1、我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.
2、我们让贾森写一篇有关他的家乡和他自己的家的短文We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it.
3、她在自己的家乡地区真是一帆风顺。She has had a lot of success in her home patch.
4、牙买加是两百多万人的家乡。Jamaica is home to over two million people.
5、她的尸骨已运回家乡安葬。Her body was sent home for burial.
6、她觉得回到家乡生活就是没出息。She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step.
7、随着时间的消逝,她越来越见不到家乡那些老朋友了。As time passed, she saw less and less of all her old friends at home.
8、他已经搬回了自己的家乡迈阿密。He has moved back to his home town of Miami.