Zootopia is a 3D animated film produced by Disney Pictures.
Directed by Richie Moore, Byrne Howard and Gerald Bush.
The film tells the story of an animal city where all animals live together in peace.
Judy rabbit through their own efforts to achieve their childhood dream of becoming an animal police story.
The film was released on March 4, 2016 in the Chinese mainland and North America.
I'm Judy I come from bunny town,I take with my child dream come to the zootopia,I will be a police I will try to got it even I know I will fail.It's hard for bunny to be a police but I will never give up.
But when I get here I find zootopia is not perfect as I dreamd.The people here not friendly but I will not stop for this,I will keep my dream and be the beat bunny police.Then I met the Nick a cynicism fox.He is not bad but his heart is broke by his pass.When he sink in to the world's deep.I will bring he back and give he the shine.I know he is a good guys,even he is a fox.I will never leave him.
After a lot of,I final catch the evildoer,and I make the zootopia to be a better place.
When I was a child I feel zootopia is a good place,and now I finally understand.
Life is always a little better, we all make mistakes. Nature is not important, it is important that you begin to change.