纪念伏尔泰逝世一百周年的演说 英文版

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2008-12-01 · TA获得超过4173个赞
100 years ago today, a fall of a superstar. However, he is the eternal life. He has time to go long years, Deng Shen's work, but also have provoked the most of the glory of the most difficult responsibility to cultivate conscience, human enlightenment. He was cursed and blessed to go: The Curse of the past, by the blessings of the future. Gentlemen, this is the honor in the form of two beautiful. In his Lay Dying, a side of the contemporary and future generations of joy and praise, on the other side there is his profound hatred of the old times have triumphantly called the hush and hatred. Voltaire is not only a human being, he is a century. He exercised the functions of one, he had completed a mission. It is clear that he was born in this selection of pieces by him in the fate of the law and natural law in the most noble aspirations of the completed work. He had been living in 1995, experienced a peak of the monarchy and Shuguangchuxian revolutionary era. He was born, is still the rule of Louis XIV, his death, Louis XVI has put on the crown. Therefore, he reflects the cradle of the dynasty's prosperity can look, his coffin into the large initial projection of the low light level. (Applause)

Ladies, before the Revolution, the social construction like this: below is the people; of the people above, by representatives of the religious clergy; religious side, the judges on behalf of the administration of justice.

And at that stage of human society, the people what is it? Is ignorance. What religion is intolerance. What is justice? Is not fair.

As a result, Voltaire, ah, you cry out in disgust, not even you will be eternal glory! (Burst into applause)

As a result, in the past and you begin to fight a terrible case. You human case of the defense, and Xiong Shen rejected tyrant, you win the. The great characters, you always have to be blessed! (A new round of applause)

Voltaire directly in the face of this senseless thin, melancholy miserable social, alone, is in front of the joint forces, the court, nobles, the financial sector; not only conscious of the power of a large group of blind people; these Unscrupulous judges, their bully-mei on, to prostrate ourselves before the king on before the people above the above (applause); this hypocrisy, fanaticism and insidious combination of the clergy, Voltaire, I repeat, alone on the All this social evil forces of the coalition, this vast world of terror declaration of war, he accepted the fight. What are his arms? This light weapons into the wind, thunder and lightning, such as Meng - a pen. (Applause)

He used the weapons in this battle, he used the weapons defeat the enemy.

Voltaire victory over the enemy. He alone, the Latin big battle, this was a great war. Thinking of the material is against the war is a rational bias against the war, justice against the injustice of war, the oppressed against the oppressors of the war, is the kind of war, soft war. Voltaire women have heroes and the warmth of anger, he has a great mind and the heart of the vast boundless. (Applause)

He beat the old code, the old dogma, he defeated the feudal monarchy, the medieval era judges, the Roman Catholic priest-like. He's given the dignity of the people Min. He taught people, to pacify people, persons education. He Silvan Wang and Meng Bayi for the fight, as he and Callas Grabar struggle. He suffered a threat to all, an insult to everything, all the persecution, slander, in exile. His perseverance, determination. He smiled to overcome violence, to ridicule defeat tyranny, to ridicule defeat of the self-righteous religion, in order to overcome the stubborn determination to overcome the ignorance of truth.

I have used the word, a smile, I talk about. Smile, is Voltaire.

Ladies, we have to say this, because it is calm and carry too much of a philosopher-wei, a balanced state of mind in the Voltaire who will eventually re-established. No matter how much anger he's just always in the past, very angry Voltaire's always given way to calm the Voltaire. As a result, from deep in the eyes smiled.

This is a wise smile. That smile, I say it again. Voltaire is. It turned into a smile and sometimes laugh, but there is one implication of the philosophy of sadness. For the strong, he is Chao Xiaozhe; for the weak, he is to appease. He disturbed the oppressed, so that peace of mind of the oppressed. In order to ridicule those in power to deal with: in order to appease the people mercy. Ah! We should smile touched by this. Even with a smile, sunrise. It light of truth, justice, mercy and honesty; it as a superstition of the internal transparent, so that is good to look at the ugly, so hideous it is displayed. Its light, the birth. The new community, equality, and the desire to give it called the beginning of the love of tolerance and mutual goodwill, in order to give people the right to match, is the highest recognition of intellectual remove prejudice and preconceived ideas, the soul of the serene, and the generous spirit of forgiveness, Harmony, peace, which are in this great smile.

Ladies, only Greece, Italy and France in order to enjoy the character named prerogative of the times, which is the highest mark of civilization. Voltaire in prior to that only some of the leaders named a precedent for the times; Voltaire is more important than national leaders, he is thinking of the leaders. To Voltaire, a new era has begun. We are, from now on the highest human authority of the rule would be thinking. Civilizations have been subject to force, will be subject to ideological civilization. And the right to battle sword has been broken and will be replaced by a bright, that is to say the authority has become free. No longer the highest level of power, only the people of the law, only the individual conscience. For each of us, the two sides of the progress of the show is very clear, and that is: a person, we have to exercise their rights; to be a citizen, we have to fulfill their duties.

Let us looked at the turn of the deceased, the life of this great spirit. Let us in this respect is the tomb of the bow. Let's advice to this person, he lives in the benefit of mankind 100 years ago has been extinguished, but his work is immortal. Let us, like other powerful thinkers advice to Rousseau, Diderot and Montesquieu to the advice. Let's work with those voices of the great resonance. To put an end to further bloodshed and human. Enough! Enough! They tyrant. Ah! Is still brutal, well, so that philosophy protest. Furious sword, so angrily into civilization. Let the 18th century to help the 19th century; we philosophers is a pioneer advocate of the truth, let us pray for the souls of these outstanding; them in the face of war planning dynasty monarch, who publicly announced that the right to life, the right to freedom of conscience, 's Highest authority, the sanctity of labor, peace and mercy. Since the night from the Throne, let out light from the grave! (Unanimous echoing with prolonged cheers. From all directions shouting: "Victor. Long live Hugo!")

May 30, 1878
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