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Foreign festivals
At present, more and more Chinese people begin to celebrate foreign festivals such as Christmas Day and Valentine's Day. Different people have quite different ideas on this phenomenon. Some people hold the idea that it strengthens the cultural exchanges of different countries. While some of them think it is a kind of worshipping foreign things blindly.
In my opinion, celebration of foreign festivals plays an important role in cultral exchanges of different countries. In morden society, exchanges of different countries are not just confined to economy, military, etc., and most importantly, it is characterised by cultural communication. The cultural exchanges of different countries can achieve all-round development.
At present, more and more Chinese people begin to celebrate foreign festivals such as Christmas Day and Valentine's Day. Different people have quite different ideas on this phenomenon. Some people hold the idea that it strengthens the cultural exchanges of different countries. While some of them think it is a kind of worshipping foreign things blindly.
In my opinion, celebration of foreign festivals plays an important role in cultral exchanges of different countries. In morden society, exchanges of different countries are not just confined to economy, military, etc., and most importantly, it is characterised by cultural communication. The cultural exchanges of different countries can achieve all-round development.
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