
我要初一人教版的英语单项选择题..要平均的..越多题目追加越多!... 我要初一 人教版的 英语单项选择题..
2009-01-11 · TA获得超过1025个赞
1. Tom is too ____ to say.
A. reached B. played C. excited D. wanted
2. --- ____ is it from your school to your home?
--- It's about 300 meters. It's near.

A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How
3. We are having a party ____ eight o'clock ____ the afternoon ____ New Year 's Day.
A. at; in; in B. at; on; in C. in; at; on D. at; in; on
4. I invited the twins ____ my birthday party.
A. into B. / C. to D. for
5. He ____ home late.
A. arrives at B. arrives in C. gets to D. reaches
6. He is writing a ____ article [文章].
A. two thousand word B. two thousands words
C. tow thousands word D. two thousand words
7. There are ____ of students in the meeting-room.
A. hundred B. hundreds C. a thousand D. thousand
8. This river is ____ than that one.
A. deep and clean B. deeper and cleaner
C. deeper and clean D. deep and cleaner
9. --- How will you go to the zoo?
--- I will go there ____.
A. take a bus B. take bus C. by bus D. by a bus
10. ____ from London to Edinburgh?
A. How far is it B. What a long way is it
C. How long is it D. How is it
11. What time does the bus ____ Chengdu?
A. go away to B. go away for C. leave to D. leave for
12. I ____ home at half past six.
A. was at B. come at C. arrive in D. get to
13. ____ beautiful these flowers are!
A. So B. What C. How D. Too
14. Can this camera ____ good pictures?
A. make B. makes C. take D. takes
15. He comes late sometimes, ____ he?
A. is B. isn't C. comes D. doesn't
16. --- Whose hat is it? --- It's ____.
A. he's B. his C. his's D. he
17. Mary with John ____ listening to the radio.
A. is B. are C. do D. does
18. The boy is ____ young to join the army [参军].
A. so B. too C. older than D. to
19. The new bridge over the river is ____.
A. two kilometers long B. two kilometer long
C. two long kilometers D. two long kilometer
20. He comes here ____ bike.
A. by his B. take his C. on his D. in his
21. We want two ____.
A. cup of water B. cups of water
C. cup of waters D. cups of waters
22. There ____ a basket of ____.
A. is; apple B. is; apples C. are; apple D. are; apples
23. You don't need ____ wait for me.
A. to B. / C. for D. at
24. There are ____ years in a century (世纪).
A. hundred B. one hundred C. a hundreds D. hundreds
25. Mr. Smith left ____ the morning of October first.
A. at B. in C. on D. about
26. --- Lucy, please give me a cup of water.
--- ____.
A. Yes, I can B. No, thanks C. Here you are D. Yes, please
27. We go to school ____ our bikes every day.
A. by B. take C. in D. on
28. --- ____ will you be away?
--- About two weeks.
A. When B. What time C. How long D. How far
29. Yesterday, Jim ____ home very late.
A. got to B. arrived in C. arrived at D. reached
30. Mr. Li lives in ____ city of Beijing.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
31. The teacher asked ____ to the front.
A. him and me B. him and I C. his and mine D. he and I
32. You don't need ____ here every day.
A. come B. to come C. coming D. came
33. Where are they ____ a trip?
A. go to B. going on C. going to D. go on
34. Let's go ____ a trip to Mountain Huangshan. It's beautiful.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
35. Beijing is ____ Hong Kong.
A. far away B. far from C. far to D. far with
36. --- May I go to Tian'anmen Square?
--- ____.
A. Yes, you can B. No, you mayn't
C. Yes, you may D. No, I mayn't
37. They want me ____ a son at the party.
A. sing B. to sing C. sings D. singing
38. Can Mr. Smith ____ to Beijing with his son?
A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming
39. How far ____ it from Changchun to Shijiazhuang?
A. be B. are C. is D. to be
40. ____ students like football in China.
A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Hundred of
41. Our school has ____ teachers.
A. two hundreds B. two hundred
C. two hundred of D. two hundreds of
42. Let's go to Paris ____.
A. by plane B. by a plane C. a plane D. by the plane
43. Uncle Wang is going to Beijing. He is packing his suitcase ____ clothes.
A. on B. with C. of D. in
44. --- How many ____ do you have?
--- Only one.
A. shirt B. a shirt C. some shirts D. shirts
45. --- Can I help you?
--- I want ____, please.
A. two socks B. two pair of socks
C. two pairs of socks D. two pairs of sock
46. My pen is broken. I need ____ a new one.
A. buy B. to buy C. buys D. to buys
47. --- Have a good trip! --- ____.
A. Good B. Bye-bye
C. Thank you D. Have a good trip
48. ____. The baby is sleeping.
A. Not talk B. Not talking C. Don't talk D. Don't talking
49. --- How are you going to the train station to meet your aunt?
--- I'm going there ____ my car.
A. by B. in C. to D. on
50. --- ____ students are there in your class?
--- Forty-one.
A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How heavy
51. --- Waiter!
--- ____ ?
--- I can't eat this. It's too sweet.
A. OK B. All right C. Yes D. Pardon
52. China became a WTO member ____ December 11th 2001.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
53. Jenny is a nurse and ____ in Town Hospital.
A. works B. worked C. working D. to work
54. --- ____ for a ticket from Beijing to Shanghai?
--- One hundred yuan.
A. How many B. How much C. How What's D. How far
55. --- ____ is it from Shanghai to Shijiazhuang?
--- Two thousand kilometers.
A. How much B. How long C. How far D. How kilometer
56. The train ____ in Beijing at 2:00 in the afternoon.
A. arrives B. gets to C. reaches D. arrive
57. ____ often walk to school after class.
A. Li Ming, I and Jenny B. I, Li Ming and Jenny
C. Li Ming, Jenny and I D. Li Ming and Jenny and I
58. --- ____ ? --- It's 11:00
A. How old are you B. What's the time
C. How far is it from here D. How much is it
59. --- Do you want ____? --- Yes, I do.
A. run B. to run C. running D. to running
60. I want to go on a trip ____ Beijing.
A. to B. in C. for D. may to go
61. --- May I go to a restaurant for lunch?
--- Yes, you ____.
A. do B. are C. may D. may to go
62. We can go to school ____.
A. on bus B. take a bus C. on a bike D. by a car
63. There are two ____ books in our school library.
A. hundreds B. thousands C. hundreds of D. hundred
64. When do you leave ____ Beijing?
A. for B. to C. in D. at
65. The plane arrives ____ January fifth in the afternoon.
A. on B. in C. at D. to
66. When does your father arrive ____ our school?
A. to B. in C. at D. from
67. He is going to stay at home ____ two days.
A. at B. on C. about D. for
68. This pair of glasses ____ more money.
A. needs B. need C. are D. cost
69. Do you need a pair of ____?
A. shoe B. sock C. trousers D. glass
70. My home is ____ to our school.
A. far B. near C. beside D. behind
71. My favourite ____ is Monday.
A. subject B. color C. clothes D. day
72. ____ teacher is from Tianjin.
A. They B. Them C. Their D. We
73. A bike is ____ than a bus and it's ____ than a car.
A. slower; faster B. faster; slower
C. slower; slower D. faster; faster
( )1. The supermarket is ______Fifth Avenue.
A. in B. at C. on

