A is apple B is banana,找首英文歌曲 15
A is apple B is banana,找首英文歌曲,开头好像是A is apple B is banana,将26个字母都编入了歌曲,很早以前曾经在CRI听过,我说的不是那种弱智的ABCD英文儿歌,是一首节奏感很强烈的歌曲,那位大师知道名称或者在那里下载请告知,不胜感激
歌曲:a for apple b for boy
专辑:singing in the twin
sing a song of a,b,c
come on boys and come on girls
sing a song of a,b,c
a for apple,b for boy
c for cat and d for dog
e for egg and f for fish
g for girl and h for hand
i for ice-cream,j for jack
k for kab,l for land
m for man and n for nose
o for orange and p for pen
q for queen and r for rain
s for sugar and t for tree
u for umbrella and v for van
w for wanter and x for expert
y for yellow and z for zoo
it's simple all can do
come on boys and come on girls
sing a song of a,b,c
sing a song of a,b,c
come on boys and come on girls
sing a song of a,b,c
专辑:singing in the twin
sing a song of a,b,c
come on boys and come on girls
sing a song of a,b,c
a for apple,b for boy
c for cat and d for dog
e for egg and f for fish
g for girl and h for hand
i for ice-cream,j for jack
k for kab,l for land
m for man and n for nose
o for orange and p for pen
q for queen and r for rain
s for sugar and t for tree
u for umbrella and v for van
w for wanter and x for expert
y for yellow and z for zoo
it's simple all can do
come on boys and come on girls
sing a song of a,b,c
sing a song of a,b,c
come on boys and come on girls
sing a song of a,b,c