Research on the equipment performance of SAR testing system for mobile phones 手机比吸收率测量系统中关键设备性能研究
Recognition of SAR Target Image Based on Integration of Geometric Features 基于几何特征信息融合的SAR图像目标识别The Method and Study of Reducing Speckle Noise in SAR Image 抑制SAR图像相干斑噪声方法研究
A Target Detection Method for SAR Image Based on Feature Classification Discrimination 一种基于特征分类辨识的SAR图像目标检测方法
A two pattern combined method to detect water area from SAR remote image 从SAR遥感图像中提取水域的一种双模式结合方法
SAR Image Target Detection Method Based on Texture Feature and Mathematical Morphology 基于纹理特征和数学形态学的SAR图像目标检测方法
Analysis of Scattering Center Model for High Resolution SAR Targets 高分辨SAR目标散射中心模型分析
A Method for Motion Compensation of Moving Targets in SAR Image 在SAR成象中对运动目标进行运动补偿的一种方法
Fast algorithm for SAR raw signal simulation is proposed. 提出了SAR原始信号仿真的快速算法。
Experimental Study on Comparison of Geometric Rectification Methods of SAR Images 合成孔径雷达影像几何处理方法对比实验研究