1) 负责推动整个公司的信息化建设以及利用信息技术实现企业的信息化管理;研究和把握信息技术对企业发展所造成的影响包括信息技术对企业发展的利、弊,并根据实际情况对公司进行需求分析和研究,向上级提交分析结果和应用解决方案;
2) 制定公司的信息化战略, 把握好信息的资源价值,与公司的其他资源相契合,使其能够一步一步地实现运用信息技术的,从竞争上、发展上获得支持的平台。
3) 参与公司核心管理层的决策,决定企业的信息战略,保证信息战略与企业战略相配合,并对信息化发展做出长远规划,实现“总体规划、分步实施、重点突破、效益为先”的目标。
4) 制定和执行本部门的年度预算计划包括年(季)度信息化项目预算计划、本部门费用预算计划等等;
5) 进行信息化项目的选型和评估,保障能够有效利用现有资源和与现有资源进行整合以及保持与公司未来业务发展的一致性;
6) 对公司计算机网络合理规划和配置,负责公司计算机网络、信息管理及应用系统、数据库以及办公设备的日常维护; 展开
2) 制定公司的信息化战略, 把握好信息的资源价值,与公司的其他资源相契合,使其能够一步一步地实现运用信息技术的,从竞争上、发展上获得支持的平台。
3) 参与公司核心管理层的决策,决定企业的信息战略,保证信息战略与企业战略相配合,并对信息化发展做出长远规划,实现“总体规划、分步实施、重点突破、效益为先”的目标。
4) 制定和执行本部门的年度预算计划包括年(季)度信息化项目预算计划、本部门费用预算计划等等;
5) 进行信息化项目的选型和评估,保障能够有效利用现有资源和与现有资源进行整合以及保持与公司未来业务发展的一致性;
6) 对公司计算机网络合理规划和配置,负责公司计算机网络、信息管理及应用系统、数据库以及办公设备的日常维护; 展开
1) responsible for the entire company's information technology and the use of information technology enterprise information management; research and grasp of the information technology business development, including the impact of information technology for business development benefits and disadvantages, and in accordance with the actual situation of the company To carry out needs analysis and research, submitted to the superior results of the analysis and application solutions;
2) the development of the company's information technology strategy, a good grasp of the information resources of the value of the company's other match resources to enable it step by step to realize the use of information technology, competition, support the development of the platform.
3) to participate in the management of the company's core decision-making, deciding the information strategy to ensure that strategic information and business matching strategy and the development of information technology to make long-term planning, "the overall planning, step by step, focus on breakthrough benefits for the first ".
4) the development and implementation of the department's annual budget plan, including the year (season) degree of information technology project budget plan, the department plans to budget costs and so on;
5) information technology project selection and evaluation to ensure the effective use of existing resources and with existing resources, as well as integration with the company's future business development of consistency;
6) the company's computer network planning and reasonable allocation of responsibility for the company's computer network, and application of information management systems, databases, as well as day-to-day maintenance of office equipment;
2) the development of the company's information technology strategy, a good grasp of the information resources of the value of the company's other match resources to enable it step by step to realize the use of information technology, competition, support the development of the platform.
3) to participate in the management of the company's core decision-making, deciding the information strategy to ensure that strategic information and business matching strategy and the development of information technology to make long-term planning, "the overall planning, step by step, focus on breakthrough benefits for the first ".
4) the development and implementation of the department's annual budget plan, including the year (season) degree of information technology project budget plan, the department plans to budget costs and so on;
5) information technology project selection and evaluation to ensure the effective use of existing resources and with existing resources, as well as integration with the company's future business development of consistency;
6) the company's computer network planning and reasonable allocation of responsibility for the company's computer network, and application of information management systems, databases, as well as day-to-day maintenance of office equipment;