subject的释义:主语;主题;课题;学科;题目;对象;科目;课程;国民;臣民;臣服者;主体;主观;我;自我。复数是subjects,第三人称单数是subjects,现在分词是subjecting,过去式是subjected,过去分词是subjected。鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·<新俄画选>小引》:“依着环境而将各个新课题,从新加以解决。”
萧乾 《鱼饵、论坛、阵地》:“更伤脑筋的课题是:如何使刊物编得既不太死板而又有些分量。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十五回:“前年冬季, 上海格致书院的课题是这里方伯出的。齐了卷寄来之后,方伯寄给我看,我将他的卷子取了超等第二。”
1、Her research has opened the door to a deeper understanding of the subject.
2、The Greeks were the first subject people to break free from Ottoman rule.
3、A good general introduction to the subject is A Social History of England.
4、We have lost the initiative and allowed our opponents to dictate the subject.
5、These books form the most sustained analysis and illumination of the subject.
6、A wedding is the perfect subject for video.
7、The files have labels that are colour-coded according to subject.
8、I'm doing some research on the subject.
9、Let us approach the subject from a different direction.
10、She's searching for subject matter for her new book.