( ) 2. What does he want _______?
A. do B. to be C. be
( ) 3. Lucy wants _____her grandma on October 10th.
A. see B. seeing C. to see
( ) 4. Where ____Paul and Steve _____from?
A. do, comes B. does, come C. do, come
( ) 5. ________cleaning the blackboard ? Lucy.
A. Who's B. Who are C. Who
( ) 6. How's it going? ___________ .
A. That's all right. B. No, it isn't. C. Great!
( ) 7. Look! He _________ over there.
A. plays basketball B. is playing basketball
C. is playing the basketball
( ) 8. I like dogs because they are_______ friendly.
A. a kind of B. kinds of C. kind of
( ) 9. At night the koala bear gets up and _________ .
A. eats leaf B. eat leaf C. eats leaves
( ) 10.The panda likes ________with her friends
A. playing B. play C. to playing
( ) 11. Can you _____me the way _____ the bank?
A. say, to B. tell, to C. speak, of
( ) 12. Tom _____ at a TV station.
His job is _______.
A. work, exciting B. works, an exciting
C. works, exciting
( ) 13.The pay phone is ______ the library.
A. between B. crossing C. across from
( ) 14. It's time _____ lunch.
A. have B. to have C. having
( ) 15. He wants to send a letter, he can go to the ____.
1.I am sure our football team will_____ the team No.3 Middle School.
A.win B.fail C.lose D.best

2.Where is Jack?
He is away to spend his holiday.he is gone either to hangzhou or to wuhan,but I am not sure_____
A.that B.which C.where D.there

3.They walked _____ the gate with Uncle Wang.
A.though B.across C.over

4.He is one of the students who_____ praised by the teacher.
A.were B.was C.have D.has

1. Our school is _________ a park and a big library.

A. between B. next C. across D. in

2. Tom and Mike enjoy _______ TV.

A. see B. watch C. watching D. to watch

3. Let's __________________ .

A. go shopping B. went shopping

C. goes shopping D. going shopping

4. They want _________ the zoo very much.

A. to go B. to go to C. go to D. going to

5. There ______ some Chinese girls in Miss Gao's class.

A. is B. are C. am D. will

6. _________ do you come from? China.

A. When B. Where C. Why D. Who

7. We had fun in ______ games.

A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing

8. _______ it going? Pretty good!

A. How's B. What's C. How D. Where's

9. Thank you very much. ________.

A. You're welcome B. That's right

C. You're right D. Don't thank me

10. Thank you for _____ us so much help.

A. giving B. give C. to give D. gives

11. Can you tell _____ the way to the shop?

A. he B. his C. her D. she

12. You'd better _____ a taxi to the park.

A. to take B. takes C. take D. taking

13. ______ you _____ a cup of tea? Yes, please.

A. Are, like B. Does, like C. Do, like D. Would, like

14. I don't like cabbage _______.

A. at all B. a little C. a lot of D. very

15. How many ____ do you want?

A. rice B. tomatos C. pieces of bread D. potato

16. My work is interesting, but _____ dangerous.

A. a kind of B. a kind C. kinds of D. kind of

17. Let's _____ TV now.

A. to watch B. watch C. look D. see

18. Mother often goes ______ on Sundays.

A. shop B. a shop C. buy D. shopping

19. We often play ____ after school.

A. a basketball B. the basketball

C. basketball D. a football

20. He is very hungry. He buys ____ hamburgers.

A. many B. much C. a lots of D. all of them

21. "What does he do?" means ____________

A. who is he B. Where is he

C. What is he D. what is he doing

22. The girl wants ______ a doctor.

A. being B. to C. to be D. to do

23. Please _____ late for school next time.

A. don't be B. aren't C. doesn't be D. be not

24. My parents often cook noodles ____ me.

A. to B. for C. in D. of

25. One of the children _____ in the river last summer.

A. was swimming B. is swimming

C. are swimming D. were swimming

26. _______ are the books? They are 20 yuan.

