请高手帮我翻译Maximilian Hecker的Silly Lily, Funny Bunny歌词

MaximilianHecker-SillyLily,FunnyBunnyI'mclimbingupthewallsofyourHeadoverheelsbuiltuph... Maximilian Hecker - Silly Lily, Funny Bunny
I'm climbing up the walls of your
Head over heels built up house
I scream and I lean in vain tonight
Remember the words that I said
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I'm craving for your leftover kiss
Tasting like drops of cold rain
I'll drink and I'll drown
and ruin the whole world
So think of the words that I said
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I'm climbing up the walls of your
Head over heels built up house
I scream and I lean in vain tonight
Remember the words that I said
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're silly, Lily
I keep on knocking at your door with my head
As you're funny, bunny
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2009-01-18 · TA获得超过5.4万个赞
My god??
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