求助高人翻译片英文东西(急)感谢~! 20

(特别后面一段话,尝试翻译了一下比较吃力,哪位高手帮下)每当讲到管理与沟通的问题,我就会想起我公司客服部的小经理。记得她刚来公司的那段时间,时常在完成部门经理交给她的工作... (特别后面一段话,尝试翻译了一下比较吃力,哪位高手帮下)

在处理这名问题员工的事情上我使用了\"支持性对抗(supportive confrontation)\"的方法。对于企业来说,给后进员工一个明确的、不容回避的选择,就可以提高后进员工的绩效、重新确定其工作标准、直截了当地指出面临的难题,并以尽可能支持性的态度对抗其不良表现。企业常常把支持性对抗作为挽救\"迷途\"员工的最后一搏,希望能藉此避免对之做出纪律处分和开除处理。
 我来答
2009-01-15 · TA获得超过3755个赞
Whenever referred to management and communication problems, I would have reminded me of my small company customer service manager.

When I first came to remember her company during that period of time, often to the manager in the completion of the work of her mission, secretly playing the game online. Last summer, I organized a large-scale recruitment will be the early stage of the various departments and staff are very hard working forward, and she secretly playing it up a computer card games. Other colleagues like to see made manager, the manager informed severely criticized after her. But the next day, the old customer service staff who is seriously ill, this time all of the views are great things here I went to. So I called her manager, that the customer service staff in addition to love playing online games, the ability to work is good. So I invited her to my office, and she talked for a while. I told her that her department's employees are all a little advice for her, although her strong, but the working hours of lazy lethargy, loss of her friendship and support of my colleagues. Tactful she let her know that she understood, the company is about to lose patience, and if she want to keep your job, it must give up his bad to the group of colleagues to apologize and restore energy, and we work together.

Panel on the second day of the meeting, this staff for their past performance has done a review, did not find any pretext. However, some members said, we do not believe such a story, because she had previously apologized to do. The staff admitted that he touched upon the past, I really did not do, but this time will be completely different. Finally, we finally agreed to help him once again, once found her lazy would be a timely reminder. Six months later, he completely changed their original bad image, has won the recognition of my colleagues, and consistent efforts to customer service will eventually become a small leadership group.

The problem in dealing with staff matters I use the \ "supportive confrontation (supportive confrontation) \" method. For enterprises, to the backward employees a clear choice can not be avoided, it can improve the performance of backward staff to re-establish its work standards, bluntly pointed out that the problems faced by, and supportive attitude, as far as possible against its poor performance . Enterprises often supportive confrontation as to save the \ "Lost \" employees the last stroke, hoping to avoid making the deal with disciplinary and dismissal.

A cursory view, with someone to give its support for confrontation and seems irrelevant, however, from the specific approach, the two had a very close contact. Confrontation can be offensive or supportive manner, support can also harbor or critical approach to delivery.

Only support and confrontation, honesty and truth-seeking and compassionate human, friendly and meticulous, straightforward and concise combine home advice that can be exported and understood, at the same time so that it will become the recipient of personal information development.

Supportive confrontation is not a physical invasion of the staff, but we hope in an open way to obtain constructive results. Support against the requirement of the employees of such a grave concern about the facts: the current issue of solutions used did not work, most of them may never work.

Not only that, but supportive of confrontation also revealed a more serious fact: that a solution to the problem is that the employees themselves. He had to admit their own lack of recognition of the need for help, and requested the company to provide support. These practices will help employees to solve the problem into a learning process, development and progress opportunities.
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