A. How much B. What C. How many D. How money

27. Sorry, I'm late ______ school.

A. for B. to C. at D. from

28. She _____ lunch at home yesterday.

A. doesn't B. didn't have C. doesn't have D. hasn't

29. Would you like _____ orange juice ? Yes, please

A. some B. any C. a D. many

30. We _____ to a movie last Sunday.

A. go B. went C. did go D. was go

31. What _____ your sister _____? She is an actor.

A. does, does B. do, does C. does, do D. do, do

32. Why not ______ see the smart dolphins?

A. come to B. to come C. coming and D. coming

33. We can ______ taxi to the town.

A. by B. take C. ride D. take a

34. Welcome to our school! ____________!

A. Fine B. Thank you C. It doesn't matter D. Very good

35. We often _____ TV after school.

A. are watch B. watch C. watches D. watching

36. What time is it? __________.

A. It's fine B. It's OK C. It's Tuesday D. It's nine

37. Let's take some ________.

A. photo B. photoes C. photos for you

38. Yesterday, there ______ nobody in the room.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

39. What time do you leave school ______ the weekend?

A. in B. on C. / D. of

40. You can _____ it in English. He can ______ English well.

A. speak, speak B. tells, say

C. say, speak D. talks, say

41. What ______ you do over the weekend?

A. are B. do C. did D. does

42. ______ Yes, I'd like a cup of tea.

A. Excuse me. B. Can I help you?

C. Are you OK? D. Good morning!

43. Did you play football last Friday? ____________.

A. No, we don't B. No, we didn't

C. No, we aren't D. Yes, we play

44. ______ do you usually go to school?

A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

45. She _______ her homework on Sunday.

A. didn't B. doesn't C. didn't do D. doesn't did

46. Mr.Smith is badly ill. Now he is ______ hospital.

A. in the B. in C. / D. the

47. What do you want ________ ?

A. to do B. do C. be D. doing

48. _______ does the child _______?

A. Where, comes from B. Where, from

C. Where, come from D. Where, is from

49. Your dress is very beautiful. ___________.

A. Thank you B. You're right C. Don't say so D. yes, it is

50. ________ books are there on the desk?

A. How much B. How many C. How about D. How far


1 —5 ACABB 6 —10 BDAAA

11—15 CCDAC 16—20 DBDCA

21—25 CCABA 26—30 AABAB

31—35 CADBB 36—40 DCBBC

41—45 CBBBC 46—50 BACAB

1. Next to the hotel _____a small house with ______ interesting garden.

A. is an B. are a C. is a

2. You can have your meal ______ a bench in the park.

A. in B. on C. with

3. Let me _____ you the way to my house.

A. to tell B. telling C. tell

4. Dolphins are_________ interesting.

A. kinds of B. a kind of C. kind of

5. Pandas are from ________ .

A. China B. Japan C. the U.S.

6. ---What kind of pizza would you like ?

---I'd like _______ .

A. a small pizza. B. a large one C. an olive pizza

7. He is_____ a teacher.

A. too B. also C. either

8. How many ________ would you like ?

A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos

9. There are 5 _____ in my family.

A. peoples B. peopling C. people

10.My father's job is to save patients(病人).

He's a _______ .

A. bank clerk B. waiter C. doctor

11.She ______ to _____ a sales assistant.

A. wants is B. want be C. wants be

12.It _____ Tuesday yesterday(昨天).

A. was B. is C. were

13._____ most kids, the weekends was a mixture of fun and work.

A. For B. To C. With

14.______ morning, I cleaned my room.

A. On the Sunday B. On Sunday C. In Sunday

15.---What class are you in ?

---I’m in _______ .

A. class five B. Five Class C. Class Five

16.Peter _______ medium height and he _______ a medium build.

A. is has B. has is C. is is

17.He likes playing ________ chess.

A. the B. a C. 不要填

18. Mr. Wu often _______ jokes in class.

A. says B. tells C. talks

19.The pair of glasses _________ yours.

A. are B. is C. am

20.Nobody ________ me here.

A. know B. knows C. knowed

( )1.Please write down ________.

A.all your names B.all of names C.all names D.your all names

( )2.The boy is good _____English songs .

A. to song B.at singing C.to sing D.at sing

( )3.He is _____ younger than she.

A.more B.very C.much D.too

( )4.I think my cakes are nicer than ______.

A.her B.my C.them D.his

( )5.The girl ___ long hair is Lucy.

A.has B.in C.on D.with

( )6.That shop sells______.

A.mens’ shoes B.man’s shoes C.mans’ shoes D.men’s shoes

( )7.Would you like _____ to eat?

A. different something B. something different

C.different anything D.anything different

( )8. I’m so tired . I can’t run _____.

A.any more B.more any C.some more D.much more

( )9.I can see ____moon in the night.

A.the B.a C.an D./

( )10.I want to see the animals. Why ____you ____with me ?

