Lumos 的读音:【Lu:məs 】
Lumos 网络解释
1. 荧光闪烁:浮在离地几英寸的半空中,并驱使它前进 咒语:荧光闪烁(Lumos) 用途:使魔杖发出亮光 咒语:诺克斯(Nox) 用途:熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语 咒语:呼呼移(Mobiliarbus) 用途:移动物体的咒语 咒语:浮浮,
2. 路摸思:阿咯哈呣啦(Alohomora)阿拉霍洞开......整整-石化(Petrificus Totalus)统统石化......温咖癫啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(按照那个翻译用这咒应该发疯)路摸思(Lumos)荧光闪烁(是啊~有灯才能摸出路来)复复修
3. 荧光咒:荧光闪烁:显形咒:急急现形 Aparecium | 荧光咒:荧光闪烁 Lumos | 熄灭咒:诺克斯 Nox
4. 荧光闪烁 路摸思:Deletrius 消隐无踪 吹吹除 | Lumos 荧光闪烁 路摸思 | Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 啊哇呾喀呾啦
Lumos 双语例句
1. The results show that the HOMOs were mainly localized on C60, while the LUMOs were mainly localized on the substituents. This indicated that the electrons were easy to transfer from the occupied orbitals of donors to the virtual orbital of the acceptors, i. e.
2. The Lumos PowerPort Solar Carport is designed to be a turnkey system that can be delivered virtually anywhere and takes only one day to install.
Lumos PowerPort的太阳能车库的设计是一个交钥匙系统,可以提供几乎任何地方和只需要一天的时间来安装。
3. Description: A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.
4. A free standing, two-car carport that has solar panels integrated into its structure has been announced by Lumos Solar as a new addition to their wide array of solar products for both residential and commercial customers.
Lumos 网络解释
1. 荧光闪烁:浮在离地几英寸的半空中,并驱使它前进 咒语:荧光闪烁(Lumos) 用途:使魔杖发出亮光 咒语:诺克斯(Nox) 用途:熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语 咒语:呼呼移(Mobiliarbus) 用途:移动物体的咒语 咒语:浮浮,
2. 路摸思:阿咯哈呣啦(Alohomora)阿拉霍洞开......整整-石化(Petrificus Totalus)统统石化......温咖癫啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(按照那个翻译用这咒应该发疯)路摸思(Lumos)荧光闪烁(是啊~有灯才能摸出路来)复复修
3. 荧光咒:荧光闪烁:显形咒:急急现形 Aparecium | 荧光咒:荧光闪烁 Lumos | 熄灭咒:诺克斯 Nox
4. 荧光闪烁 路摸思:Deletrius 消隐无踪 吹吹除 | Lumos 荧光闪烁 路摸思 | Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 啊哇呾喀呾啦
Lumos 双语例句
1. The results show that the HOMOs were mainly localized on C60, while the LUMOs were mainly localized on the substituents. This indicated that the electrons were easy to transfer from the occupied orbitals of donors to the virtual orbital of the acceptors, i. e.
2. The Lumos PowerPort Solar Carport is designed to be a turnkey system that can be delivered virtually anywhere and takes only one day to install.
Lumos PowerPort的太阳能车库的设计是一个交钥匙系统,可以提供几乎任何地方和只需要一天的时间来安装。
3. Description: A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.
4. A free standing, two-car carport that has solar panels integrated into its structure has been announced by Lumos Solar as a new addition to their wide array of solar products for both residential and commercial customers.
Lumos 的读音:【Lu:məs 】
Lumos 网络解释
1. 荧光闪烁:浮在离地几英寸的半空中,并驱使它前进 咒语:荧光闪烁(Lumos) 用途:使魔杖发出亮光 咒语:诺克斯(Nox) 用途:熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语 咒语:呼呼移(Mobiliarbus) 用途:移动物体的咒语 咒语:浮浮,
2. 路摸思:阿咯哈呣啦(Alohomora)阿拉霍洞开......整整-石化(Petrificus Totalus)统统石化......温咖癫啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(按照那个翻译用这咒应该发疯)路摸思(Lumos)荧光闪烁(是啊~有灯才能摸出路来)复复修
3. 荧光咒:荧光闪烁:显形咒:急急现形 Aparecium | 荧光咒:荧光闪烁 Lumos | 熄灭咒:诺克斯 Nox
4. 荧光闪烁 路摸思:Deletrius 消隐无踪 吹吹除 | Lumos 荧光闪烁 路摸思 | Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 啊哇呾喀呾啦
Lumos 双语例句
1. The results show that the HOMOs were mainly localized on C60, while the LUMOs were mainly localized on the substituents. This indicated that the electrons were easy to transfer from the occupied orbitals of donors to the virtual orbital of the acceptors, i. e.
