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词汇是组成语言的最基本材料,没有词汇,也就无所谓句子,更无所谓语言,词汇是语言学习的基础。没有一定量的词汇,任何形式的交流都将难以进行。词汇学习是英语学习中的一个有机组成... 词汇是组成语言的最基本材料,没有词汇,也就无所谓句子,更无所谓语言,词汇是语言学习的基础。没有一定量的词汇,任何形 式的交流都将难以进行。词汇学习是英语学习中的一个有机组成部分,掌握一定量的词汇,是学好英语的基础。初中词汇教学中存 在很多问题,由于这些问题的存在,导致学生对英语产生不了兴趣。甚至讨厌学习英语,学习成绩提不高,更不能用英语来进行交 流,D. A.Wilkins在Linguistics in Language Teaching一书中充分论述了词汇在交际中的重要作用:“没有语法,能表达的内容 很少;没有词汇则什么都表达不了”。因此词汇教学成了当今英语教学中令教师最为头痛的一个难题,初中英语词汇教学问题成为 一个值得探讨的课题。这是我们研究这个课题的目的。所以本文针对英语词汇教学存在的问题。仔细分析原因,从而找出解决的方 式。初中英语教师必需按照有关教学大纲的要求,遵循中学英语词汇教学的原则,认真地分析学生学习英语词汇中存在的问题,因 应不同的情况,采用不同的词汇教学方法,才能使学生对英语词汇学习感兴趣,才能有法可循有样可学,积极学习,从而达到提高 初中英语词汇的教学效果。目前国内对初中英语词汇教学有了很多的对策,要求老师要严格要求自己,和学生能进行良好的交流, 能采取各种适合初中学生特点的方式来进行初中英语词汇教学。这对提高初中英语词汇教学是非常有利的。国外的初中英语词汇教 学更侧重于学生的自主学习。

由于初中词汇教学中存在很多问题,导致学生学习英语词汇时很吃力,对学习英语没有兴趣,针对存在的一系列问题,我们对初中 英语词汇教学进行了研究,本文由3个部分组成,,第一部分为叙述当前初中英语词汇教学中存在的一些问题,第二部分为分析初中英 语词汇教学中存在的这些问题,;第三部分为解决这些问题而实施的措施。从而提高初中英语词汇教学的效果。
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2008-12-01 · TA获得超过1383个赞
Vocabulary is the most basic component of language materials, not words, it does not matter the sentence, no language, vocabulary is the basis of language learning. Not a certain amount of words, any form of communication will be difficult. Learning vocabulary in English language learning is an integral part of, have a certain amount of vocabulary is to learn English. In terms of teaching junior high school, there are many problems, due to the existence of these problems led to the students of English can not have interest. Even hate learning English, not to mention high school, let alone in English to communicate, DAWilkins in Linguistics in Language Teaching in a book full of words on the important role of communication: "There is no syntax to express the content of the very few ; Do not have words to express what is not. " Therefore terms of teaching English has become the present-day teaching the teachers the most difficult of a headache, teaching middle school English vocabulary has become a subject worth exploring. This is our research on the subject. So this article for teaching English vocabulary problem. A detailed analysis of the reasons, in order to find a solution. Junior high school English teachers required in accordance with the relevant requirements of the curriculum, schools follow the principles of teaching English vocabulary, serious analysis of students learning English vocabulary problems, in response to different situations, different methods of teaching vocabulary, so that students can learn English vocabulary Interest in order to have the rules-be-like, active learning, so as to enhance junior high school English vocabulary teaching results. At present, junior high school for teaching English vocabulary has been a lot of measures to require teachers to set strict demands on themselves, and students can have a good exchange, to take the characteristics of middle school students for a variety of approaches to teaching middle school English vocabulary. This will improve the teaching middle school English vocabulary is very favorable. Foreign teaching middle school English vocabulary is more focused on self-study students.

As the vocabulary teaching in junior high school, there are many problems, students learn English vocabulary when he was struggling to learn English are not interested, for there are a number of issues, we are teaching middle school English words have been studied in this paper consists of 3 parts, and The first part describes the current junior high school English teaching in terms of the existence of a number of issues, the second part analysis of the junior high school English teaching in terms of the existence of these problems; into the third to address these issues and the implementation of the measures. So as to enhance the teaching middle school English vocabulary.
中文 » 英语

The glossary is composes the language the most basic material, does not have the glossary, also does not matter the sentence, the indifferent language, the glossary is the language study foundation. Without the ration glossary, any form's exchange with difficulty will carry on. The glossary study is in an English study organic composition part, grasps the ration the glossary, is learns English the foundation. In the junior middle school glossary teaching has many problems, as a result of these question's existence, caused the student not to be able to have the interest to English. Even repugnant study English, the academic record raised not high, cannot use English to carry on the exchange, D.A.Wilkins in a book elaborated the glossary fully in Linguistics in Language Teaching in the human relations influential role: “does not have the grammar, can express the content are very few; Did not have glossary anything not to be able to express”. Therefore the glossary teaching becomes in English teaching to make the teacher most headache a difficult problem, the junior middle school English glossary teaching question to become the topic which now was worth discussing. This is we studies this topic the goal. Therefore this article in view of English glossary teaching existence question. Careful analysis reason, thus discovers the solution the way. The junior middle school teacher of English must according to the related program of instruction request, follows the middle school English glossary teaching the principle, analyzes the student to study the question which earnestly in English glossary exists, in accordance to the different situation, uses the different glossary teaching method, can cause the student to be interested to English glossary study, can have the law to follow has the type to study, positive study, thus achieves enhances the junior middle school English glossary the teaching effect.At present domestic had many countermeasures to the junior middle school English glossary teaching, requests teacher to request itself strictly, can carry on the good exchange with the student, can adopt each kind to suit the junior middle school student characteristic the way to carry on the junior middle school English glossary teaching. This to enhances the junior middle school English glossary teaching is very advantageous. The overseas junior middle school English glossary teaching stresses on student's independent study. because in the junior middle school glossary teaching has many problems, causes the student studies when English glossary to have enough to do, to studies English not to have the interest, in view of existence a series of questions, we conducted the research to the junior middle school English glossary teaching, this article has been composed of 3 parts, the first part some questions which existed for the narration current junior middle school English glossary teaching, the second part these questions which existed for the analysis junior middle school English glossary teaching; The third part to solve the measure which these questions implement. Thus enhances the junior middle school English glossary teaching the effect.