A.don’t come B.do; come C.aren’t come D.are; going to come

( )11.There is _____”f” in the word “farm”.

A.a B. an C.the D./

( )12.We are going to work on a farm . Please ______late.

A..not be B.not C.don’t be D.not to be

( ) 13.I can’t go boating with you. I ____do my homework first.

A.can B.may C. could D.have to

( ).14.The woman’s name is Mary Joan Shute . You can call her_____.

A.Miss Joan B.Miss Shute C.Miss Mary D.Miss Mary Joan

( )15.How____the people _____to the East Lake next Sunday.

A.are; going to get B.is going go get

C.are; getting D.is going to getting

( )16.What about ______boating at the Water Park .

A.go B.going C. to going D. goes

( )17.Hi, Sam .______a little present ,_____our best wishes.

A. This is and B. That is with C.Here’s with D.Here are with

( )18.Which do you like ____,pears, tomatoes or parrots.

A.good B.well C.better D. best

( )19. The old man is _____ the radio , but he can’t _____anything.

A. listening to hear B. hearing; listening to

C.listening; to hear D.hearing; hear

( )20.I’m sorry .I can’t carry ____basket.

A.four B.third C.twelve D.the second
1The little boy is very clever. He makes his mother () very happy.

A.feel B.feeling C.felt D.feel
2This pair of shoes ________ for my sister. A. are B. has C. is

1选A.make sb. do2.c
That's( )maths teacher
A.he B.his C.she

3This is Jim Green,( ).
A.Mr Jim B.Mr Green C.Miss Green

4( ).Are you Mr Green?
No,I'm not.
( ).
A.Excuse me;Excuse me
B.Excuse me;Sorry

5( )her name?
She's Li Wei.
A.What B.How old C.What's

6Who is the boy over there?
( )is my brother.
A.He B.His C.Him D.Himself

7That's ( ) mother.
A.he B.his C.she

8What's her father 's name?
( )is Lin Han.
A.FatherB.He C.His B,B,B,C,A,B,B
2009-01-10 · TA获得超过2159个赞
( )1.The oranges are ________.Can you help me carry them?
A.hheavy B.small C.full D.empty
( )2._______are in the same row.
A.I,you and he B.You.he and I C.He.you and I D.I.he and you
( )3.It has _____legs____feet,but it can walk.
A.not,and B.no,or C.no,and D.not,or
( )4.You don't like the green one,_______the red one?
A.what b.how C.where D.what about
( )5.Don't put your coat away,put________.
A.them on B.on them C.it on D.on it
( )6.The orange sweaters are_______.
A.they B.their C.theirs D.them
( )7.Please______him a cup of coffee.
A.put B.carry C.have D.give
( )8.Can you______the bird over there?
A.gets B.mend C.look D.catch
( )9.Let's go and play_______football
A.a B.an C.the D./
( )10.What______can you see?
A.the other things B.other things C.other thing D.the other thing
( )11.I want____a kite this afternoon.
A.to play B.play C.playing D.plays
( )12.Sorry,I can't see_____milk in ther galss.
A.some B,.any C.many D.a
( )13.Do you get up early in the morning?________.
A.Yes,you do B.Yes,I do C.Yes,I have D.No,I can't
( )14.What's wrong with you,Jim?________.Could you help me?
A.I don't know B.I'm not good C.Not at all D.I'm not fine
( )15.I have two friends.________ is a doctor ________is a teacher
A.Some,other B.The one,the two C.One,the other D.Thr one,the other
( )16.I don't like the blue coats.I like the yellow_________.
A.it B.one C.ones D.them
( )17.______can't mend_____pen.Can you hlep_______?
A.I,me,mine B.She,her,her C.Your,you,you D.He,his,his
( )18.I like football,What about______with us?
A.pleying B.to play C.plays D.go
( )19.I want_________.
A.a piece of bread B.some meats C.any bread D.some cake
( )20.We often get up_____seven_______the morning.
A.at,in B.on,in C.at,on D.on,at

1. Our school is _________ a park and a big library.

A. between B. next C. across D. in

2. Tom and Mike enjoy _______ TV.

A. see B. watch C. watching D. to watch

3. Let's __________________ .

A. go shopping B. went shopping

C. goes shopping D. going shopping

4. They want _________ the zoo very much.

A. to go B. to go to C. go to D. going to

5. There ______ some Chinese girls in Miss Gao's class.

A. is B. are C. am D. will

6. _________ do you come from? China.

A. When B. Where C. Why D. Who

7. We had fun in ______ games.

A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing

8. _______ it going? Pretty good!

A. How's B. What's C. How D. Where's

9. Thank you very much. ________.

A. You're welcome B. That's right

C. You're right D. Don't thank me

10. Thank you for _____ us so much help.

A. giving B. give C. to give D. gives

11. Can you tell _____ the way to the shop?

A. he B. his C. her D. she

12. You'd better _____ a taxi to the park.

A. to take B. takes C. take D. taking

13. ______ you _____ a cup of tea? Yes, please.

