1、The chick is ugly and almost reptilian in its appearance.这只小鸡长得很丑,看起来几乎像个爬行动物。
2、Another possibility is that parents favour chicks that are strong.另一种可能性是亲鸟会偏爱强壮的雏鸟。
3、She found it interesting that the mother would always feed the smaller chicks first.她发现这情况很有趣:鸡妈妈总是先喂较小的鸡宝宝。
4、I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active.我开车过去,瞧见窝里的小鸡,它们看上去健康又活泼。
5、New-born chicks can then imitate their mom's call within a few days of entering the world.刚出生的小鸡在来到这个世界后的几天内就能模仿妈妈的叫声。
6、These advertise the presence of chicks to adults; they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well.这些叫声会让成年猫头鹰得知雏鸟的存在;并且,它们会刺激我们的雏鸟也开始鸣叫。
2023-07-11 广告