请将以下英文翻译成中文,在线等,急... 20
Simulated epoxy depth < 300um, Completed spider depth specification >= simulated epoxy depth . +100/-0 (um).
Simulated epoxy depth > 300um, Completed spider depth specification = simulated epoxy depth +100/-20(um).
will add on "min. epoxy depth." for future new order simulation specification.
TCL(C) :
- pls update your existing buildsheet for the required TCL(S) specification .
(B) Spider Planarity :
- TCL(china) to control the Spider planarity as follows :
Pin count <= 100, spider planarity <=30(um).
Pin count > 100, spider planarity <=50(um), best control lesser maybe 40um.
(C) min. Epoxy thickness 100um.
(4) For Tighter beam length control probecard :
Regarding some TCL(S) probe card specification on Beam length control too tight + 100/-50(um), can it be control within +/-100(um)? Will settle case by case as tighter beam length control is due to customer request for tigher gramforce control.
里面的专业术语可能比较多,没关系,原原本本的用英文也没关系,谢绝翻译器翻译. 展开
Simulated epoxy depth > 300um, Completed spider depth specification = simulated epoxy depth +100/-20(um).
will add on "min. epoxy depth." for future new order simulation specification.
TCL(C) :
- pls update your existing buildsheet for the required TCL(S) specification .
(B) Spider Planarity :
- TCL(china) to control the Spider planarity as follows :
Pin count <= 100, spider planarity <=30(um).
Pin count > 100, spider planarity <=50(um), best control lesser maybe 40um.
(C) min. Epoxy thickness 100um.
(4) For Tighter beam length control probecard :
Regarding some TCL(S) probe card specification on Beam length control too tight + 100/-50(um), can it be control within +/-100(um)? Will settle case by case as tighter beam length control is due to customer request for tigher gramforce control.
里面的专业术语可能比较多,没关系,原原本本的用英文也没关系,谢绝翻译器翻译. 展开
模拟深度绕"300um,完成规定的深度蜘蛛"=模拟一架深度. 100/-0(UM). 模拟深度绕"300um,完成模拟蜘蛛绕深度=深度规格100/跌(UM). 将增加"闵. 一架深度. " 模拟未来新秩序的规格. 东涌(C): -更新你现有buildsheet原为东涌(S)规格要求. (B)青planarity: -东涌(中国)控制的蜘蛛planarity如下: 别指望"=100、蜘蛛planarity"'30(UM). 别指望"100planarity蜘蛛"'50(UM)、最佳控制40um可能较小. (C)撰稿. 环氧树脂厚度100um. (四)严格控制probecard束长度: 东涌(S)对某些具体卡在探测器控制过严束长度+100/-50(UM),能控制在+/-100(UM). 将逐案解决,严格控制束长度是因为客户要求tighergramforce控制.