让我想想英语怎么写:Let me see
1、现在让我想想——他说他住在哪里呢?Now let me see ─ where did he say he lived?
2、让我想想看&我把钢笔放哪儿了?Let me see& where did I put my pen?
3、别催我,让我想想。Don't hurry me. Let me think.
4、大家好我是Ball我只想说说什么来着忘了让我想想Hi, Ellen, It's me Ball, just wanted to say.What was I gonna say, can't remember, let's see.
5、让我想想,Alvin…Simon…Theodore…不认识。Chandler: Uh, let's see... Alvin... Simon... Theodore....
6、嗯让我想想Sheldon我什么时候离开Leonard他爸的?Leonard's mom: Mmm, well, let's see. Sheldon, when did I leave Leonard's father?
7、现在坐好了让我想想怎么逃出去。Now, sit tight and let me figure this out.
8、是,让我想想Huh. That's... Yeah, let me think.
9、嗯,让我想想,应该是十四路公共汽车。Well, Let me think. I believe the14th bus.
10、让我想想我吃卷心菜也许每年一次。Let's see I eat cabbage maybe once a year.