
一、充分认识外贸英语词汇的特点词是语言中最小的、可以独立运用的结构单位,词义辨析是英汉翻译基本功,因词义理解错误而导致的翻译错误是外贸英语翻译中最常见的错误,它主要包括一... 一、充分认识外贸英语词汇的特点


英汉两种语言都有一词多义现象,而且这种现象非常普遍。因此,在翻译中如何分析把握原语中的多义词在特定的语言环境中的具体含义,准确无误地使之在目的语中再现,是翻译的关键问题之一。许多常用的英语词汇在外贸英语中既有普通含义,又被赋予新的含义,有的进而发展成为专业词汇、外贸术语。许多外贸英语翻译错误由此而生。如例句:Provided you fulfill the terms of the credit , we will accept and pay at maturity the误: 在贵公司履行信用证条款的条件下,我行将接受并于成熟之日支付信用证下提示的汇票。

正:我行将承兑并于期满时支付信用证项下提示的汇票。此句中的accept 和maturity 都是我们熟悉的词汇,其常用意义分别为“接受”和“成熟”,而在此处,accept 意为“承兑,即远期汇票的付款人接受汇票,正式确认如期支付汇票金额的责任”;maturity 意为“(票据的) 到期”。这两个错误显然是由于忽略了这两个词在外贸英语中的特别意义所致。




(1) Thank you for informing us about the damage to our shipment .

(2) The United States is a heavy consumer of natural resources , and it is increasingly re2liant on certain import s , especially on oil.Shipment 做不可数名词时有“装运,运送”的意思,而在例(1) 中,该词用作可数名词,其语义具体确定为“所交运的货物”则更准确。在例(2) 中,import s 并非抽象的“进口”之意,而是指“进口的产品”。在处理类似情况时,需要一点灵活变通,在原词词义的基础上加以适当的引伸或添补,即可使中文译文很确切到位。



(1) Commodity futures t rading is an important part of the buying and selling process(商品的期货交易是买卖过程中的重要组成部分) .

(2)For accounting and other purposes , the above2mentioned current asset s and liabilitiesare those actually shown in the Balance Sheet as per incorporation date (为了核算和其他目的,上述流动资产及负债就是那些实际反映在公司成立那天的资产负债表内的数字)以上两例中futures 和liabilities 的意义分别为“期货”和“负债”,与各自单数形式的抽象意义“未来”和“责任”相去甚远。类似的例子还有: securities 表示“有价证券”,而非“安全”,facilities 表示“设备,设施”, 而非“容易,便利”,等等。这类词尽管为数不多,但是若译者稍有疏忽大意,处理不慎,就会造成误译。
 我来答
I fully understand the characteristics of foreign trade of English Words

The word is the smallest of the language, you can use the structure of an independent unit, meaning Analysis of the English-Chinese translation is the basic skills, understanding of the meaning because of an error caused by an error of translation of foreign trade is the English translation of the most common mistakes, it mainly resulted in Polysemy The error in order to empty the term refers to the actual cause of the error and change the plural noun meaning lead to mistakes.

1. Polysemy
English and Chinese words have more meaning, but the phenomenon is widespread. As a result, the translation of how to grasp the analysis of the original language of more than just words in the language of a particular environment, the specific meaning, so that it accurately reproduced in the target language, translation is one of the key issues. Many of the commonly used English words in the English foreign trade in both ordinary meaning, was given a new meaning, some of which develop into specialized vocabulary, foreign trade terms. Many foreign trade English translation error for us. Examples such as: Provided you fulfill the terms of the credit, we will accept and pay at maturity the mistake: in your company to fulfill the terms of the letter of credit conditions, I accept and will mature on the date of letters of credit under the prompt payment of bills of exchange.

Is: I will be accepted at the end of the period under letters of credit to pay the bills of exchange tips. Sentence of maturity and accept that we are all familiar with the terms of its common meaning of "acceptable" and "mature" and here, accept for "acceptance, that is the payer of long-term bills of exchange to accept money orders, Official confirmation of the amount of money orders to pay on time responsibility "; maturity means" (notes) due. " Both ignore the error was obvious that the two words in English in foreign trade due to the special significance.

This shows that foreign trade in the English translation of the word encountered more than just words, should not be taken for granted, according to the context to determine its meaning. Not to be identified in the search field of professional books and dictionaries, understand the precise meaning of words and may have a specific meaning, can communicate with the contents of the original text.

2. To refer to virtual real terms

Foreign trade in the English abstract terms, in many cases can be turned into a number of terms that the more concrete things, and there is the plural form, which means the virtual to the real abstract terms can greatly simple English expressions. In this case, should be translated into virtual reality to make it specific, so that asked more appropriate. For example:

(1) Thank you for informing us about the damage to our shipment.

(2) The United States is a heavy consumer of natural resources, and it is increasingly re2liant on certain import s, especially on oil.Shipment uncountable nouns do from time to time "shipment, delivery," meaning, and in the case of (1) , It can be used as a noun, its specific meaning as "the delivery of goods" is more accurate. In the case of (2), import s abstract is not "import" of Italy, but "imported products." In dealing with similar situations that need to be flexible in terms of the original meaning on the basis of the appropriate extension or fill, you can make the Chinese translation of a very precise place.

3. Plural noun meaning change

Foreign trade in English, some from the singular noun in the plural when they constitute a change in meaning. Some single-term, very different meaning in the plural, not singular significance in the plural meaning of the extension or expansion, nor meaning. Deal with the translation of the word when extra care to seriously Analysis, can not be viewed as a plural concept, otherwise, has also asked prone to error. Such as:

(1) Commodity futures t rading is an important part of the buying and selling process (of the commodity futures trading is an important component of the process).

(2) For accounting and other purposes, the above2mentioned current asset s and liabilitiesare those actually shown in the Balance Sheet as per incorporation date (for accounting and other purposes, the current assets and liabilities are those that are reflected in the actual day of the establishment of the company's assets and liabilities List of figures) in more than two cases of futures and liabilities of the meaning of "Futures" and "liabilities", and their singular form of abstract meaning "the future" and "responsibility" a far cry from the. There are similar examples: securities "securities" rather than "security", facilities, said the "equipment, facilities," rather than "easy, convenient," and so on. Despite the small number of such words, but if the translator to the effect has been a bit negligent, careless handling, it will cause a mistranslation.
2008-11-22 · TA获得超过1019个赞
这种大文,私底下联系吧。没人有耐心的 都是软件译的。。
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