A. Are, like B. Does, like C. Do, like D. Would, like

14. I don't like cabbage _______.

A. at all B. a little C. a lot of D. very

15. How many ____ do you want?

A. rice B. tomatos C. pieces of bread D. potato

16. My work is interesting, but _____ dangerous.

A. a kind of B. a kind C. kinds of D. kind of

17. Let's _____ TV now.

A. to watch B. watch C. look D. see

18. Mother often goes ______ on Sundays.

A. shop B. a shop C. buy D. shopping

19. We often play ____ after school.

A. a basketball B. the basketball

C. basketball D. a football

20. He is very hungry. He buys ____ hamburgers.

A. many B. much C. a lots of D. all of them

21. "What does he do?" means ____________

A. who is he B. Where is he

C. What is he D. what is he doing

22. The girl wants ______ a doctor.

A. being B. to C. to be D. to do

23. Please _____ late for school next time.

A. don't be B. aren't C. doesn't be D. be not

24. My parents often cook noodles ____ me.

A. to B. for C. in D. of

25. One of the children _____ in the river last summer.

A. was swimming B. is swimming

C. are swimming D. were swimming

26. _______ are the books? They are 20 yuan.

A. How much B. What C. How many D. How money

27. Sorry, I'm late ______ school.

A. for B. to C. at D. from

28. She _____ lunch at home yesterday.

A. doesn't B. didn't have C. doesn't have D. hasn't

29. Would you like _____ orange juice ? Yes, please

A. some B. any C. a D. many

30. We _____ to a movie last Sunday.

A. go B. went C. did go D. was go

31. What _____ your sister _____? She is an actor.

A. does, does B. do, does C. does, do D. do, do

32. Why not ______ see the smart dolphins?

A. come to B. to come C. coming and D. coming

33. We can ______ taxi to the town.

A. by B. take C. ride D. take a

34. Welcome to our school! ____________!

A. Fine B. Thank you C. It doesn't matter D. Very good

35. We often _____ TV after school.

A. are watch B. watch C. watches D. watching

36. What time is it? __________.

A. It's fine B. It's OK C. It's Tuesday D. It's nine

37. Let's take some ________.

A. photo B. photoes C. photos for you

38. Yesterday, there ______ nobody in the room.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

39. What time do you leave school ______ the weekend?

A. in B. on C. / D. of

40. You can _____ it in English. He can ______ English well.

A. speak, speak B. tells, say

C. say, speak D. talks, say

41. What ______ you do over the weekend?

A. are B. do C. did D. does

42. ______ Yes, I'd like a cup of tea.

A. Excuse me. B. Can I help you?

C. Are you OK? D. Good morning!

43. Did you play football last Friday? ____________.

A. No, we don't B. No, we didn't

C. No, we aren't D. Yes, we play

44. ______ do you usually go to school?

A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

45. She _______ her homework on Sunday.

A. didn't B. doesn't C. didn't do D. doesn't did

46. Mr.Smith is badly ill. Now he is ______ hospital.

A. in the B. in C. / D. the

47. What do you want ________ ?

A. to do B. do C. be D. doing

48. _______ does the child _______?

A. Where, comes from B. Where, from

C. Where, come from D. Where, is from

49. Your dress is very beautiful. ___________.

A. Thank you B. You're right C. Don't say so D. yes, it is

50. ________ books are there on the desk?

A. How much B. How many C. How about D. How far


1 —5 ACABB 6 —10 BDAAA

11—15 CCDAC 16—20 DBDCA

21—25 CCABA 26—30 AABAB

31—35 CADBB 36—40 DCBBC

41—45 CBBBC 46—50 BACAB

1. Next to the hotel _____a small house with ______ interesting garden.

A. is an B. are a C. is a

2. You can have your meal ______ a bench in the park.

A. in B. on C. with

3. Let me _____ you the way to my house.

A. to tell B. telling C. tell

4. Dolphins are_________ interesting.

A. kinds of B. a kind of C. kind of

5. Pandas are from ________ .

A. China B. Japan C. the U.S.

6. ---What kind of pizza would you like ?

---I'd like _______ .

A. a small pizza. B. a large one C. an olive pizza

7. He is_____ a teacher.

A. too B. also C. either

8. How many ________ would you like ?

A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos

9. There are 5 _____ in my family.

A. peoples B. peopling C. people

10.My father's job is to save patients(病人).

He's a _______ .

A. bank clerk B. waiter C. doctor

11.She ______ to _____ a sales assistant.

A. wants is B. want be C. wants be

12.It _____ Tuesday yesterday(昨天).

A. was B. is C. were

13._____ most kids, the weekends was a mixture of fun and work.

A. For B. To C. With

14.______ morning, I cleaned my room.

A. On the Sunday B. On Sunday C. In Sunday

15.---What class are you in ?

---I’m in _______ .

A. class five B. Five Class C. Class Five

16.Peter _______ medium height and he _______ a medium build.

A. is has B. has is C. is is

17.He likes playing ________ chess.

A. the B. a C. 不要填

18. Mr. Wu often _______ jokes in class.

A. says B. tells C. talks

19.The pair of glasses _________ yours.

A. are B. is C. am

20.Nobody ________ me here.

A. know B. knows C. knowed

( )1.Please write down ________.

A.all your names B.all of names C.all names D.your all names

( )2.The boy is good _____English songs .

A. to song B.at singing C.to sing D.at sing

( )3.He is _____ younger than she.

A.more B.very C.much D.too

( )4.I think my cakes are nicer than ______.

A.her B.my C.them D.his

( )5.The girl ___ long hair is Lucy.

A.has B.in C.on D.with

( )6.That shop sells______.

A.mens’ shoes B.man’s shoes C.mans’ shoes D.men’s shoes

( )7.Would you like _____ to eat?

A. different something B. something different

C.different anything D.anything different

( )8. I’m so tired . I can’t run _____.

