求英文歌曲出处 歌名好像是叫jealous,依稀记得几句歌词,女声 10
开头是You re jealous of me, I'm jealous of you然后是转音
然后开始唱:saw you and her in a rainy day
然后副歌部分是 you are so beautiful, so beautiful, it's tearing me apart. All I see of him now picture in my memory
其他的有点忘了,是我10年前听到过的歌,有点老,可能还是一个韩国人唱的英文歌 展开
开头是You re jealous of me, I'm jealous of you然后是转音
然后开始唱:saw you and her in a rainy day
然后副歌部分是 you are so beautiful, so beautiful, it's tearing me apart. All I see of him now picture in my memory
其他的有点忘了,是我10年前听到过的歌,有点老,可能还是一个韩国人唱的英文歌 展开