跪求谁帮我翻译哈啊,急用(汉译英)谢谢了 20

1、凡是听到她不幸的遭遇的人无不深表同情2、他提出这个问题是出于好奇心,而非出于求知欲3、这位年轻学者专心致志地开发新型的电脑翻译软件,他深信在不久的将来自己会成名4、别... 1、凡是听到她不幸的遭遇的人无不深表同情
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2008-12-22 · TA获得超过185个赞
1, is every all deep person form hearing her unfortunate experience feels pity for 2 , he suggests that this problem is out of curiosity, the computer being not that this young 3, scholars develop a new model wholly absorbed out of thirst for knowledge translates but a software , he firmly believes that self may become famous on the future the before long 4, does not regard it as one thing , what my moment ago speaks does not point to you this 5, doors are in this way low , that tall person has no way to draw up when entering a house, Can only lower self head arch the back and entering 6, our team leader two weeks dash forward having a high fever , are completely bed-ridden henceforth always that 7, makes peopel unbelievable is that he trains actually these average girls to have become first-rate world a long-distance running athlete within 2 years 8, they persuade her to renounce an action at full steam, but are of no help 9, those live the affluent life peasant have never wanted to need to change residence going round metropolis to live 10, hear the small vehicle alarm song when his supper enjoying the use of delicious food in dining hall, He remembers the small vehicle that self stays in outside road suddenly not having had a lock 11, the teacher evidently has issued very big acrobatic fighting teaching mechanically how to compose to test 12 , I have thought that President exists to this young job wanted person there being prejudice 13, known what his encounters the police to everything 14, this two is very brave just now until you inform me of the queen me , that they have done regards prepare 15 against the danger being opened fire by the smuggler's , been able to have Sunday three statement to a circle inner, I will never be convinced of 16 , great majority participate a conference when representing set oneself against the speech planning 17 , teaching being over building the large-scale play field in downtown area, break out out a fit thunderous applause suddenly in the hall 18, I would rather let you autonomous working, from seeking new method in failure, neither ask you to fall into a groove , without any achievement, the "director says 19 to him , we rather are a smashed piece of jade, be not also an unbroken tile being completed for this 20, cities celebrating world-level bridge of the head of the table's having held the motorcycle parade activity
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2008-12-22 · TA获得超过1404个赞
1, where she heard the unfortunate experience of the people who are sympathetic to
2, he put the issue out of curiosity, not out of thirst for knowledge
3, the young scholars dedicated to the development of a new type of computer translation software, he was confident that in the near future they will become famous
4, Do not treat it as one thing, what I have said does not mean you
5, that the gate so low that tall when they can not straighten up the room, can only bow into the Maoyao
6, the squad leader two weeks of sudden high fever, has been bedridden since then
7, it is hard to believe that within two years, he went so far as these ordinary girl has become a world-class training for long-distance runners
8, to persuade them to give up her lawsuit, but all to no avail
9, who lived a rich life of the farmers never thought of living to move to big cities
10, in his restaurant to enjoy delicious dinner, hear the sound of car alarms, Meng Ranjian reminded him of his stop in the street outside the car is not locked
11, a teacher is obviously a great effort to teach students how to do test
12, I would like to Vice-Chancellor of the young job-seekers bias
13, until you told me that after I learned that he had met with all
14, two very brave police, they were ready to take the smugglers opened fire at the risk of preparation
15, for the week there will be three Sundays, I will never be convinced
16, the majority of the delegates strongly opposed to the construction of large-scale urban playground plan
17, professor at the end of the speech, the room suddenly burst into thunderous applause
18, I would rather you work independently from the failure to find a new way, you do not follow the beaten track, has achieved absolutely nothing, "he said of the instructors
19, we would rather be a Yusui, not Waquan
20, the city's first world-class celebration of the completion of the bridge held a motorcycle procession
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2008-12-22 · TA获得超过216个赞
1, where she heard the unfortunate experience of the people who are sympathetic to
2, he put the issue out of curiosity, not out of thirst for knowledge
3, the young scholars dedicated to the development of a new type of computer translation software, he was confident that in the near future they will become famous
4, Do not treat it as one thing, what I have said does not mean you
5, that the gate so low that tall when they can not straighten up the room, can only bow into the Maoyao
6, the squad leader two weeks of sudden high fever, has been bedridden since then
7, it is hard to believe that within two years, he went so far as these ordinary girl has become a world-class training for long-distance runners
8, to persuade them to give up her lawsuit, but all to no avail
9, who lived a rich life of the farmers never thought of living to move to big cities
10, in his restaurant to enjoy delicious dinner, hear the sound of car alarms, Meng Ranjian reminded him of his stop in the street outside the car is not locked
11, a teacher is obviously a great effort to teach students how to do test
12, I would like to Vice-Chancellor of the young job-seekers bias
13, until you told me that after I learned that he had met with all
14, two very brave police, they were ready to take the smugglers opened fire at the risk of preparation
15, for the week there will be three Sundays, I will never be convinced
16, the majority of the delegates strongly opposed to the construction of large-scale urban playground plan
17, professor at the end of the speech, the room suddenly burst into thunderous applause
18, I would rather you work independently from the failure to find a new way, you do not follow the beaten track, has achieved absolutely nothing, "he said of the instructors
19, we would rather be a Yusui, not Waquan
20, the city's first world-class celebration of the completion of the bridge held a motorcycle procession
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