莎拉·寇娜 英文介绍

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2008-12-11 · TA获得超过1938个赞
  基本资料: Basic information:
  本名:Sarah Lewe Whose
  real name: Sarah Lewe
  Gender: Female
  Date of Birth: 1980.6.13
  出生地:Delmenhorst ,Lower Saxony,Germany
  Place of birth: Delmenhorst, Lower Saxony, Germany
  ( 德国下萨克森州戴尔蒙霍斯特) (Germany Lower Saxony Menghuosite Dell)
  Constellation: Gemini
  婚姻状况:已婚(丈夫Marc Terenzi) Marital status: Married (her husband Marc Terenzi)
  家庭:4姐妹,1兄弟,妈妈Soraya,爸爸Michael Family: 4 sisters, a brother, mother Soraya, father Michael
  孩子:儿子Tyler,生于2004,2月。 Children: son Tyler, was born on 2004,2. 女儿Summer,生于2006,6月23日 Daughter, Summer, was born in 2006,6 23
  宠物:三只狗狗,分别叫Donna, Luka and Muffin Mailo Pets: Three dogs were called Donna, Luka and Muffin Mailo
  爱好:跆拳道,马术,跳舞,航海 Hobbies: taekwondo, equestrian, dance, navigation
  语言: 德语 , 英语 , 西班牙语 Language: German, English, Spanish
  习惯:抽烟 Habits: smoking
  教育:高中 Education: High School
  座右铭:未来掌握在自己的手中(Future is what you make of it) Motto: the future lies in the hands of their own (Future is what you make of it)
  Sarah’s外形: Sarah's appearance:
  眼睛:绿色 Eyes: Green
  头发:金色 Hair: Golden
  身高:178厘米(5英尺10英寸) Height: 178 cm (5 feet 10 inches)
  鞋码:40 Shoes: 40
  刺青:肚脐,右胸纹身:脖子上有个亚洲和平标志,左手腕上刻着丈夫Marc Terenzi首写大写字母。 Tattoos: navel, the right chest tattoo: There is a neck Asia peace sign, his left wrist engraved husband Marc Terenzi the first to write capital letters.
  Sarah’s最爱: Sarah's favorites:
  CD: Michael Jackson ( 迈克尔·杰克逊 )– Thriller CD: Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson) - Thriller
  歌手:Michael Jackson, (迈克尔·杰克逊)Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin Singers: Michael Jackson, (Michael Jackson) Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin
  电影:辣身舞(Dirty Dancing) Film: Dirty Dancing (Dirty Dancing)
  演员:Robert De Niro Actor: Robert De Niro
  饮料:水 Drink: Water
  食物:柠檬,冰激凌 Food: lemon, ice cream
  书籍:女教皇唐娜·伍佛·克罗斯[Pope Joan (Donna Woolfolk Cross)] Book: Pope female Buddha Mrs. Donna Cross [Pope Joan (Donna Woolfolk Cross)]
  汽车: 保时捷 Car: Porsche
  Sarah的第一次: Sarah's the first time:
  香水:我记得很清楚,是“lulu” von Cacharel,现在我有了自己的香水生产线。 Perfume: I remember very clearly, is a "lulu" von Cacharel, I now have their own perfume line.
  汽车: 注册号码MJ是我的偶像Michael Jackson的字首 Automotive: registration number MJ is my idol Michael Jackson's prefix
  初吻:当时很紧张,我只有14岁,是在学校的舞会上发生的。 First kiss: At that time, very nervous, I was only 14 years old at the school dance took place.
  演艺:这是我的人生中很重要的经历,16岁的我为伴舞,当时他正在他的世界巡演。 Performing Arts: This is my life, a very important experience for my 16-year-old Ban Wu, when he is his world tour. 这简直是难以置信的,在这么多粉丝面前,我和他同台演出,我一辈子都不会忘记的。 This is simply incredible that in the face of so many fans, and I performed with him, all his life, I will not forget.
  晚礼服:我从朋友那里借来的一件穿过的夏娜尔礼服,我还不得不还给她。 Evening dress: I borrowed from a friend, where a dress through the Xiana Er, I have to be returned to her.
  工作:7岁的时候在一家时尚公司Oilily的平面照。 : 7-year-old at the time, a fashion company Oilily as the plane.
  理想的工作:当时我不知道自己是想做歌手呢,还是海洋生物学家。 Ideal: I do not know if he is a singer wanted to do, or marine biologist. 最后,我决定做歌手,进行了经典音乐的教育,我也是训练有素的女高音哦。 Finally, I decided to do the singer, had a classical music education, I am also a trained soprano Oh.
  sarah 的官网:www.sarah-connor.com sarah officer of the network: www.sarah-connor.com
  23岁的莎拉·寇娜已经用甜美的嗓音,深入魂魄的音乐动感和非凡的演唱实力征服了欧洲乐坛,祖父赐予的新奥尔良的血统使她在幼年时期就受到全面的蓝调及灵魂乐的熏陶。 23-year-old Sarah has Kouna with the sweet voice of an in-depth soul music concert and extraordinary strength to conquer the European music scene, the grandfather gave New Orleans the origin of her childhood in the period to be comprehensive and R & B-soul Nurturing.
