新目标八年级上册英语每单元课文与语法 25

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2009-02-02 · TA获得超过1280个赞
一. 动词是表示动作或处于某种状态的词,它分为行为动词,系动词、助动词和情态动词,动词种类多,变化又复杂,是学习英语的难点之一,下面根据动词的特点进行归类,并提供一些辨别方法,以便于理解和掌握。
1. 行为动词在动词中数量最多,它含有实在的意义(又叫实义动词),表示动作或状态,在句中可以单独作谓语,行为动词又分为及物动词和不及物动词,及物动词后面必须加宾语,意义才完整,不及物动词后面不能直接带宾语,常需要在宾语前加介词才能带宾语。
We study English very hard.
She has a book in her hand.
The sun rises in the east.
2. 连系动词本身有一定词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须与表语一起构成谓语,常见的连系动词有:be, look, sound, get, become等。
My parents are both farmers.
The milk tastes terrible.
The song sounds good.
3. 助动词本身无词义,不能独立作谓语,必须和主要动词构成谓语,表示疑问,否定,时态或其它语法形式。常见的助动词有:be, have, do, will, shall等。
Do you have a brother?
Have you got an English-Chinese dictionary?
I didn’t go to the cinema yesterday.
4. 情态动词本身有词义,但不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语,表示说话者的语气和情态,情态动词没有人称和数的变化,情态动词本身可以构成疑问和否定,常见的情态动词有:can, may, must, will, shall, need等。
eg: Can you sing the English song?
Everyone must get to school on time.

二. 动词的时态:
(一)时态概述:作谓语的动词用来表示动作(情况)发生时间的各种形式称为时态,英语中的时态,就是通过特殊的动词词尾或加一些相关的助动词be, have(has)等,用来表示动作或事件发生的不同时间和方面。
eg: He reads newspapers every day.
He read the newspaper yesterday.
He is going to read the newspaper tomorrow.

1. 动词变化:一般现在时主要用动词原形表示,但第三人称单数后要加词尾-s,另外be和have有特殊的人称形式。
情况 加法 例词
一般情况 加-s reads, writes, says
以ch, sh, s, x, 或o收尾的词 加-es teaches, washes, guesses, fixes, goes
以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词 变y为i再加-es try-tries
情况 读法 例词
在[p][t][k][f]等清辅音后 〔s〕 helps, hates, asks, laughs
在[s][z][ ][t ][d3]等音后 〔iz〕 faces, rises, wishes, watches, urges
在其他情况下 〔z〕 plans, cries, shows

2. 一般现在时主要表示:
(1)经常性或习惯性的动作,常与这样的时间状语连用:always, often, usually, sometimes等
eg: We always help each other.
It often snows in winter.
I get up early every morning.
eg: He loves sports.
Jane is an outgoing girl.
Tom and Tim both have medium height.
Two and four makes six.
Water boils at 100℃
The moon moves round the earth.
3. 一般现在时的疑问句一般以在句首加助动词do,does的方式构成。第三人称单数加does,其他加do,这时动词一概用原形;动词be只需与主语位置对调就行了。
eg: Do you like English?
Do they have story books?
What does she do every evening?
Is she at home?
Are you good at English?
4. 一般现在时的否定式是do not(don’t)或does not (doesn’t)+动词原形来构成的,be动词做谓语动词只需在be后加not构成否定。
I don’t like oranges at all.
She doesn’t work in the TV station.
They aren’t students.
I’m not busy every weekend.

三. 现在进行时:
1. 动词变化:现在进行时由“am /is /are+动词现在分词”构成。加-ing的规则如下:
stay-staying do-doing
listen-listening suffer-suffering
work-working spend-spending
make-making take-taking
give-giving ride-riding
please-pleasing refuse-refusing
close-closing operate-operating
put-putting sit-sitting
run-running win-winning
2. 现在进行时的用法
(1)表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作,这时可以不用时间状语,也可以和now, at present, at the moment等时间状语连用。有时用一个动词,如look(看),listen(听)。
eg: What are you reading now?
Listen! Someone is singing in the classroom.
eg: They are working in a factory these days.
More and more people are giving up smoking.
eg: When are you leaving?
Are you going to Tibet tomorrow?
3. 现在进行时的否定句和疑问句比较简单。否定句在be(am, is, are)后面加not;疑问句把be动词移到主语前。
I am not working.
What are you reading now?
How are you feeling today?
The train isn’t arriving soon.

