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2008-12-28 · TA获得超过3万个赞
William Faulkner was born in 1962 in 1897, has been living in the United States, is the most important one stream-of-consciousness novelist. He won the Nobel peace prize in 1949. His literature works reflects the 1950s in southern region through industrialization development of loneliness and pain.
"The roses" is dedicated to Emily during this period in virtual Jefferson town for background describes a sad story. The heroine emilie is an old lady, because of the southern aristocrats of her father thought is instilled in fair maiden model lady became a disposition to close to the public, people. His father died in LiXiaoJie Amy still couldn't for her from her father the walls in architecture. While Amy LiXiaoJie leaves fell in love with a northern workers for a variety of reasons, but not love, finally Amy lijiang his lover poisoning, and its total sleep. Although short stories but with profound meaning. Through the life of Emily can see that woman with heavy, by the spirit into the shackle chains in a completely new civilization, and the new era of civilized era with her previous outlook and values in the patriarchal system of ideological education and formation of accepting strongly conflict. While Emily in individual and society, traditional and realistic violent collisions, unable to bear, lose yourself. In the face of love and eventually reality when choosing a collision and way of extreme left a lover. Through the description of Faulkner, we can just South American plantation economy, the culture of the male-dominated society for women's oppression and bound, and women's not completely resistance is the main factor.
"To the roses" is emilie Faulkner, one of the most representative novels and short stories by this we saw the South American peculiar temperaments. It reflected the civil war ended after a period of time, most of the American people's life, their tragic fate symbolizes the failure, and the new shadowfax in south is hope.
In 1957, Faulkner at the university of Virginia with the students about the works when once said: "in writing, write a real pathetic story is not occupy. As the contradiction and conflict between people, and satan conflict.
Since the market, it works by the critics. Some people from the psychology Angle analysis, from the Angle of philosophy of time. And this will be the various reasons from emilie tragedy, emilie explores the life. Peep novel charm.
Social background
American civil war in April 1861, war experiences for the past four years, and finally the north won. After the victory, black, who was in the postwar reconstruction of discrimination, Lincoln abolished slavery in the southern states only, these black although be liberated, but didn't get the same rights and white. But when the old south of many questions are dates back to the failure. American scholar Thomas? "The English brings a defeat for the value system of self analysis and reflection to the southern period, maintain its original value and in some respects to those values that south to reshape culture. The rebellious attitude to traditional identity and characteristics of regional consciousness. This makes part of comfort, but to get southerners who chose to escape to another part of." Although the old south with failure, but the old south end of the cultural thoughts are stubborn in people's hearts.
The heroine of the old South American Emily thought and culture of the victims. Emily's life was mostly in the old buildings and also spent the years, live isolated, lonely life, with her is a black. "She spent generation after generation, noble, halcyon, cannot escape, unapproachable, eccentricity perverse."
She refused to grow, in her heart, she lived in more expectations for her father building walls of life. In her father died, sand, in order to help dolly colonel from all her emilie taxes, in order to safeguard the dignity of aristocratic family emilie pretends that he is the father of Emily had loans to government, government as a trading in this way. And from her father died deadline date until the day of death Emily. But then, the mayor and caused a second, and hope the senator through various channels to miss Emily can pay taxes, but always can Emily reply only "you find sand, colonel." dolly But the time of her mouth Doric colonel dead sand for nearly ten years, and she didn't know anything about it, are still living in the Doric colonel days. She refused to most southerners like old growth, refused to change, clinging to a kind of thought.
When the southerners believe "enjoy equal to sin" stern creed. This creed is produced in Calvin as the core, the protestant power dominates the whole southern social politics, economy, culture, it is completely controlled people's minds.