A.any more B.more any C.some more D.much more

( )9.I can see ____moon in the night.

A.the B.a C.an D./

( )10.I want to see the animals. Why ____you ____with me ?

A.don’t come B.do; come C.aren’t come D.are; going to come

( )11.There is _____”f” in the word “farm”.

A.a B. an C.the D./

( )12.We are going to work on a farm . Please ______late.

A..not be B.not C.don’t be D.not to be

( ) 13.I can’t go boating with you. I ____do my homework first.

A.can B.may C. could D.have to

( ).14.The woman’s name is Mary Joan Shute . You can call her_____.

A.Miss Joan B.Miss Shute C.Miss Mary D.Miss Mary Joan

( )15.How____the people _____to the East Lake next Sunday.

A.are; going to get B.is going go get

C.are; getting D.is going to getting

( )16.What about ______boating at the Water Park .

A.go B.going C. to going D. goes

( )17.Hi, Sam .______a little present ,_____our best wishes.

A. This is and B. That is with C.Here’s with D.Here are with

( )18.Which do you like ____,pears, tomatoes or parrots.

A.good B.well C.better D. best

( )19. The old man is _____ the radio , but he can’t _____anything.

A. listening to hear B. hearing; listening to

C.listening; to hear D.hearing; hear

( )20.I’m sorry .I can’t carry ____basket.

A.four B.third C.twelve D.the second
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2009-01-11 · TA获得超过520个赞
1.I didn't go home ______ I finished cleaning the classroom yesterday.

A. when B. while C. until D. since

2.Do you think English is as ______ as math?

A. important B. very important C. more important D. the most important

3.--What does he do?

--He ______ an English teacher.

A. be B. am C. are D. is

4.Some people like to stay at home on Sundays, but ______ like to go to the cinema.

A. the other B. others C. another people D. other

5.I have to speak to my grandma loudly because there's ______ with her ears.

A. everything wrong B. something wrong C. anything wrong D. nothing wrong

6.______ new radio it is!

A. How a B. What a C. How D. What

7.--Can you ______ it in English.

--Sorry, I can't ______ English.

A. say; say B.speak; speak C. speak; say D. say; speak

8.--What _____ one and one?

--_____ two.

A. is; It's B. are; They're C. are; It's D. is; They're

9.--Is English your favourite subject?

--_____ I didn't like English, but now I have found it more and more interesting.

A. First B. At first C. Before D. At once

10.Last night there was a concert in Kunming. More than five thousand people were there. ______ of them were students or young people.

A. How many B. The most C. More D. Most

11.We arrived at the hotel a little _____ than we had expected.

A. late B. later C. latest D. lately

12.The boy won't go to bed _____ he is asked to.

A. before B. until C. because D. if

13.Hearing the news, ______.

A. she burst into tears B. and she couldn't keep back her tears

C. she had begun to cry D. tears came to her eyes

14.______, I went out for a walk.

A. There was nothing to do B. There being nothing to do

C. There had nothing to do D. There were nothing to do

15.--Must we hand in our homework before school is over?

--No, you _______.

A. can't B. needn't C. won't D. mustn't

16.You ______ read the book if you don't want to.

A. may not B. can't C. needn't D. mustn't

17.It's time to go to ______. Is ______ near here?

A. the school; school B. school; school C. school; the school D. the school; the school

18.Don't be afraid! You're not all _____ yourself.

A. for B. by C. with D. of

19.You must remember who helped you _____ the years when you were in trouble.

A. across B. over C. past D. through

20.______ the wind? It ______ very strongly.

A. Are you hearing; is blowing B. Do you hear; is blowing

C. Have you heard; has blown D. Did you hear; was blown
( )1.The supermarket is ______Fifth Avenue .
A. in B. at C. on
( ) 2. What does he want _______?
A. do B. to be C. be
( ) 3. Lucy wants _____her grandma on October 10th.
A. see B. seeing C. to see
( ) 4. Where ____Paul and Steve _____from ?
A. do , comes B. does, come C. do , come
( ) 5. ________cleaning the blackboard ? Lucy .
A. Who’s B. Who are C. Who
( ) 6. How’s it going? ___________ .
A. That’s all right . B. No, it isn’t . C. Great !
( ) 7. Look! He_________ over there .
A. plays basketball B. is playing basketball C. is playing the basketball
( )8. I like dogs because they are_______ friendly .
A. a kind of B. kinds of C. kind of
( )9. At night the koala bear gets up and _________ .
A. eats leaf B. eat leaf C. eats leaves
( )10.The panda likes ________with her friends
A. playing B. play C. to playing
( )11.Can you _____me the way _____ the bank?
A. say , to B. tell , to C. speak ,of
( )12.Tom_____at a TV station. His job is _______ .
A. work, exciting B. works, an exciting C. works ,exciting
( )13.The pay phone is ______ the library .
A. between B. crossing C. across from
( )14. It’s time _____ lunch .
A. have B. to have C. having
( )15.He wants to send a letter ,he can go to the _______.
( )⒈— Good morning ! —______________.
A. Thank you B.Good morning C.Hello D.Hi
( )⒉—You ’ re Jack , right ? —________________ .
A.OK B.No , I am Tom . C.Yes , you ’ re Jack D.Fine , thank you
( )⒊—_________ is the boy ? — He is my brother .
A.How B.What C. Who ’ s D.Who
( )⒋—__________ are you ? —I am a teacher .
A.What B.Who C.Who ’ s D.How
( )⒌ My cousin is not tall . He is __________.
A.slim B.short C.polite D.helpful
( )⒍ 感谢别人的帮助时,应说:______________
A.Thank you B.I ’ m fine , thank you C.Goodbye D.Yes , I am
( )⒎ 向别人介绍自己时,可以说:_______________
A.Hi , I ’ m Lily . B. Good morning , Sally C.Who am I ? D.Fine , and you ?
( )⒏_____________ your teacher ?
A.How are B.How old C.How old are D.How is
( )⒐ This ___________ Sally . She ___________ my sister .
A. am , is B. is , are C.are , is D.is , is
( )⒑—How are you , Jill ? —_________________.
A.Fine , thank you B.Yes , I ’ m fine . C.And you ? D.How are you
( )⒒—What ’ s this ? —____________ a cat .
A.This is B.This ’ s C.It ’ s D.It
( )⒓—Is this your brother ? —_____________.
A.No , he is B.Yes , he is C.He is my uncle D.Yes , he isn ’ t
( )⒔He ’ s ________________.
A.my Bob uncle B.Zhang Mr C.Mr Zhang D.Miss Zhang
( )⒕ I think ______________ are polite .
A. I B.Nick C.Nick and Jill D.Jill
( )⒖ Jill and Pat ___________ good ___________ .
A.is ……friend B.are ……friend C.are ……friends D.is ……friends
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2009-01-10 · TA获得超过788个赞
1The little boy is very clever. He makes his mother () very happy.

