英音[ biːsts ]美音[ biːsts ]
释义n. 野兽;畜牲(beast 的复数)
例句1·There were dangerous beasts in the river that might gobble you up.那条河里曾有危险的野兽,会把你吞吃掉。2·"Yes!" replied the beasts.“看到了!”野兽们回答说
。3·Would'st have them take off their garment, and sleep without—like the beasts?他们会不会把衣服脱下来睡觉——像野兽一样?
4·When she brought her picture-book, he asked, "What horrid beasts have you there?"当她拿来画册时,他道:“你画的是什么可怕的野兽?”
5·If no one buys ivory, the poachers have no reason to kill these magnificent beasts.如果没有人购买象牙,偷猎者就没有理由杀死这些华丽的野兽。
6·All the means used by centuries of civilization in subduing wild beasts failed in this case.几个世纪以来,人类文明用来制服野兽的一切手段在这里都失效了。
7·If the wild beasts in the forest had but devoured us, we should at any rate have died together.如果当时森林里的野兽把我们吃了,我们总还能死在一起。
8·He listened, and heard an ant-king complaint: "Why cannot folks, with their clumsy beasts, keep off our bodies?"他听着,听到了一个蚂蚁王的抱怨:“为什么人们带着他们笨拙的牲畜,不能远离我们的身体呢?”
2024-09-19 广告