
2024-05-26 · 百度认证:北京唔哩网络技术有限公司官方账号
1. Ukrainian SSR Anthem Lyrics (1978-1991)
2. Long live Ukraine, beautiful and strong,
3. In the Soviet Union, you found happiness.
4. Equal among equals, free among the free,
5. Under the sun of freedom, like a flower you bloomed.
6. Glory to the Soviet Union, glory!
7. Glory to the Motherland for ever and ever!
8. Long live Ukraine, Soviet state,
9. In the united family of brotherly nations!
10. In battles for the people's destiny,
11. The Russian people have always been our friend and brother,
12. Lenin led us in a victorious march,
13. Under the October Flag to lofty heights.
14. Glory to the Soviet Union, glory!
15. Glory to the Motherland for ever and ever!
16. Long live Ukraine, Soviet state,
17. In the united family of brotherly nations!
18. We glorify with labor our powerful homeland,
19. We affirm the truth of immortal ideas.
20. In the world of communism, a great future lies,
21. Lenin's Party wisely leads us there.
22. Glory to the Soviet Union, glory!
23. Glory to the Motherland for ever and ever!
24. Long live Ukraine, Soviet state,
25. In the united family of brotherly nations!
Russian Translation:
1. Ukrainian SSR Anthem Lyrics (1978-1991)
2. Long live Ukraine, beautiful and strong,
3. In the Soviet Union, you found happiness.
4. Equal among equals, free among the free,
5. Under the sun of freedom, like a flower you bloomed.
6. Glory to the Soviet Union, glory!
7. Glory to the Motherland for ever and ever!
8. Long live Ukraine, Soviet state,
9. In the united family of brotherly nations!
10. In battles for the people's destiny,
11. The Russian people have always been our friend and brother,
12. Lenin led us in a victorious march,
13. Under the October Flag to lofty heights.
14. Glory to the Soviet Union, glory!
15. Glory to the Motherland for ever and ever!
16. Long live Ukraine, Soviet state,
17. In the united family of brotherly nations!
18. We glorify with labor our powerful homeland,
19. We affirm the truth of immortal ideas.
20. In the world of communism, a great future lies,
21. Lenin's Party wisely leads us there.
22. Glory to the Soviet Union, glory!
23. Glory to the Motherland for ever and ever!
24. Long live Ukraine, Soviet state,
25. In the united family of brotherly nations!
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