Add the plexity of international trade agreements , and doing business on a worldwide scale bees increasingly difficult
加上 国际贸易协议 的复杂性,令从事全球贸易的困难与日俱增。
Add the plexity of international trade agreements , and doing business on a worldwide scale bees increasingly difficult
加之 国际贸易协议 的复杂性,令从事全球贸易的困难与日俱增。
But many wto members accuse the eu of blocking an international trade deal by refusing to cut farm subsidies that make it more difficult for poor countries to pete in the international market
但是,许多世贸组织成员指称欧盟拒绝减少农业补贴,阻碍达成一项 国际贸易协议 ,使穷国更难在世界市场上竞争。