
薪酬管理的工作流程第一步:薪酬制度的设计1、薪酬设计的原则包括:内外公平性、劳资互惠性、激励性、层次需求性、支付效率和能力开发;2、薪酬制度制定程序:(1)岗位工资或能力... 薪酬管理的工作流程
1、 薪酬设计的原则包括:内外公平性、劳资互惠性、激励性、层次需求性、支付效率和能力开发;
2、 薪酬制度制定程序:(1)岗位工资或能力工资的制定程序;(2)奖金制度的制定程序;
3、 薪酬调整:(1)薪酬调整的必要性;(2)薪酬调整策略;(3)薪酬调整的依据;
1、 工作岗位评价的主要步骤:(1)按岗位的工作性质,先将企事业单位的全部岗位划分成若干个大类;(2)收集有关岗位的各种信息;(3)建立由岗位分析评价专家组成的工作岗位评价小组;(4)制定出工作岗位评价的总体计划,并提出具体的行动方案或实施细则;(5)在广泛收集资料的基础上,找出与岗位有直接联系、密切相关的各种主要因素及其指标,列出细目清单,并对有关指标作出说明;(6)通过评价专家小组的集体讨论,设计有关调查问卷和测量评比的量表。(7)先抓几个重要岗位进行试点;(8)全面落实工作岗位评价计划,按照预定方案,逐步组织实施。(9)最后撰写出企事业单位各个层级岗位的评价报告书,提供给各有关部门。(10)对工作岗位评价工作进行全面总结。
2、 工作岗位评价的方法:(1)排列法;(2)分类法;(3)因素分析法;(4)评分法;
1、 人工成本核算的程序:(1)核算人工成本的基本指标;(2)核算人工成本投入和产出的指标;
2、 人工成本核算的方法:(1)劳动分配率基准法;(2)销售净额基准法;(3)损益分歧点基准法;
1、 福利总额预算计划:(1)福利的性质;(2)福利的起始、执行日期,上年度的效果以及评价分数;(3)福利的受益者、覆盖面、上年度总支出和本年度预算;(4)新增福利的名称、原因、受益者、覆盖面、本年度预算、效果预测和效果评价标准;
2、 各类保险金和住房公职金核算。
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2008-12-07 · TA获得超过270个赞
Workflow management pay
The first step: the design of pay system
1, the pay structure of the principles include: internal and external equity, mutual benefit employers and employees, incentive, the level of demand, pay for the efficiency and capacity development;
2, the development of pay system: (1) position or ability to pay wages of the development process; (2) bonus system for the development of the program;
3, the pay adjustment: (1) the need for pay adjustment; (2) pay adjustment strategy; (3) based on the pay adjustment;
The second step: job evaluation
1, the main job evaluation: (1) status by the nature of the work, first of all enterprises and institutions of the post is divided into several categories; (2) to collect information about the various positions; (3) the establishment of the post Analysis and evaluation experts evaluate the work of the group; (4) work out an overall evaluation of the work plan and specific recommendations for action or the implementation details; (5) in a wide range of information collected on the basis of positions and to find a direct , Closely related to a variety of key factors and their targets, set out a list of breakdown, and the indicators that make; (6) through the evaluation of the collective group of experts to discuss, design the survey questionnaire and measurements of the rating scale. (7) to grasp a number of important positions to carry out pilot projects; (8) full implementation of the evaluation work plan, in accordance with the scheduled program, step by step implementation of the organization. (9) to write the final out of enterprises and institutions at all levels of job evaluation report, made available to the departments concerned. (10) to work on a comprehensive summary of the evaluation.
2, job evaluation methods: (1) arranged in law; (2) classification; (3) factor analysis; (4) score;
The third step: artificial cost
1, cost accounting procedures manual: (1) labor costs account for the basic indicators; (2) labor costs account for input and output indicators;
2, artificial methods of cost: (1) Labor Standards Law distribution rate; (2) net sales Standards Law; (3) differences between profit and loss benchmarks set by law;
Step four: the management of employee benefits
1, the total welfare budget plan: (1) the nature of the well-being; (2) the initial benefits, the implementation date of the last financial year, as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness of scores; (3) the welfare of beneficiaries, coverage of last year and this year's total expenditure budget ; (4) to add the name of the well-being, the reasons, the beneficiaries, coverage of this year's budget, forecast results and effectiveness of the evaluation criteria;
2, various types of insurance and public housing deposit accounts.
2008-12-07 · TA获得超过7600个赞
Workflow management pay a first step: the design of a system of pay, pay the design principles include: internal and external equity, mutual benefit employers and employees, incentive, the level of demand, pay for the efficiency and capacity development; 2, the development of pay system : (1) position or ability to pay wages of the development process; (2) bonus system for the development of the program; 3, the pay adjustment: (1) the need for pay adjustment; (2) pay adjustment strategy; (3) Based on the pay adjustment; the second step: a job evaluation, job evaluation of the major steps: (1) according to the post of Public Works
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