11. —Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office? —_______
A. Don’t ask that.
B. Go stragiht down this street. Turn left at the first traffic lights. You can’t miss it.
C. No, I can’t say that.
D. No, you’re driving too fast.
满分:2.5 分
12. —What’s the date tomorrow? —_______
A. It’s May 15th.
B. It’s Wednesday.
C. It’s May.
D. It’s Teachers’ Day.
满分:2.5 分
13. 在和老师进行长时间的谈话后,我们终于找到了解决那个问题的办法。
A. After we had a long conversation with our teacher, we find a method to solve the hard queston at last.
B. After we had a long conversation with our teacher, we finally worked out a solution to the problem.
C. After a long talk with our teacher, we find a way
满分:2.5 分
14. There’s a possibility Mary will leave for Shanghai, but it depends on the weather.
A. 玛利有可能到了上海,不过这是天气决定的。
B. 天气将决定玛利是否去上海。
C. 玛利有可能去上海,但要取决于天气。
D. 玛利要离开上海,但要等天气好了。
满分:2.5 分
15. —_______. —About 25℃.
A. The temperature may be higher.
B. How is the weather today?
C. What’s the temperature today?
D. What is the weather forecast say?
满分:2.5 分
16. — Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? —_______
A. Ok, thanks.
B. I like both.
C. Can I choose.
D. Tea, please.
满分:2.5 分
17. 大火把树林烧得仅剩下几课树。
A. The fire reduced the forest to a few trees.
B. The big fire burnt the forest to a few trees.
C. The big fire burnt severl trees in the forest.
D. The fire made many trees burnt in the forest.
满分:2.5 分
18. —Good morning, sir. May I help you? —_______
A. No, I don’t buy anything.
B. No, I don’t need your help.
C. I’m just having a look around.
D. Oh, no. That’s OK.
满分:2.5 分
19. Whatever she did, it made no difference.
A. 无论她做什么,都没有关系。
B. 无论她做什么,都不会产生任何不同。
C. 无论她做什么,都是相同的效果。
D. 无论她做什么,都会产生不同的结果。
满分:2.5 分
20. — What’s the weather like in your hometown? —_______
A. it’s a nice place.
B. I like the food there.
C. He asks me whether I like the weather.
D. It’s cold in winter and hot in summer.
满分:2.5 分
正确答案为:B A B C C D A C A D 展开
A. Don’t ask that.
B. Go stragiht down this street. Turn left at the first traffic lights. You can’t miss it.
C. No, I can’t say that.
D. No, you’re driving too fast.
满分:2.5 分
12. —What’s the date tomorrow? —_______
A. It’s May 15th.
B. It’s Wednesday.
C. It’s May.
D. It’s Teachers’ Day.
满分:2.5 分
13. 在和老师进行长时间的谈话后,我们终于找到了解决那个问题的办法。
A. After we had a long conversation with our teacher, we find a method to solve the hard queston at last.
B. After we had a long conversation with our teacher, we finally worked out a solution to the problem.
C. After a long talk with our teacher, we find a way
满分:2.5 分
14. There’s a possibility Mary will leave for Shanghai, but it depends on the weather.
A. 玛利有可能到了上海,不过这是天气决定的。
B. 天气将决定玛利是否去上海。
C. 玛利有可能去上海,但要取决于天气。
D. 玛利要离开上海,但要等天气好了。
满分:2.5 分
15. —_______. —About 25℃.
