考生在回答托福口语task5的时候,首先要做的就是要陈述对话中的双方到底遇到了哪些问题,但是需要考生注意的是,在这个题目中,对话的双方一般不会十分直白的用My problem is或者是My question is这种方式来说明自己的观点,一般都是比较含蓄,在听这个问题的时候,我们可以用说话者的语气来帮助自己识别到底听力中的哪些地方表达了说话者遇到的问题。一般来说,在听力中,如果说话者的语气比较低落,失望,生气,那么这些地方往往就是问题的主要内容。比如,在TPO12TASK5中,当说话者用犹豫的语气说出Oh, I’m just struggling about what to do? I won an award from the Pacific Journalism Institute for an article I submitted, and… 的时候,我们基本上就可以断定,这句话陈述的就是我们要找的说话者遇到的问题了。
Solution 1: go to the ceremony right after the exam.
Pro: she won’t miss anything important because they give out general introductions and speeches.
Con: there’s a risk that she might miss it when they announce her name.
Solution 2: reschedule her exam.
Pro: she won’t risk of being late for the award ceremony.
Con: the professor will make her take it a few days earlier. She will lose some studying time.
考生在组织托福口语task5的语言的时候,一定要表明自己的观点和态度并且列举出自己做出这样选择的原因,这个原因可以从听力文章中来,也可以从自己的日常生活经验中进行总结,总之,只要言之成理即可。比如考生在回答TPO12TASK5的时候,在组织自己的观点和看法的时候,就可以这样表达I think the first solution is better. First of all, award ceremonies never begin on time, they give general speech or introduction at the beginning of the ceremony, she won’t miss anything important by being late for a little while. Second, if she reschedules her test, it’s highly possible that the professor would make her take it a few days in advance; she will lose some studying time which can have a negative impact on her grade.
考生在回答托福口语task5的时候,首先要做的就是要陈述对话中的双方到底遇到了哪些问题,但是需要考生注意的是,在这个题目中,对话的双方一般不会十分直白的用My problem is或者是My question is这种方式来说明自己的观点,一般都是比较含蓄,在听这个问题的时候,我们可以用说话者的语气来帮助自己识别到底听力中的哪些地方表达了说话者遇到的问题。一般来说,在听力中,如果说话者的语气比较低落,失望,生气,那么这些地方往往就是问题的主要内容。比如,在TPO12TASK5中,当说话者用犹豫的语气说出Oh, I’m just struggling about what to do? I won an award from the Pacific Journalism Institute for an article I submitted, and… 的时候,我们基本上就可以断定,这句话陈述的就是我们要找的说话者遇到的问题了。
Solution 1: go to the ceremony right after the exam.
Pro: she won’t miss anything important because they give out general introductions and speeches.
Con: there’s a risk that she might miss it when they announce her name.
Solution 2: reschedule her exam.
Pro: she won’t risk of being late for the award ceremony.
Con: the professor will make her take it a few days earlier. She will lose some studying time.
考生在组织托福口语task5的语言的时候,一定要表明自己的观点和态度并且列举出自己做出这样选择的原因,这个原因可以从听力文章中来,也可以从自己的日常生活经验中进行总结,总之,只要言之成理即可。比如考生在回答TPO12TASK5的时候,在组织自己的观点和看法的时候,就可以这样表达I think the first solution is better. First of all, award ceremonies never begin on time, they give general speech or introduction at the beginning of the ceremony, she won’t miss anything important by being late for a little while. Second, if she reschedules her test, it’s highly possible that the professor would make her take it a few days in advance; she will lose some studying time which can have a negative impact on her grade.