  1980年Sarah Connor出生在德国的一个小镇上,据说因为是祖父的奥尔良血统,使她14岁便开始在教堂的唱诗班担任演唱,然后又在父母的安排下学习正统的声乐训练,企图成为一名歌剧女演员,还在学校的舞台上出演舞台剧、音乐剧。 Sarah Connor was born in 1980 in a small town in Germany, reportedly because his grandfather is the origin of Orleans, her 14-year-old started in the church as a choir sang, and then arranged by the parents in the study of formal vocal training in an attempt to become An opera actress also starred in the school's stage plays, musicals. 似乎当时的Sarah Connor即将走上古典道路,但是出于对流行歌曲的热爱,她终于还是选择了更能够亲近大众的音乐路线。 At that time, it seems that the Sarah Connor is about to embark on the path of classical, pop out of love, she was finally chosen in a better position to close the public of the road music.
  中学时代,她陆续参加了好多音乐剧的演出,15、16岁的时候就走向了奋斗成名的道路,向各个大音乐公司送去自己的试音带,希望获得进入歌坛的机会,一位擅长R&B黑人流行音乐制作人TQ听到了她的歌声,立即与她联络,展开合作。 High school, she participated in one after another of the many musical performances, 15, 16 years old when the struggle toward the road of fame, all the major music companies sent their test tapes, people who want to enter the music opportunity, a good R & B Black pop music producer TQ heard her voice, and she immediately contacted cooperation.
  2001年春季,Sarah Connor以挑动情欲的处女单曲《Let’s Get Back To The Bed Boy》,绽放狂野性格,歌曲强势占领德国排行榜亚军,并挥军直入欧陆各国排行榜TOP 10,抢攻欧洲流行单曲榜TOP 15;第二首单曲《French Kissing》转而释放灵魂乐的性感魅力,同年底改走情歌路线,推出感人恋曲《From Sarah With Love》成绩益发耀眼,光在德国就卖出75万张,歌曲轻易摘下德国榜冠军后座,窜登欧洲Music & Media排行榜TOP 5,并在瑞典与奥地利创造金唱片开出销售红盘;紧接着首张大碟《Green Eyed Soul》更上层楼,不但直袭德国专辑榜亚军,也攻克荷兰、波兰、芬兰、葡萄牙、希腊等国排行TOP 10,2002年3月,Sarah Connor获颁德国乐坛最高荣耀的Echo音乐奖最佳流行摇滚女歌手大奖,稍后更勇夺Goldene Europe音乐奖最成功女歌手奖。 In the spring of 2001, Sarah Connor in order to stir up passions of the Virgin single "Let's Get Back To The Bed Boy", blooming wild character, strong songs occupied top runner-up Germany and European countries push straight into the charts TOP 10, robbed Europe's top offensive pop TOP 15; in the second singles "French Kissing" turn the release of the soul music of sexy charm, with the end of the year to take the line of love songs, love and moving to launch "From Sarah With Love" have become more eye-catching achievements, in the light Germany to sell 750,000, easily won the song list champion Germany on the back seat, channeling Gordon Music & Media European Top TOP 5, and in Sweden and Austria to create gold out red disc sales; followed by the first album "Green Eyed Soul "Heights, not only Zhixi album list runner-up Germany, to capture the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, Portugal, Greece and other countries ranked TOP 10,2002 in March, Sarah Connor was awarded the German Echo music's highest honor the best music award Pop rock female singer award, which is soon to Goldene Europe Music Awards won the best female singer award.
  美国嘻哈大将Wyclef Jean耳闻Sarah歌唱魅力,特地跨刀制作谱写并合唱一曲《One Nite Stand(Of Wolves And Sheep)》,Sarah Connor已然跻身全球节奏蓝调歌后之林。 Hip-Hop Wyclef Jean General of the United States hear Sarah singing charm, specially produced Kuadao write a chorus and "One Nite Stand (Of Wolves And Sheep)", Sarah Connor has been the world's top R & B song after Lin.
  2003年进军国际乐坛的大碟《Unbelievable》展露Sarah Connor多样化的流行节奏蓝调风情,从纯情动人的《Skin On Skin》、挑战Toni Braxton抒情唱功的凄美恋曲《From Sarah With Love》、与嘻哈大将Wyclef Jean交手的激爆火辣风情力作《One Nite Stand(Of Wolves And Sheep)》、放克艳情劲奏《He’s Unbelievable》、抒情创作才女Diane Warren执笔的挑情动感之作《I Wanna Touch U There》、弥漫都会浪漫情调的《The Loving Permission》、散发复古节奏蓝调哀情小品《Where Did You Sleep Last Nite?》、街舞劲歌《Bounce》、《That’s The Way I’m》、《Sweet Thang》到节奏蓝调美声情歌《1+1=2》、《Beautiful》,她那收放自如的情感唱腔马上就要征服你的听觉世界了。 Into the international music scene in 2003's album "Unbelievable" to demonstrate the diversification of Sarah Connor's popular R & B style, from innocent touching "Skin On Skin", the challenge Toni Braxton Changgong lyrical beauty of love "From Sarah With Love", and General Hip-Hop Wyclef Jean-induced burst against the hot style masterpiece "One Nite Stand (Of Wolves And Sheep)", Jin love playing funk "He's Unbelievable", talented woman creative lyric written by Diane Warren Tiaoqing City of Life " I Wanna Touch U There ", will be filled with romantic atmosphere of" The Loving Permission ", distribution of retro R & B love sorrow essay" Where Did You Sleep Last Nite? ", Hip-hop pop" Bounce "," That's The Way I 'M "," Sweet Thang "to the United States and R & B love songs sound of" 1 +1 = 2 "," Beautiful ", her strengths being emotional singing about to conquer the world you are hearing.

