I like making snowmen.
snowman n.(用雪堆成的)雪人
We went to build a snowman but before it was half finished I was chilled to the bone. 我们去堆雪人,但还未堆完一半时,我已感到寒气刺骨了。
One and two... Do you want to build a snowman? 一、二…你想堆雪人吗?
Some kids were already there. We made some snowmen and rolled snowballs. 有些孩子已经在那里了。我们堆了一些雪人,滚了雪球。
One snowman asked another one: do you smell carrot? 一个雪人问另一个雪人:你有没有闻到一股胡萝卜的味道?
Let's play snowman and see who can play the most beautiful one. 我们来比赛堆雪人吧。看谁的最快最漂亮。
Teacher put the snowman in the middle of the classroom. 老师在教室中间布置一个雪人。