2. The Lumos PowerPort Solar Carport is designed to be a turnkey system that can be delivered virtually anywhere and takes only one day to install.
Lumos PowerPort的太阳能车库的设计是一个交钥匙系统,可以提供几乎任何地方和只需要一天的时间来安装。
3. Description: A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.
4. A free standing, two-car carport that has solar panels integrated into its structure has been announced by Lumos Solar as a new addition to their wide array of solar products for both residential and commercial customers.
Lumos 网络解释
1. 荧光闪烁:浮在离地几英寸的半空中,并驱使它前进 咒语:荧光闪烁(Lumos) 用途:使魔杖发出亮光 咒语:诺克斯(Nox) 用途:熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语 咒语:呼呼移(Mobiliarbus) 用途:移动物体的咒语 咒语:浮浮,
2. 路摸思:阿咯哈呣啦(Alohomora)阿拉霍洞开......整整-石化(Petrificus Totalus)统统石化......温咖癫啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(按照那个翻译用这咒应该发疯)路摸思(Lumos)荧光闪烁(是啊~有灯才能摸出路来)复复修
3. 荧光咒:荧光闪烁:显形咒:急急现形 Aparecium | 荧光咒:荧光闪烁 Lumos | 熄灭咒:诺克斯 Nox
4. 荧光闪烁 路摸思:Deletrius 消隐无踪 吹吹除 | Lumos 荧光闪烁 路摸思 | Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 啊哇呾喀呾啦
Lumos 双语例句
1. The results show that the HOMOs were mainly localized on C60, while the LUMOs were mainly localized on the substituents. This indicated that the electrons were easy to transfer from the occupied orbitals of donors to the virtual orbital of the acceptors, i. e.
2. The Lumos PowerPort Solar Carport is designed to be a turnkey system that can be delivered virtually anywhere and takes only one day to install.
Lumos PowerPort的太阳能车库的设计是一个交钥匙系统,可以提供几乎任何地方和只需要一天的时间来安装。
3. Description: A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.
4. A free standing, two-car carport that has solar panels integrated into its structure has been announced by Lumos Solar as a new addition to their wide array of solar products for both residential and commercial customers.
Lumos 的读音:【Lu:məs 】
Lumos 网络解释
1. 荧光闪烁:浮在离地几英寸的半空中,并驱使它前进 咒语:荧光闪烁(Lumos) 用途:使魔杖发出亮光 咒语:诺克斯(Nox) 用途:熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语 咒语:呼呼移(Mobiliarbus) 用途:移动物体的咒语 咒语:浮浮,
2. 路摸思:阿咯哈呣啦(Alohomora)阿拉霍洞开......整整-石化(Petrificus Totalus)统统石化......温咖癫啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(按照那个翻译用这咒应该发疯)路摸思(Lumos)荧光闪烁(是啊~有灯才能摸出路来)复复修
3. 荧光咒:荧光闪烁:显形咒:急急现形 Aparecium | 荧光咒:荧光闪烁 Lumos | 熄灭咒:诺克斯 Nox
4. 荧光闪烁 路摸思:Deletrius 消隐无踪 吹吹除 | Lumos 荧光闪烁 路摸思 | Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 啊哇呾喀呾啦
Lumos 双语例句
1. The results show that the HOMOs were mainly localized on C60, while the LUMOs were mainly localized on the substituents. This indicated that the electrons were easy to transfer from the occupied orbitals of donors to the virtual orbital of the acceptors, i. e.
2. The Lumos PowerPort Solar Carport is designed to be a turnkey system that can be delivered virtually anywhere and takes only one day to install.
Lumos PowerPort的太阳能车库的设计是一个交钥匙系统,可以提供几乎任何地方和只需要一天的时间来安装。
3. Description: A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.
4. A free standing, two-car carport that has solar panels integrated into its structure has been announced by Lumos Solar as a new addition to their wide array of solar products for both residential and commercial customers.
