求~~~高人指点 线程传递参数的程序框架
俺们考试要考 不会..
using System;
using System.Threading;
class Work
public static void DoWork()
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure.");
public int Data;
public void DoMoreWork()
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data={0}", Data);
public static void DoWork(object data)
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure. Data='{0}'", data);
public void DoMoreWork(object data)
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data='{0}'", data);
class WorkTest
static void Main1()
//public delegate void ThreadStart ()
// To start a thread using a static thread procedure, use the
// class name and method name when you create the ThreadStart
// delegate. Beginning in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework,
// it is not necessary to create a delegate explicityly.
// Specify the name of the method in the Thread constructor,
// and the compiler selects the correct delegate. For example:
//Thread newThread = new Thread(Work.DoWork);
ThreadStart threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(Work.DoWork);
Thread newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);
// To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ThreadStart delegate. Beginning in version
// 2.0 of the .NET Framework, the explicit delegate is not
// required.
// ex:newThread = new Thread(w.DoMoreWork);
Work w = new Work();
w.Data = 42;
threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(w.DoMoreWork);
newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);
//public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart (Object obj)
// To start a thread using a shared thread procedure, use
// the class name and method name when you create the
// ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
Thread newThread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Work.DoWork));
// Use the overload of the Start method that has a
// parameter of type Object. You can create an object that
// contains several pieces of data, or you can pass any
// reference type or value type. The following code passes
// the integer value 42.
// To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
Work w1 = new Work();
newThread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(w1.DoMoreWork));
// Pass an object containing data for the thread.
newThread1.Start("The answer.");
框架只要写出类,函数名就可以了!! 展开
using System;
using System.Threading;
class Work
public static void DoWork()
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure.");
public int Data;
public void DoMoreWork()
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data={0}", Data);
public static void DoWork(object data)
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure. Data='{0}'", data);
public void DoMoreWork(object data)
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data='{0}'", data);
class WorkTest
static void Main1()
//public delegate void ThreadStart ()
// To start a thread using a static thread procedure, use the
// class name and method name when you create the ThreadStart
// delegate. Beginning in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework,
// it is not necessary to create a delegate explicityly.
// Specify the name of the method in the Thread constructor,
// and the compiler selects the correct delegate. For example:
//Thread newThread = new Thread(Work.DoWork);
ThreadStart threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(Work.DoWork);
Thread newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);
// To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ThreadStart delegate. Beginning in version
// 2.0 of the .NET Framework, the explicit delegate is not
// required.
// ex:newThread = new Thread(w.DoMoreWork);
Work w = new Work();
w.Data = 42;
threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(w.DoMoreWork);
newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);
//public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart (Object obj)
// To start a thread using a shared thread procedure, use
// the class name and method name when you create the
// ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
Thread newThread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Work.DoWork));
// Use the overload of the Start method that has a
// parameter of type Object. You can create an object that
// contains several pieces of data, or you can pass any
// reference type or value type. The following code passes
// the integer value 42.
// To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
Work w1 = new Work();
newThread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(w1.DoMoreWork));
// Pass an object containing data for the thread.
newThread1.Start("The answer.");
框架只要写出类,函数名就可以了!! 展开
using System;
using System.Threading; //引用线程的命名空间
class Work //Work是类名
public static void DoWork() //函数名是DoWork功能是输出Static thread procedure
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure.");
public int Data;
public void DoMoreWork()函数名是DoMoreWork功能是输出“Instance thread procedure. Data=“和Data变量的值
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data={0}", Data);
public static void DoWork(object data)函数名是DoWork 是上面同名函数的重载 功能是输出“Instance thread procedure. Data=“和Data变量的值
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure. Data='{0}'", data);
public void DoMoreWork(object data)函数名是DoMoreWork是上面同名函数的重载 功能是输出“Instance thread procedure. Data=“和Data变量的值
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data='{0}'", data);
class WorkTest //类名是 WorkTest
static void Main1() //入口主函数
//public delegate void ThreadStart ()
// To start a thread using a static thread procedure, use the
// class name and method name when you create the ThreadStart
// delegate. Beginning in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework,
// it is not necessary to create a delegate explicityly.
// Specify the name of the method in the Thread constructor,
// and the compiler selects the correct delegate. For example:
//Thread newThread = new Thread(Work.DoWork);
ThreadStart threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(Work.DoWork); //实例化一个线程委托
Thread newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);//实例化线程
// To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ThreadStart delegate. Beginning in version
// 2.0 of the .NET Framework, the explicit delegate is not
// required.
// ex:newThread = new Thread(w.DoMoreWork);
Work w = new Work(); 实例化上面第一个类
w.Data = 42;给变量Data赋值
threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(w.DoMoreWork); //实例线程委托
newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);//实例线程
//public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart (Object obj)
// To start a thread using a shared thread procedure, use
// the class name and method name when you create the
// ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
Thread newThread1 = new Thread(new 注释同上ParameterizedThreadStart(Work.DoWork));
// Use the overload of the Start method that has a
// parameter of type Object. You can create an object that
// contains several pieces of data, or you can pass any
// reference type or value type. The following code passes
// the integer value 42.
// To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
Work w1 = new Work();
newThread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(w1.DoMoreWork)); 注释同上
// Pass an object containing data for the thread.
newThread1.Start("The answer.");
using System.Threading; //引用线程的命名空间
class Work //Work是类名
public static void DoWork() //函数名是DoWork功能是输出Static thread procedure
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure.");
public int Data;
public void DoMoreWork()函数名是DoMoreWork功能是输出“Instance thread procedure. Data=“和Data变量的值
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data={0}", Data);
public static void DoWork(object data)函数名是DoWork 是上面同名函数的重载 功能是输出“Instance thread procedure. Data=“和Data变量的值
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure. Data='{0}'", data);
public void DoMoreWork(object data)函数名是DoMoreWork是上面同名函数的重载 功能是输出“Instance thread procedure. Data=“和Data变量的值
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data='{0}'", data);
class WorkTest //类名是 WorkTest
static void Main1() //入口主函数
//public delegate void ThreadStart ()
// To start a thread using a static thread procedure, use the
// class name and method name when you create the ThreadStart
// delegate. Beginning in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework,
// it is not necessary to create a delegate explicityly.
// Specify the name of the method in the Thread constructor,
// and the compiler selects the correct delegate. For example:
//Thread newThread = new Thread(Work.DoWork);
ThreadStart threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(Work.DoWork); //实例化一个线程委托
Thread newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);//实例化线程
// To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ThreadStart delegate. Beginning in version
// 2.0 of the .NET Framework, the explicit delegate is not
// required.
// ex:newThread = new Thread(w.DoMoreWork);
Work w = new Work(); 实例化上面第一个类
w.Data = 42;给变量Data赋值
threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(w.DoMoreWork); //实例线程委托
newThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);//实例线程
//public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart (Object obj)
// To start a thread using a shared thread procedure, use
// the class name and method name when you create the
// ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
Thread newThread1 = new Thread(new 注释同上ParameterizedThreadStart(Work.DoWork));
// Use the overload of the Start method that has a
// parameter of type Object. You can create an object that
// contains several pieces of data, or you can pass any
// reference type or value type. The following code passes
// the integer value 42.
// To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate.
Work w1 = new Work();
newThread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(w1.DoMoreWork)); 注释同上
// Pass an object containing data for the thread.
newThread1.Start("The answer.");