why is culture important?
Why is culture important?
In economics, culture is very important in each economic system. In other words, curlture is a one of the main essential factor which is aording to differet kinds of human being in the world. Different countries, races or religions have their own or specific cultures.
Whether we apply any economic policy by the ernment, make an investment plan to such country even built up the personal relationship to it. If you don't understand their culture, many problems would be oured espciallly in term of economy:
1. Mutual munication
2. Conflict
3. Problems in daily routine
4. Problems in managerial skill
5. Effects from the ernment policy
As a result, lack of culture hich will brought many infusibility therefore understanding of cutural is a baic necesary essential in economy.
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,参考: bookc+AVG,
In economics, culture is very important in each economic system. In other words, curlture is a one of the main essential factor which is aording to differet kinds of human being in the world. Different countries, races or religions have their own or specific cultures.
Whether we apply any economic policy by the ernment, make an investment plan to such country even built up the personal relationship to it. If you don't understand their culture, many problems would be oured espciallly in term of economy:
1. Mutual munication
2. Conflict
3. Problems in daily routine
4. Problems in managerial skill
5. Effects from the ernment policy
As a result, lack of culture hich will brought many infusibility therefore understanding of cutural is a baic necesary essential in economy.
Just own opnion & hop can help you
,参考: bookc+AVG,