应对全球变暖英语如下:Dealing with global warming。
1、Can pollutant stave off the global warming crisis.污染物可否推迟全球变暖危机。
2、To slow down global warming, we should start from ourselves and small things around us。减缓全球变暖,我们应该从自己做起,从身边的小事做起。
3、Global warming is a real problem 。全球变暖是个严重的问题。
4、The greenhouse gasses destroy the higher atmosphere that keeps our planet from getting too hot. 温室效应破坏了高空大气层,而高空大气层可以保护地球以免过热。
5、The ozone layer helps us by filter out some of the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. 臭氧层过滤了阳光中的部分有害的紫外线。
6、If these melt too quickly, the level of the sea will rise too fast for us to control it. 如果这些冰川融化得太快,海平面将快速上升,让人无法控制。