A.feel B.feeling C.felt D.feel
2This pair of shoes ________ for my sister. A. are B. has C. is

1选A.make sb. do2.c
That's( )maths teacher
A.he B.his C.she

3This is Jim Green,( ).
A.Mr Jim B.Mr Green C.Miss Green

4( ).Are you Mr Green?
No,I'm not.
( ).
A.Excuse me;Excuse me
B.Excuse me;Sorry

5( )her name?
She's Li Wei.
A.What B.How old C.What's

6Who is the boy over there?
( )is my brother.
A.He B.His C.Him D.Himself

7That's ( ) mother.
A.he B.his C.she

8What's her father 's name?
( )is Lin Han.
A.FatherB.He C.His B,B,B,C,A,B,B

如果是his,就表示是his name,这是名词性物主代词
如果是初一的题目就应该是B,名词性物主代词好象到初三B.He C.His
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2009-01-09 · TA获得超过350个赞
1. Our school is _________ a park and a big library.

A. between B. next C. across D. in

2. Tom and Mike enjoy _______ TV.

A. see B. watch C. watching D. to watch

3. Let's __________________ .

A. go shopping B. went shopping

C. goes shopping D. going shopping

4. They want _________ the zoo very much.

A. to go B. to go to C. go to D. going to

5. There ______ some Chinese girls in Miss Gao's class.

A. is B. are C. am D. will

6. _________ do you come from? China.

A. When B. Where C. Why D. Who

7. We had fun in ______ games.

A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing

8. _______ it going? Pretty good!

A. How's B. What's C. How D. Where's

9. Thank you very much. ________.

A. You're welcome B. That's right

C. You're right D. Don't thank me

10. Thank you for _____ us so much help.

A. giving B. give C. to give D. gives

11. Can you tell _____ the way to the shop?

A. he B. his C. her D. she

12. You'd better _____ a taxi to the park.

A. to take B. takes C. take D. taking

13. ______ you _____ a cup of tea? Yes, please.

A. Are, like B. Does, like C. Do, like D. Would, like

14. I don't like cabbage _______.

A. at all B. a little C. a lot of D. very

15. How many ____ do you want?

A. rice B. tomatos C. pieces of bread D. potato

16. My work is interesting, but _____ dangerous.

A. a kind of B. a kind C. kinds of D. kind of

17. Let's _____ TV now.

A. to watch B. watch C. look D. see

18. Mother often goes ______ on Sundays.

A. shop B. a shop C. buy D. shopping

19. We often play ____ after school.

A. a basketball B. the basketball

C. basketball D. a football

20. He is very hungry. He buys ____ hamburgers.

A. many B. much C. a lots of D. all of them

21. "What does he do?" means ____________

A. who is he B. Where is he

C. What is he D. what is he doing

22. The girl wants ______ a doctor.

A. being B. to C. to be D. to do

23. Please _____ late for school next time.

A. don't be B. aren't C. doesn't be D. be not

24. My parents often cook noodles ____ me.

A. to B. for C. in D. of

25. One of the children _____ in the river last summer.

A. was swimming B. is swimming

C. are swimming D. were swimming

26. _______ are the books? They are 20 yuan.

