Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public, while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer?重复2014年的6月15日
In the modern world, we are bedazzled by a plethora of choices when it comes to technological gadgets as high-tech companies roll out new phones, cameras and new everything every few months to prey on our predilection for novelty. While some have a penchant for the adrenaline rush of getting hands on the newest gizmos, others have the patience to wait until the craze has abated. In my opinion, there is no point in getting a high-tech product immediately after it hits the stores.
theories in explaining why some plants fold theirleaves at night.
1. Protection against coldness (decrease the surfaceexposed)
2. Protection against infection (easy to be infected bynight rainstorm because the spread of fungi requires water)
3. elimination of night time light(植物根据白天感应的光判断什么时候开花,为了保证正确地记录时间,需要抵制夜晚的光线,如月光)
1. 实验证明闭合不可御寒,并且植物内部不储存能量,变冷的时候会迅速感觉到。温度达到冰点,植物马上就会suffer from the cold, 那些合上和没合上叶子的植物都是如此
2. Folding the leaves can’t completely block the waterwhen there are night rainstorm, 而且the spread of fungi 只需要很少水,所以合上叶子无法阻止感染
3. 有些植物不会接收到nighttime light, while still fold their leaves atnight,例如有些植物在高大的树阴下,还是会闭合树叶。