this class and also have made a good preparation of both knowledge and mentality with the teacher’s help (questions) to learn the new text.)
1).Have you ever been to a forest?
2).What can you see in the forest?
3).How can you travel in the forest?
4).What can you hear in the forest?
5).What can you eat in the forest?
6).Are there any dangerous things in the forest?
Step 3:Reading
T:Ok!If you want know more things about the forest.I think you would better open your books and read lesson 14.And at the same time,you should finish the five questions on the screen.(Show them the five questions)
T:(After about five minutes) Well.Please look at the screen.(Finish the five questions with a few detail questions according to the text.By this step,the teacher should get the students to know about the whole text.This is the input.Good input makes good output.This is also an intensive reading of the text.This step is an important part.Make sure the teacher do get the students understand the whole text by asking some skillful questions.So as to achieve those purposes,the teacher do should make the detail questions nice.)
Step 4:Listening and petition
T:Well done.Next,please listen to the tape and after it we will do a game.(Play the tape) well!We are going to do a game.Boys are in one group,and girls in one group.And I will give you some questions.If anyone knows the answer,he or she just stand up and give me the answer.If the answer is right,your group will get one point.If not,your group will lose one point.Do you understand?… (Do the petition)
Step 5:Drill
T:Good!Let’s clap for the winners.Ok!Suppose your partner has just e from the forest in South America,you ask your partner something about his or her travel.So you can make a dialogue between you and your partner according to the text.Ok!I will show you the steps of making a dialogue.Please look at the screen.( Show them the steps of making a dialogue with explanation.)
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