Female social status
The bible? "the man in the genesis story" against order, because of the snakes listen eve tempted Adam ate and give fruit, by the Lord, and from the garden of Eden was regarded as the original female. The story affected to some extent of women's status was still is self male-dominated using tame woman blindly obedient. Women will become a victim trace, women were considered man's private property. Women are absolutely for the man, they asked the direction toward their women hope to grow, the image in the sight of the people. They think that women should is noble, lady, of course, the most important is to virtuous. Women have the function of all set the existence of man is only. Men need to you, so that you are alive. But when you are no longer useful man thinks that can sacrifice. Women don't have any rights, life, love, family solely by men. They didn't have the slightest freedom, they were not as a person. The patriarchal society need is a statue of ethics with them. They have serious in man, just seven feelings six desires a absolute "loyalty" -- for the male has to unconditionally. Women are placed in the bottom of society. The male-dominated advocates of their so-called "fair maiden wind", it is actually build them secretly male the ethical order. Women were suppressed, control the male-dominated in America, south of the old system of naked women, and the tragedy of life is the emilie reveals the old south social sickness and deformity, and women in long-term mental suppressed by the temperament and caused the distortion.
In the eyes of Jefferson town, miss Emily has always been considered a traditional symbol of an obligation, attention, also, residents of her words and deeds are maintained high attention, it gave her life added a lot of pressure. Emily is a small monument, no one will go about miss the physical and spiritual needs of normal. She must withstand public pressure and desire instinct in hard choices. And the town people don't want to see the nobles' fallen, they use all means that she do traditional persecuted, noble lady. Of course not blindly by Emily's opinion, people are oppressed ever against, she will not be forever in the shadow of this life. But in that society under the background of the traditional natural know emilie interested. However, if she really care for message, so why she "held their heads high", and "as more people than have admitted that she was as the dignity of the character's house last." She showed her own purposely. "Seeing her again, she has short hair looks like a girl, and the church in the Windows of the colour is an angel similarities - somewhat solemn" that emilie is ready to start, a new life, she tried to escape his "lady", trying to make your ordinary normal life, can imagine that she is a beautiful dreams for the future. "Somewhat solemn" also hinted that she is bound to the effort. In this old traditional ideas of southern seriously inhibited by chains, emilie will not thoroughly the resistance. She can't break the old moral and ideological to southern southern constraints, women so she can kill her loved by the people and keep the body and spend the rest of the way to get her own body position. The Puritan thought women and noble thought completely killed her love and family life should be normal, also destroyed her life remaining some hope. Not everyone is Emily is that she had also perverse mind quirks, exquisite, romantic girl. Her love for him when unloading vision, and formulate the silver n in everything engraved on the H? B (abbreviation of Hollywood's name). This also explains emilie once a loving life of woman. But the old south of social deprived of the right to do ordinary woman. Because of her lack of social groups, too exacting, this just makes emilie completely cut off and social contact, completely closed in his own dark space, finally becomes inaccessible, perverse eccentricities.
As XiaoMingHan said: "the morality of tragedy is old. Emily." (annotated)

Human civilization after the industrialization, women's life and entered the patriarchal socialist skillfulness of endless night. Women as a byproduct of the man, into servitude of nature, women are treated as a complete and to men as the core of social power and oppression. They couldn't find foothold in society, they find themselves for the efforts ended in tragedy. In different extent fell victim to the male-dominated.
But the male-dominated patriarchal socialism is the core. Theoretically this concept from sociology, it means a kind of social structure, the father's family all the parents can dominate. In narrow sense, is the father of patriarchy householder's surname and family relationships are confirmed by his father, a social organization, Broadly speaking, the thesis mainly refers to the father in a right position.
In the old society patriarchal ideology, the south is the male-dominated significant but unshakable tradition. Because of slavery prevalent in family, southern plantations centered plantation for became the main form of the economy. In this kind of economy, the family of the society is the center, as householder's father enjoys the absolute authority in the family is the undisputed master. In addition, the conservative to Calvin socialist culture as the core of Christ is from a religious Angle to maintain the father as parents rule, requirement of women and children like obedience that obedience. In the history of patriarchal, women always subordinate status.
Emily's father is the old south of patriarchal representative, is a tyrant is the embodiment of parents. He not only controlled emilie thought before, even after death behavior is affecting the life and his emilie, outlook on life and values is one of the reasons character amelie distortion. When young, in Emily her father in order to maintain the nobles of nobility, he teaches emilie become a lady, away all his think don't deserve emilie suitors, but even own normal emilie love without power, thereby to autism and distorted. Emily's life by strong influence of patriarchy, death is not a day until all belong to own life, she couldn't control my destiny, but in the tradition and social life for her like a shadow of general exist.
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