A. The temperature may be higher.
B. How is the weather today?
C. What’s the temperature today?
D. What is the weather forecast say?
满分:2.5 分
16. — Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? —_______
A. Ok, thanks.
B. I like both.
C. Can I choose.
D. Tea, please.
满分:2.5 分
17. 大火把树林烧得仅剩下几课树。
A. The fire reduced the forest to a few trees.
B. The big fire burnt the forest to a few trees.
C. The big fire burnt severl trees in the forest.
D. The fire made many trees burnt in the forest.
满分:2.5 分
18. —Good morning, sir. May I help you? —_______
A. No, I don’t buy anything.
B. No, I don’t need your help.
C. I’m just having a look around.
D. Oh, no. That’s OK.
满分:2.5 分
19. Whatever she did, it made no difference.
A. 无论她做什么,都没有关系。
B. 无论她做什么,都不会产生任何不同。
C. 无论她做什么,都是相同的效果。
D. 无论她做什么,都会产生不同的结果。
满分:2.5 分
20. — What’s the weather like in your hometown? —_______
A. it’s a nice place.
B. I like the food there.
C. He asks me whether I like the weather.
D. It’s cold in winter and hot in summer.
满分:2.5 分
正确答案为:B A B C C D A C A D 展开
1 因为只有B是直接回答了问题,其他三项与问句无关而且是中国式的答法..AC两语气太过于强硬.D与问题无关
2 选A因为问句是对date提问.意思是日期,那么选项中有日期的只有A了,B是星期三,应用day提问.C是五月,不完全 D是教师节.仍然与具体日期无关
3 AC的失态不对..只有B对
4There’s a possibility Mary will leave for Shanghai, but it depends on the weather..这个是很常见的句子,意为马力可能要去上海,只是要取决于天气,C符合,A是说到了上海,但是句子是没有到.B逻辑错误.天气不能决定什么.D没有提到天气好坏的问题
5对 temperature 提问.只有C对.A. The temperature may be higher. 是温度高了.不对
B. How is the weather today? 是今天天气怎么样
C. What’s the temperature today? 今天几度?
D. What is the weather forecast say? 天气预报怎么说
6 D是固定回答
7A. The fire reduced the forest to a few trees. 大火把树林烧得仅剩下几课树
B. The big fire burnt the forest to a few trees.
C. The big fire burnt severl trees in the forest. 火烧了一些树
D. The fire made many trees burnt in the forest动词made使用错误
8 A. No, I don’t buy anything. 不,我不买东西.不合题意
B. No, I don’t need your help. 不,我不需要你帮助.语气强硬不合适
C. I’m just having a look around. 我就是随便看看
D. Oh, no. That’s OK.不.没事.
9 no difference表示没关系
10What’s the weather like in your hometown是你家乡的气候怎么样?
A. it’s a nice place. 是个好地方
B. I like the food there. 我喜欢那里的食物
C. He asks me whether I like the weather.他问我是否我喜欢天气
D. It’s cold in winter and hot in summer 夏天热冬天冷
2 选A因为问句是对date提问.意思是日期,那么选项中有日期的只有A了,B是星期三,应用day提问.C是五月,不完全 D是教师节.仍然与具体日期无关
3 AC的失态不对..只有B对
4There’s a possibility Mary will leave for Shanghai, but it depends on the weather..这个是很常见的句子,意为马力可能要去上海,只是要取决于天气,C符合,A是说到了上海,但是句子是没有到.B逻辑错误.天气不能决定什么.D没有提到天气好坏的问题
5对 temperature 提问.只有C对.A. The temperature may be higher. 是温度高了.不对
B. How is the weather today? 是今天天气怎么样
C. What’s the temperature today? 今天几度?
D. What is the weather forecast say? 天气预报怎么说
6 D是固定回答
7A. The fire reduced the forest to a few trees. 大火把树林烧得仅剩下几课树
B. The big fire burnt the forest to a few trees.
C. The big fire burnt severl trees in the forest. 火烧了一些树
D. The fire made many trees burnt in the forest动词made使用错误
8 A. No, I don’t buy anything. 不,我不买东西.不合题意
B. No, I don’t need your help. 不,我不需要你帮助.语气强硬不合适
C. I’m just having a look around. 我就是随便看看
D. Oh, no. That’s OK.不.没事.
9 no difference表示没关系
10What’s the weather like in your hometown是你家乡的气候怎么样?
A. it’s a nice place. 是个好地方
B. I like the food there. 我喜欢那里的食物
C. He asks me whether I like the weather.他问我是否我喜欢天气
D. It’s cold in winter and hot in summer 夏天热冬天冷