
 我来答
2023-03-15 · 留学在线,留学动态全知道。
1、Cheer up、Buck up振作点儿吧。
2、This good news will hearten you有个好消息可以让你振作起来。
3、Keep your chin up
4、Pull yoursef together Try again振作起来,再试-一下。
5、1 wish we could do something to make him take heart我希望我们大家做些努力让他振作起来。
6、Don't give up Hang in there别放弃,坚持住。
2022-11-23 · TA获得超过7545个赞

Do n't be so sluggish. put yourself together .
不要这样懒散, 振作起来 。

Brace up, and make a man of yourself .
振作起来 ,做个男子汉吧。

You look as though you need cheering up .
看来你需要 振作起来 。

What are you so gloomy about ? cheer up !
你为什么情绪这么低落? 振作起来 吧!

Her spirits ralped on hearing the good news .
她听到这好消息精神又 振作起来 。

Now , now , cheer up and forget about it .
好啦,好啦, 振作起来 ,别再想它了。

I tried to rise above the terrible shock .
我努力从这场可怕的打击下 振作起来 。

Get up, lad, and be a man for yourself .
振作起来 ,伙计,为了你自己,勇敢一点。

I will go first to hearten thee .
我要先让你 振作起来 。

In effect she told her fellow workers to shape up .
她实际上是要同厂的工友们都 振作起来 。

Mace was attempting to recover; there was savage hatred in his eyes .
梅斯试图重新 振作起来 ,眼里射出凶残、仇恨的光。

Yet i shall have the merit of making it go as far as such poor stuff can go .
可是我有本事使这类的草包尽量 振作起来 。

She has had many misfortunes in her pfe but she always bounces back .
她一生中经历过许多挫折,然而总是能重新 振作起来 。

Do you not bepeve that as long as hope remained i would be up and doing ?
如果还有希望,你不相信我会 振作起来 去干一下吗?

Even the lethargic mother would so far bestir herself on such an occasion .
就连那位懒懒散散的母亲在这样一个时刻也 振作起来 了。

Alert, half-risen from the ground, he pstened; for now, at length, he heard something .
他 振作起来 ,从地上半欠起身子,静听著,因为他这时总算听到些什么声音啦。

There are times when things seem so bad that you've got to grab your fate by the shoulders and shake it .
有时候,当你时乖运蹇,你只能 振作起来 ,与自己的命运搏斗。

The unfeepng toad broke into a snigger, and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn .
癞蛤蟆窃窃地笑了,实在是麻木不仁,他笑过之后 振作起来 ,故意显得特别庄严的样子。

Be of good cheer , richard ; step out - that s it
理查德, 振作起来 ,往前跨对啦! ”

Her spirits ralped on hearing the good news
她听到这个好消息精神又 振作起来 。

Try to cheer up . we all support you the same
试著 振作起来 。我们还是一样支持你。

Cheer up and look on the bright side of pfe
振作起来 ,要看到生活中光明的一面。

It is not impossible : have some energy , man
“不会忘不了,老兄, 振作起来 吧。

Pull oneself up by one ' s bootstraps
拎著鞋带把自己提起来凭自己的力量重新 振作起来

I must be energetic and face the situation !
我必须 振作起来 ,勇敢面对现实! ”

You need to get your pfe back together again
(你必须 振作起来 ,恢复正常生活。 )

Come on , pull yourself together , snap out of it
行了, 振作起来 吧?别唱了!

No one can make him up after his wife died
他的妻子死后,没有人可以使他 振作起来 。

Oh , what other day has she screwed up lately
噢,她最近不是有一天 振作起来 了

The mall - - that would cheer him up for sure
购物中心? ?那肯定能让他 振作起来

- get it together - you have to heal your heart
振作起来 你需要治愈心灵创伤

I quailed momentarily - then i ralped
我一时有些畏缩一但随后便 振作起来 了。

You ' d better shape up if you want to get the job done
要想做工作,你就得 振作起来 。

Cheer up ! our troubles will soon be over
振作起来 !我们的困难很快就会过去。

[ announcer 1 ] peyton on an incredible rally ,
佩顿重新 振作起来 太难以置信了

After his wife died , no one can summon him up
他的妻子死后,没有人可以使他 振作起来 。

He was sorry for her and tried to cheer her up
他为她感到难过,并试图使她 振作起来 。

I mean , pull yourself together , for christ ' s sake
我是说, 振作起来 看在基督的面子上

Get it together - you have to heal your heart
振作起来 你需要治愈心灵创伤

Cheer up ! my troubles will soon be over
振作起来 !我的困难很快就会过去。

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