A. How much B. What C. How many D. How money

27. Sorry, I'm late ______ school.

A. for B. to C. at D. from

28. She _____ lunch at home yesterday.

A. doesn't B. didn't have C. doesn't have D. hasn't

29. Would you like _____ orange juice ? Yes, please

A. some B. any C. a D. many

30. We _____ to a movie last Sunday.

A. go B. went C. did go D. was go

31. What _____ your sister _____? She is an actor.

A. does, does B. do, does C. does, do D. do, do

32. Why not ______ see the smart dolphins?

A. come to B. to come C. coming and D. coming

33. We can ______ taxi to the town.

A. by B. take C. ride D. take a

34. Welcome to our school! ____________!

A. Fine B. Thank you C. It doesn't matter D. Very good

35. We often _____ TV after school.

A. are watch B. watch C. watches D. watching

36. What time is it? __________.

A. It's fine B. It's OK C. It's Tuesday D. It's nine

37. Let's take some ________.

A. photo B. photoes C. photos for you

38. Yesterday, there ______ nobody in the room.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

39. What time do you leave school ______ the weekend?

A. in B. on C. / D. of

40. You can _____ it in English. He can ______ English well.

A. speak, speak B. tells, say

C. say, speak D. talks, say

41. What ______ you do over the weekend?

A. are B. do C. did D. does

42. ______ Yes, I'd like a cup of tea.

A. Excuse me. B. Can I help you?

C. Are you OK? D. Good morning!

43. Did you play football last Friday? ____________.

A. No, we don't B. No, we didn't

C. No, we aren't D. Yes, we play

44. ______ do you usually go to school?

A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

45. She _______ her homework on Sunday.

A. didn't B. doesn't C. didn't do D. doesn't did

46. Mr.Smith is badly ill. Now he is ______ hospital.

A. in the B. in C. / D. the

47. What do you want ________ ?

A. to do B. do C. be D. doing

48. _______ does the child _______?

A. Where, comes from B. Where, from

C. Where, come from D. Where, is from

49. Your dress is very beautiful. ___________.

A. Thank you B. You're right C. Don't say so D. yes, it is

50. ________ books are there on the desk?

A. How much B. How many C. How about D. How far


1 —5 ACABB 6 —10 BDAAA

11—15 CCDAC 16—20 DBDCA

21—25 CCABA 26—30 AABAB

31—35 CADBB 36—40 DCBBC

41—45 CBBBC 46—50 BACAB

1. Next to the hotel _____a small house with ______ interesting garden.

A. is an B. are a C. is a

2. You can have your meal ______ a bench in the park.

A. in B. on C. with

3. Let me _____ you the way to my house.

A. to tell B. telling C. tell

4. Dolphins are_________ interesting.

A. kinds of B. a kind of C. kind of

5. Pandas are from ________ .

A. China B. Japan C. the U.S.

6. ---What kind of pizza would you like ?

---I'd like _______ .

A. a small pizza. B. a large one C. an olive pizza

7. He is_____ a teacher.

A. too B. also C. either

8. How many ________ would you like ?

A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos

9. There are 5 _____ in my family.

A. peoples B. peopling C. people

10.My father's job is to save patients(病人).

He's a _______ .

A. bank clerk B. waiter C. doctor

11.She ______ to _____ a sales assistant.

A. wants is B. want be C. wants be

12.It _____ Tuesday yesterday(昨天).

A. was B. is C. were

13._____ most kids, the weekends was a mixture of fun and work.

A. For B. To C. With

14.______ morning, I cleaned my room.

A. On the Sunday B. On Sunday C. In Sunday

15.---What class are you in ?

---I’m in _______ .

A. class five B. Five Class C. Class Five

16.Peter _______ medium height and he _______ a medium build.

A. is has B. has is C. is is

17.He likes playing ________ chess.

A. the B. a C. 不要填

18. Mr. Wu often _______ jokes in class.

A. says B. tells C. talks

19.The pair of glasses _________ yours.

A. are B. is C. am

20.Nobody ________ me here.

A. know B. knows C. knowed

( )1.Please write down ________.

A.all your names B.all of names C.all names D.your all names

( )2.The boy is good _____English songs .

A. to song B.at singing C.to sing D.at sing

( )3.He is _____ younger than she.

A.more B.very C.much D.too

( )4.I think my cakes are nicer than ______.

A.her B.my C.them D.his

( )5.The girl ___ long hair is Lucy.

A.has B.in C.on D.with

( )6.That shop sells______.

A.mens’ shoes B.man’s shoes C.mans’ shoes D.men’s shoes

( )7.Would you like _____ to eat?

A. different something B. something different

C.different anything D.anything different

( )8. I’m so tired . I can’t run _____.

A.any more B.more any C.some more D.much more

( )9.I can see ____moon in the night.

A.the B.a C.an D./

( )10.I want to see the animals. Why ____you ____with me ?

A.don’t come B.do; come C.aren’t come D.are; going to come

( )11.There is _____”f” in the word “farm”.

A.a B. an C.the D./

( )12.We are going to work on a farm . Please ______late.

A..not be B.not C.don’t be D.not to be

( ) 13.I can’t go boating with you. I ____do my homework first.

A.can B.may C. could D.have to

( ).14.The woman’s name is Mary Joan Shute . You can call her_____.

A.Miss Joan B.Miss Shute C.Miss Mary D.Miss Mary Joan

( )15.How____the people _____to the East Lake next Sunday.

A.are; going to get B.is going go get

C.are; getting D.is going to getting

( )16.What about ______boating at the Water Park .

A.go B.going C. to going D. goes

( )17.Hi, Sam .______a little present ,_____our best wishes.

A. This is and B. That is with C.Here’s with D.Here are with

( )18.Which do you like ____,pears, tomatoes or parrots.

A.good B.well C.better D. best

( )19. The old man is _____ the radio , but he can’t _____anything.

A. listening to hear B. hearing; listening to

C.listening; to hear D.hearing; hear

( )20.I’m sorry .I can’t carry ____basket.

A.four B.third C.twelve D.the second
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