流行的一首说唱,也有人说标题就是忧伤说唱sad rap alg,那是受百度知道的误导,这个人是现在加州的泰裔的苗族RAP歌手,全名Thao Plucky Xiong。.年轻的时候跟随父母来到美国! 一个人独自艰难的成长! 这首歌阐述他内心极度的不满! 和对生命的看待! 这是歌的歌词!Yo Ang how you doing damn it's been a minute/
It's been years since you left but I still don't get it/
sometimes I wonder, how things would like/
if you were still in my presence, yo feeling my essence/
Wish I coulda persuade you stay that day you went away/
and left your kiddo, cause when the dude from the news/
brought clues of you, my tears found it's way to soak/
and upset my pillow/
shit your boy is grown now, I found out what love is/
met bitches on the way you wouldn't want me to fuck with/
I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/
Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/
anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/
Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man/
How's your hair girl? How them clothes fit cha?/
and if you got MSN, could you send a picture/
我给你这首歌的视频! 如果你单想要伴奏的..那要你自己去拿工具去转换了! 你也可以加我Q!我帮你转换! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQyNzU3MTI=.html
流行的一首说唱,也有人说标题就是忧伤说唱sad rap alg,那是受百度知道的误导,这个人是现在加州的泰裔的苗族RAP歌手,全名Thao Plucky Xiong。.年轻的时候跟随父母来到美国! 一个人独自艰难的成长! 这首歌阐述他内心极度的不满! 和对生命的看待! 这是歌的歌词!Yo Ang how you doing damn it's been a minute/
It's been years since you left but I still don't get it/
sometimes I wonder, how things would like/
if you were still in my presence, yo feeling my essence/
Wish I coulda persuade you stay that day you went away/
and left your kiddo, cause when the dude from the news/
brought clues of you, my tears found it's way to soak/
and upset my pillow/
shit your boy is grown now, I found out what love is/
met bitches on the way you wouldn't want me to fuck with/
I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/
Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/
anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/
Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man/
How's your hair girl? How them clothes fit cha?/
and if you got MSN, could you send a picture/
我给你这首歌的视频! 如果你单想要伴奏的..那要你自己去拿工具去转换了! 你也可以加我Q!我帮你转换! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQyNzU3MTI=.html
参考资料: 音乐!