why is it important to speak English
You may have meant "why is it important to LEARN English?".
However I will first answer your original question.
Language is a means of communication. When we speak we want the listener to understand clearly and completely what we are saying. Therefore, if we're talking to someone who only understands English, then using English is the only way to achieve that objective.
Now, as to why it is important to LEARN English, here is my answer:
If you are studying English, you are among the 1.5 billion people in the world who either know or are learning the language.
Why are they doing it?
After Mandarin, English is spoken by more people than any other language, and is the native language of more than 350 million people. More people speak English than those who speak the Arabic and French languages combined.
Moreover, English is the international language of diplomacy, business, science, law, technology, banking, computing, medicine, aviation, the United Nations, engineering, tourism, Hollywood films and arguably the best pop and rock music in the world.
So, English is the lingua franca of modern communication. (Lingua franca is defined as a language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other languages.)
Good English is important to everyone.
This may come as a surprise to my Chinese readers: Good English is important EVEN to native English language speakers.
A number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance their careers. In addition to this, these studies have also demonstrated that a strong command of the English language will lead to higher paying jobs, more social mobility, and a great deal of social success.
如果你正在学习英语,你会是正在学习英语或已懂英语的 15 亿人中之一。
世界上有这么多人要掌握英语只有一个原因:除了汉语,英语是世界上最通用的语言,并是 6 亿人的母语和日常语言。做个比率,讲英语的人数远超过讲西班牙语和讲法语的人合并。
一言以蔽之,英语是唯一真正的国际 “lingua franca”。(Lingua franca 是意大利语,指不同语言集团的人作为交际工具共同使用的语言,是一个全球通用、用来促进跨文化交流和沟通的语言。)
However I will first answer your original question.
Language is a means of communication. When we speak we want the listener to understand clearly and completely what we are saying. Therefore, if we're talking to someone who only understands English, then using English is the only way to achieve that objective.
Now, as to why it is important to LEARN English, here is my answer:
If you are studying English, you are among the 1.5 billion people in the world who either know or are learning the language.
Why are they doing it?
After Mandarin, English is spoken by more people than any other language, and is the native language of more than 350 million people. More people speak English than those who speak the Arabic and French languages combined.
Moreover, English is the international language of diplomacy, business, science, law, technology, banking, computing, medicine, aviation, the United Nations, engineering, tourism, Hollywood films and arguably the best pop and rock music in the world.
So, English is the lingua franca of modern communication. (Lingua franca is defined as a language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other languages.)
Good English is important to everyone.
This may come as a surprise to my Chinese readers: Good English is important EVEN to native English language speakers.
A number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance their careers. In addition to this, these studies have also demonstrated that a strong command of the English language will lead to higher paying jobs, more social mobility, and a great deal of social success.
如果你正在学习英语,你会是正在学习英语或已懂英语的 15 亿人中之一。
世界上有这么多人要掌握英语只有一个原因:除了汉语,英语是世界上最通用的语言,并是 6 亿人的母语和日常语言。做个比率,讲英语的人数远超过讲西班牙语和讲法语的人合并。
一言以蔽之,英语是唯一真正的国际 “lingua franca”。(Lingua franca 是意大利语,指不同语言集团的人作为交际工具共同使用的语言,是一个全球通用、用来促进跨文化交流和沟通的语言。)