参考资料: http://baike.baidu.com/view/1151887.html?wtp=tt

2008-12-11 · TA获得超过4322个赞
After shooting to fame in her native Germany, Sarah Connor now has the rest of the world in her sights.

She has collaborated with Wyclef Jean and songwriter Diane Warren, and the 23-year-old has a new single, Bounce, that has already been a big hit in the US.

BBC News Online asked her about her career, musical tastes and sharing her name with a character from the Terminator movies.


Describe your music in three words.
Soul, sex, sensuality. It's like a hip-hop, new soul pop mix.

What did you do before you launched your singing career?
I went to school! But I've been singing my whole life: my dad put me in a gospel choir when I was six, and I took singing classes when I was 16. I wanted to be an opera singer originally.

What has been your biggest break so far?
Two moments really. When I was 17 I was on stage with Michael Jackson, performing two songs with him on his History of the World tour. The other was the record deal I signed when I was 19.

Who are your musical inspirations?
Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, Madonna.

What has most surprised you about the music industry?
So many things. I used to think it was really glamorous - you sell records, you're famous and you hang out by the pool. But it's a lot of hard work too: travelling all the time, being away from your family, giving up a lot of your privacy. It has its up sides and its down sides.

How are you finding working in America?
A lot of music I love comes from America and I always wanted to go there. I'm excited about it but also really nervous.

Wyclef Jean asked Connor if he could write a song for her
What are your three favourite albums of all time?
Michael Jackson's Thriller, Stevie Wonder's Songs in the Key of Life and Wyclef Jean's Ecleftic.

You've worked with Wyclef - what's he like?
He's so great - such an entertaining guy. He's a musical genius, so I was really nervous to work with him. And he wanted to write a song for me, which was even more weird! It was awesome.

Who would you have on the bill if you organised a festival?
Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Aretha Franklin, Pink, Britney Spears, Marvin Gaye.

What is your biggest musical ambition?
I want to be a better musician, work with great people - I'd love to work with Stevie Wonder and Quincy Jones - and perform my music all over the world.

How important is chart success to you?
It's important for me that I can do my own kind of music; if people buy my records it's the biggest compliment you can get. But I would not change my direction to get a higher chart entry.

What do you get the biggest buzz out of - recording, writing or performing?
Performing, definitely. I'm not that big of a writer - I like doing lyrics, but I haven't really discovered that talent in me yet. I don't even know if I have it! But I have great producers, so I've never really needed to write. Being in the studio is cool, but you're always looking forward to performing it live.

What do you sing in the bath or shower?
All kinds of stuff - just what's on the radio, from Creed to Britney Spears. But I probably sing like everyone else; I don't care about being in key.

Sarah with baby son Tyler and her boyfriend Marc Terenzi
Which song from this year do you think will become a classic?
I'm totally in love with Yeah, the new Usher song.

Which song by another artist do you wish you'd written?
I Say A Little Prayer by Dionne Warwick.

What is your favourite line from one of your own songs?
It's from Bounce - "You can look, but you know I got the goods."

How do people dance to your music?
It's a big party - I want people to have fun. We have moments when we chill down, and moments when I'm performing with my dancers and we're freaking out on stage. Something for everyone.

Finally, what's it like sharing your name with a character from the Terminator films?
I haven't seen the movie! But as far as I understand she's a really tough chick. She knows what she wants and how to get it, so we definitely have some things in common!

Bounce is released in the UK on 3 May.
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