参考资料: YaHoo;Google

2008-12-02 · TA获得超过171个赞
Words, the foundation of laguage study,is the most basical component of language,without which,there would ne no sentence , to say nothing of language .without enough vucabulary, it is hard for you to have even the easiest communication with others .Vocabulary study is a organic compositin of English study .It’s necessary for you to grasp enough vocabulary if you want to learn English well .There exit many problems on vocabulaty teaching in junior middle school ,which result in students’ being uninterested in English ,even diataste to English , bad mark in English test , to say nothing of communicating in English.Linguistics in Language Teaching by D. A.Wilkins discoursed the important role that vocabulary palyed in communication knowladgeably .Without grammer ,you can just express little ,but without vocabulary ,you can convey nothing So vocabulaty teaching has become the most difficult thing for English teacher ,and aslo a subjct worthy of discussion in the process of English teaching .That’s why we discuss this subjct .So this paper analyze reasons behind the problems on English vocabulary teaching carefully to find out solutions
To improve the effect of English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school , English teachers in junior middle school should arouse students’ interest in learning English vocabulary ,make students learn actively through rules and examples by analyzing students’ problems in English vocabulary study and adopting different vocabulary teaching method from situation to situation according to related teaching programme ,following the rules of English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school .At present .there are many solutions for English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school at home .which require teachers don't spare themselves , exchange views with students , teach English vocabulary by taking variable measures which are suitable for students It’s very helpful to Improving English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school .while students’ teaching themselve is empasized in English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school abroad
There are many problems on vocabulary teaching in junior middle school ,resulting in students pain when they learn English vocabulary , being uninterested in English study .Aimed at all these problems ,we studied English vocabulary teaching .This paper is made up of three parts .the first part discoursed problems on English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school .the second part analyzed all the problems .The third part demonstrated what measures should be taken to solve these problems .Thereby ,we can improve the effect of English vocabulary teaching in junior middle school
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2008-12-01 · TA获得超过168个赞
The vocabulary is the most basic material which constitutes language, there is no vocabulary, also for the doesn't matter sentence, more doesn't matter language, the vocabulary is the foundation of language study.There is no the vocabulary of one fixed amount, the exchanges of any form type all will hard carry on.The vocabulary study is English one within study be organic to constitute part, control the vocabulary of one fixed amount, is learn good English of foundation.Save in a lot of problems in the junior high school vocabulary teaching, because of the existence of these problems, cause the student can't produce interest to English.Even dislike to study English, study result to lift not high, can't be in English carry on handing over to flow more, the D. A.Wilkins well discusses the important function that the vocabulary is in the social intercourse in the Language Teaching of the Linguistics in one book:"The contents thering is no phrasing, canning express is few;Having no vocabulary can't then express everything".So the vocabulary teaching became nowadays English makes the teacher is a hard nut to crack of headache most in the teaching, the vocabulary teaching of junior high school English problem become a deserve study of topic.This be the purpose that we study this topic.So this text aims at an English existent problem of the vocabulary teaching.Cautiously analytical reason, find out to solve thus of square type.The junior high school English teacher must follow the principle of English vocabulary teaching in the high school according to the request concerning syllabus, in earnest analyze a student study English the existent problem in the vocabulary, because of adopt a different vocabulary teaching method in response to the different circumstance, then can make the student study to the English vocabulary interested in, then can have a method can follow kind and can learn, aggressive study, attain exaltation junior high school English thus the teaching effect of the vocabulary.Local had a lot of counterplans to the vocabulary teaching of junior high schools English currently, request a teacher to want to strictly request himself/herself, can carry on good exchanges with student, can adopt various in keeping with the way of early high school student's characteristics to carry on the vocabulary teaching of junior high school English.This is very beneficial to raising the vocabulary teaching of junior high school English.The junior high school English vocabulary of abroad teaches to learn more an independent study of being lay particular emphasis on in the student.

In order to existing a lot of problems in the junior high school vocabulary teaching, cause student study English vocabulary take a lot of doing very much, to study English have no interest, aim at an existent series of problem, we carried on a research to the vocabulary teaching of junior high school English, this text from 3 part constitute, , the first part in order to describe a little bit existent problems in current vocabulary teaching of junior high school English, the second part in order to analyze the existent problem in early Chinese and English language vocabulary teaching, ;The third part for resolve the measure of these problem but implements.Raise the effect of the vocabulary teaching of junior high school English thus.
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