四. 一般过去时:
1. 动词变化:一般过去时主要表示过去的动作或状态,在句中由主语+动词的过去式来表达。
构成规则 原形 过去式
一般在动词末尾加-ed work
play worked
结尾是e的动词在末尾加-d like
change liked
末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed plan(计划)
drop planned
以辅音字母加y结尾的,先变y为i再加-ed carry
cry carried

否定式 疑问式 否定疑问式 简单回答
I did not work. Did I work? Did I not work? Yes, you did.
No, you didn’t.
You did not work. Did you work? Did you not work? Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.
He / She / It did not work. Did he / she / it work? Did he / she / it not work? Yes, he / she / it /did.
No, he /she /it didn’t.
We did not work. Did we work? Did we not work? Yes, you did.
No, you didn’t.
You did not work. Did you work? Did you not work? Yes, we did.
No, we didn’t.
They did not work. Did they work? Did you they not work? Yes, they did.
No, they didn’t.
2. 一般过去时的基本用法:
(1)带有确定的过去时间状语时,要用过去时。(eg: yesterday, last year, just now, two days ago, in the old days等)
eg: He left just now.
Lei Feng was a good soldier.
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
eg: Last term we often did experiments.
He always went to work by bus.
五. be going to 表示一般将来
1. 用法:表示现在打算在最近或将来要做的事,或表示说话人根据已有的迹象认为很有可能要发生的事情,be随着人称的变化变成(am, is, are)
eg: We are going to have a new subject this year.
It’s going to rain this afternoon.
I’m going to be a pilot when I grow up.
2. be going to 的否定句在be动词后加上not;be going to 的疑问句把be动词移到主语前。
He isn’t going to see his brother tomorrow.
I’m not going to tell you about it.
Who’s going to use it?
Is your sister going to bring your lunch?
What are you going to do next Sunday.

一. 改错:
例1:The rose dark red. →The rose is dark red.
1. He very likes swimming.
2. He can helps you.
3. We haven’t a good time.
4. What are you do after school every day?
5. Sometimes I listen music. sometimes I play outside.
6. The fish smells not good.
7. We should buy some chicken. There are little left.
8. There have many birds in the sky.
9. My mother’s glasses is broken.
10. A pair of shoes are nearly one thousand.
11. What colour are her hair?
12. Does he his homework?
13. A: Do you like your class?
B: Yes. I like.
14. He always do his shopping on Friday evening.
15. I very sorry I forgot your birthday.
16. I have no brother and sister.

二. 连词组句:
1. listen, morning, the, to, I, radio, the, in, often
2. of, men, nurses, good, sick, hospital, care, in, take, the
3. weekdays, he, the, goes, cinema, never, during, the, to
4. computer, got, new, you, a, have?
5. weekends, he, rest, does, a, got, have, on?
6. good, Li Ming, do, and, often, I deeds
7. museum, they, the, often, science, visit, how, do?
8. the, in, any, there, kitchen, food, is?
9. homework, does, day, when, Tom, his, every, where, and, do?
10. a, there, vegetables, many, but, apples, aren’t, lot, there, of, are, there

三. 用括号里的动词的适当形式填空:
1. There (be)______some glasses on it.
2. He (go)______to the park every day.
3. My uncle (live)______ in Nanjing now.
4. ______ Lucy and Lily (like)______China?
5. Li Lei(not like)______ to drink orange soda.
6. The girl (go)______ home at 4:30 in the afternoon.
7. ______ Kate (speak)______ French? Yes, she does.
8. Jim (not ride)______his bike often.
9. If he (be)______ free tomorrow, he (go)______ with us.
10. As soon as they (get)______ there next month, he (call)______me.
11. ______Li Ming’s father (have)______ his lunch at home?
12. Tom (not do)______the morning exercises often.
13. I (be)______ hungry and my sister (be)______ thirsty.
14. The baby (have)______ curly hair.
15. Everybody (have)______ a chance to win.
16. I (clean)______ my room once a week.
17. Nobody(tell)______ them anything.
18. There (be)______ a lot of chicken on the plate.
19. Mr. Li (teach)______ the second grade.
20. The boy (watch)______ TV every evening.
21. Mary (play)______the violin quite well.
22. David (study)______Chinese and I (study)______ English.
23. The game (be)______ interesting.
24. Many children (be)______ on the playground.
25. He (have)_______ a good time at your party.
26. I (have)______ a new bicycle.