Lumos 网络解释
1. 荧光闪烁:浮在离地几英寸的半空中,并驱使它前进 咒语:荧光闪烁(Lumos) 用途:使魔杖发出亮光 咒语:诺克斯(Nox) 用途:熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语 咒语:呼呼移(Mobiliarbus) 用途:移动物体的咒语 咒语:浮浮,
2. 路摸思:阿咯哈呣啦(Alohomora)阿拉霍洞开......整整-石化(Petrificus Totalus)统统石化......温咖癫啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(按照那个翻译用这咒应该发疯)路摸思(Lumos)荧光闪烁(是啊~有灯才能摸出路来)复复修
3. 荧光咒:荧光闪烁:显形咒:急急现形 Aparecium | 荧光咒:荧光闪烁 Lumos | 熄灭咒:诺克斯 Nox
4. 荧光闪烁 路摸思:Deletrius 消隐无踪 吹吹除 | Lumos 荧光闪烁 路摸思 | Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 啊哇呾喀呾啦
Lumos 双语例句
1. The results show that the HOMOs were mainly localized on C60, while the LUMOs were mainly localized on the substituents. This indicated that the electrons were easy to transfer from the occupied orbitals of donors to the virtual orbital of the acceptors, i. e.
2. The Lumos PowerPort Solar Carport is designed to be a turnkey system that can be delivered virtually anywhere and takes only one day to install.
Lumos PowerPort的太阳能车库的设计是一个交钥匙系统,可以提供几乎任何地方和只需要一天的时间来安装。
3. Description: A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.
4. A free standing, two-car carport that has solar panels integrated into its structure has been announced by Lumos Solar as a new addition to their wide array of solar products for both residential and commercial customers.
Lumos 的读音:【Lu:məs 】
Lumos 网络解释
1. 荧光闪烁:浮在离地几英寸的半空中,并驱使它前进 咒语:荧光闪烁(Lumos) 用途:使魔杖发出亮光 咒语:诺克斯(Nox) 用途:熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语 咒语:呼呼移(Mobiliarbus) 用途:移动物体的咒语 咒语:浮浮,
2. 路摸思:阿咯哈呣啦(Alohomora)阿拉霍洞开......整整-石化(Petrificus Totalus)统统石化......温咖癫啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(按照那个翻译用这咒应该发疯)路摸思(Lumos)荧光闪烁(是啊~有灯才能摸出路来)复复修
3. 荧光咒:荧光闪烁:显形咒:急急现形 Aparecium | 荧光咒:荧光闪烁 Lumos | 熄灭咒:诺克斯 Nox
4. 荧光闪烁 路摸思:Deletrius 消隐无踪 吹吹除 | Lumos 荧光闪烁 路摸思 | Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 啊哇呾喀呾啦
Lumos 双语例句
1. The results show that the HOMOs were mainly localized on C60, while the LUMOs were mainly localized on the substituents. This indicated that the electrons were easy to transfer from the occupied orbitals of donors to the virtual orbital of the acceptors, i. e.
2. The Lumos PowerPort Solar Carport is designed to be a turnkey system that can be delivered virtually anywhere and takes only one day to install.
Lumos PowerPort的太阳能车库的设计是一个交钥匙系统,可以提供几乎任何地方和只需要一天的时间来安装。
3. Description: A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.
4. A free standing, two-car carport that has solar panels integrated into its structure has been announced by Lumos Solar as a new addition to their wide array of solar products for both residential and commercial customers.
Lumos 网络解释
1. 荧光闪烁:浮在离地几英寸的半空中,并驱使它前进 咒语:荧光闪烁(Lumos) 用途:使魔杖发出亮光 咒语:诺克斯(Nox) 用途:熄灭魔杖光芒的咒语 咒语:呼呼移(Mobiliarbus) 用途:移动物体的咒语 咒语:浮浮,
2. 路摸思:阿咯哈呣啦(Alohomora)阿拉霍洞开......整整-石化(Petrificus Totalus)统统石化......温咖癫啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(按照那个翻译用这咒应该发疯)路摸思(Lumos)荧光闪烁(是啊~有灯才能摸出路来)复复修
3. 荧光咒:荧光闪烁:显形咒:急急现形 Aparecium | 荧光咒:荧光闪烁 Lumos | 熄灭咒:诺克斯 Nox
4. 荧光闪烁 路摸思:Deletrius 消隐无踪 吹吹除 | Lumos 荧光闪烁 路摸思 | Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命 啊哇呾喀呾啦
Lumos 双语例句
1. The results show that the HOMOs were mainly localized on C60, while the LUMOs were mainly localized on the substituents. This indicated that the electrons were easy to transfer from the occupied orbitals of donors to the virtual orbital of the acceptors, i. e.
2. The Lumos PowerPort Solar Carport is designed to be a turnkey system that can be delivered virtually anywhere and takes only one day to install.
Lumos PowerPort的太阳能车库的设计是一个交钥匙系统,可以提供几乎任何地方和只需要一天的时间来安装。
3. Description: A charm to cancel out lumos. Removes the light from the spell-caster's wand.
4. A free standing, two-car carport that has solar panels integrated into its structure has been announced by Lumos Solar as a new addition to their wide array of solar products for both residential and commercial customers.