决心(帮父母做一些力所能及的事) 英语作文

2014-07-16 · 超过67用户采纳过TA的回答
父母的爱像雨水一样哺育着我们幼小的心灵,使我们尽情享受他们的爱,我们也唯有帮父母做一些力所能及的事,才能回报这一份恩情。您说对吗?而我也终于明白:即使是力所能及的事,只要我们认真做了,我们的生活也会很充实! Parental love like rain feeding our young and small mind, make us enjoy the love, we also only help parents do some depth, a kindness to return this. You said right? And I finally understand: even if is what thing, as long as we carefully done, our life will be very substantial! 我,一个典型的独生女,向来过着衣来伸手、饭来张口的生活。而今天,我盼望已久的母亲节终于到了,为了感谢母亲的养育之恩,我决定为妈妈做了一件我力所能及的事——做我人生的第一次“大餐”。我也要让她享受一次回家后吃“现成”的感觉。 I, a typical only child, always living a life of being waited on hand and foot. Today, I'm looking forward to already a long time of mother's day finally came, in order to thank for a mother for her support, I decided to made something I can do for my mother - & not; - to develop the "meal" for the first time of my life. I also want to let her enjoy a home to eat "off-the-shelf" feeling. 说干就干,先看看冰箱里有什么东东。噢!鸡翅!这可是我最爱吃的!好,就做个炸鸡翅吧。 To start, first take a look at what's in the fridge. Oh! Chicken wing! This is my favorite! Good, we make a Fried chicken wings. 我先用白纸叠了一个厨师帽,俗话说:像不像,三分样嘛!岂能给自己杀威风?我这搜搜,那寻寻,终于在橱柜最下层找到了炸鸡料,那上面都详细的写着制作过程呢。我又端出来一个盘子,小心翼翼地将炸鸡料洒在盘子中,再把鸡翅在里面前滚后翻,可以炸喽!我把油倒进锅里,打开煤气,拿起筷子。感觉油慢慢变热,我先炸一个试试看,嘻嘻,先把最胖的放在锅里,让它去泡个温泉。很快,小胖的皮就变了颜色,冒起了烟。天呀!我赶紧关火,先尝一口吧。呀,外边的皮都烧糊了,可里面一点都不熟!我的头嗡的一声,这是怎么回事呀?顿时没了主意,别急,我努力的想使自己平静下来,先想想妈妈是怎么做的,是油少了?不对!是料蘸的多了?不对!好像没像我这么快就出锅吧?是不是我开的火太大了啊?对,一定是的,我可真有才呀!我继承发扬了出生牛犊不怕虎的精神,再来一次,这回我把火开得很小,又依次把其它鸡翅放了下去,“呀!”我惊叫一声,原来是一滴油溅到了我的脸上,好疼呀,要不,不炸了?不行,妈妈给我炸鸡翅的时候为什么就没喊过疼?难道我连这么一件力所能及的事都办不好吗?难道我就这么没有能力去回报妈妈吗? I use white paper first fold a chef hat, as the saying goes: like, three sample points! Have to kill his power? I this search, then found, and finally find the Fried chicken in ambry most lower level, which are all written on the manufacture process in detail. And I end up a plate, carefully spilled the Fried chicken is in the plate, put chicken wings in front of the rolled over, after can fry! I poured oil into the pot, opens the gas, picked up the chopsticks. Warm feeling slowly, I Fried a try first, hee hee, first put the fattest in pot, let it go to a spa. Soon, small fat skin changed color, the smoke. My goodness! I hasten to turn off the heat, first taste. Ah, outside every one burnt, but it is not cooked! My head felt a sound, this is what's going on? Didn't immediately the idea, don't worry, I try to calm yourself down, consider how mother is doing, is less oil? Wrong! Dip is expected more? Wrong! If didn't like me out of the pot so soon? Isn't me open fire is too big? Yes, yes, I really have to ah! My inheritance, carry forward the spirit of the more wit, the less courage, once again, this time I drive too small, the fire and put other chicken wings in turn down, "ah!" I exclaim 1, turned out to be a drop of oil splashed onto my face, good pain ah, otherwise, don't blow up? No, my mother give me Fried chicken wings why it didn't shout pain? Don't I can do well so a what thing? Don't I just have the ability to return mother? 鸡翅在油锅里发出滋滋的叫声,好像在笑话我刚才的失败,我告诉你们几个,这次一定要让你们漂漂亮亮出锅。我下定决心之后,小心翼翼的把鸡翅在锅中依次排开,上下“巡视”着,不时的注意油温和火候,忙的不亦乐乎。不一会儿,它们的外皮都变成了金黄色,一盘香喷喷的炸鸡翅就此大功告成啦!面对着金灿灿的鸡翅,被这沁人心脾的香气包围着的我,骄傲地用手轻轻的拭去了头上的汗珠。不经意间,嘴角向上微微一翘,我仿佛也看见了爸爸妈妈脸上露出的幸福笑容…… Chicken wings in frying pan zi zi sound, as if in the joke I just failed, I tell you a few, this time make sure you were out of the pot. I was determined, after carefully put the chicken wings, in turn, lined in the pot, "patrol" up and down, from time to time the attention of the moderate oil temperature, busy trying. After a while, their skins are turned into golden brown, a plate of delicious Fried chicken wings in this mission accomplished! Facing the golden wings, surrounded by the refreshing aroma, I proudly by hand gently wipe the sweat on the head. Inadvertently, corners of the mouth upward slightly become warped, I seem to have seen the father mother happy smile on his face... 父母的爱像雨水一样哺育着我们幼小的心灵,使我们尽情享受他们的爱,我们也唯有帮父母做一些力所能及的事,才能回报这一份恩情。您说对吗?而我也终于明白:即使是力所能及的事,只要我们认真做了,我们的生活也会很充实! Parental love like rain feeding our young and small mind, make us enjoy the love, we also only help parents do some depth, a kindness to return this. You said right? And I finally understand: even if is what thing, as long as we carefully done, our life will be very substantial!

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