看过之后深深陷入了剧情之中,作为一个现代人看19世纪的爱情时,不仅是人物对爱情本身的态度令我们感到好奇,并且那个时代的文化也牵动着我们的心灵。我认为《歌剧魅影》是两个世纪之间的一座桥,它连接的不仅是爱情,也是一种心灵的向往 展开
看过之后深深陷入了剧情之中,作为一个现代人看19世纪的爱情时,不仅是人物对爱情本身的态度令我们感到好奇,并且那个时代的文化也牵动着我们的心灵。我认为《歌剧魅影》是两个世纪之间的一座桥,它连接的不仅是爱情,也是一种心灵的向往 展开
His favorite and Christine meet for the first time that a section. All of a sudden passionate music, electronic musical instruments unique to the strong, from a room full of roses, candlelight through the corridor, through the quiet water of the lake, beautiful christine finally came to the Opera's paradise or hell. Gorgeous dark and bright candlelight ......
After reading deeply into the plot, as a modern look at love in the 19th century, is not only a love for the people's attitude and we are curious, and the culture of that era also touches our hearts. I think "The Phantom of the Opera" is the two centuries between the bridge, which is not only a love connection, is also a kind of spiritual longing
After reading deeply into the plot, as a modern look at love in the 19th century, is not only a love for the people's attitude and we are curious, and the culture of that era also touches our hearts. I think "The Phantom of the Opera" is the two centuries between the bridge, which is not only a love connection, is also a kind of spiritual longing
His favorite and Christine meet for the first time that a section. All of a sudden passionate music, electronic musical instruments unique to the strong, from a room full of roses, candlelight through the corridor, through the quiet water of the lake, beautiful christine finally came to the Opera's paradise or hell. Gorgeous dark and bright candlelight ......
After reading deeply into the plot, as a modern look at love in the 19th century, is not only a love for the people's attitude and we are curious, and the culture of that era also touches our hearts. I think "The Phantom of the Opera" is the two centuries between the bridge, which is not only a love connection, is also a kind of spiritual longing
After reading deeply into the plot, as a modern look at love in the 19th century, is not only a love for the people's attitude and we are curious, and the culture of that era also touches our hearts. I think "The Phantom of the Opera" is the two centuries between the bridge, which is not only a love connection, is also a kind of spiritual longing