四. 用所给词的适当形式填空:
1. Tom and his father ______(swim)now.
2. Look! They ______(run)along the street.
3. We ______(practice)hard these days because we will have a big match next month.
4. What ______he ______(do)at nine o’clock last night?
5. They ______(listen)to the music at that time.
6. When the headmaster came in, the students______(read)the text.
7. We ______(watch)TV when suddenly the telephone rang.
8. She ______(make)the paper flowers the whole night.
9. A: _______ you ______(studying)English?
B: Yes, I am.
10. Let’s go out. It ______(not rain)now.
11. Hurry up! Everybody ______(wait)for you.
12. A: ______(you / listen)to the radio?
B: No, You can turn it off.
13. I ______(watch)TV at seven o’clock yesterday evening.
14. A: What ______(you / look)for?
B: I ______(look)for my wallet. There is something important in it.
15. Look. It ______(rain)hard. We’ll get wet if we go out.

五. 选词填空:
1. I ______(am, is, was, were)busy last week.
2. Tom and I ______(am, are, was, were)late for school yesterday.
3. I ______(walk, walks, walked, walking)to school the other day.
4. Rose ______(does not, didn’t, has been, has to)visit her uncle the month before last(month)
5. There ______(is, was, are, were)a lot of people in this village ten years ago.
6. Mother ______(am, is, was, were)ill in bed last night.
7. It ______(rain, rains, rained, raining)a lot last year.
1. My uncle in London ______(send)a birthday present to me yesterday.
2. When ______(be)you born?
3. As soon as he arrived in the country, he ______(phone)me.
4. When I ______(knock)at his door, he was cooking.
5. We were watching TV when the light ______(go)out.
6. He said he ______(not like)maths at all.
1. ______you make this cake last night? Yes. I did. I _______it for you.
2. Did Tom _______ home at five yesterday?
No, he _______. He came home at six.
3. What _______ you _______ at the store? I bought a camera.
4. Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I _______.
5. Where did you catch the fish? I _______ it in the river near my house.

六. 完成下列句子:
1. 你长大了想当什么?我打算当个电脑程序员。
What _____ you ______ ______ _______ when you ______ _______?
I’m ______ to _______ a _______ _______.
2. 你哥哥长大了打算当什么?他打算当个专业的篮球运动员。
What _____ your brother _____ _________ ______ when he ______ _______?
He’s _____ to ______ a _______ _________ player.
3. 你打算怎么做?我打算学计算机学。
_____ are you ______ ________ ________ that?
I’m _____ _______ _______ computer _______.
4. 你哥哥打算怎么做?他打算每天练篮球。
_____ is your brother _____ _____ _____?
He’s _____ ______ _________ basketball every day.
5. 她打算下学期上一些表演课吗?是的。
______ she ______ _______ _________ some ______ lessons?
Yes, she ________.

1. He likes swimming.
2. He can help you.
3. We don’t have a good time.
4. What do you do after school every day?
5. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I play outside.
6. The fish doesn’t smell good.
7. We should buy some chicken. There is little left.
8. There are many birds in the sky.
9. My mother’s glasses are broken.
10. A pair of shoes is nearly one thousand.
11. If he doesn’t feel well he will go to visit the History Museum.
12. What colour is her hair?
13. Does he do his homework?
14. A: Do you like your class?
B: Yes. I do.
15. He always does his shopping on Friday evening.
16. I am sorry I forgot your birthday.
1. I often listen to the radio in the morning.
2. Nurses take good care of sick men in the hospital.
3. He never goes to the cinema during the weekdays.
4. Have you got a new computer?
5. Does he have a rest on weekends?
6. Li Ming and I often do good deeds.
7. How often do you visit the science museum?
8. Is there any food in the kitchen?
9. When and where does Tom do his homework every day?
10. There are a lot of vegetables but there aren’t many apples there.
Or: There are a lot of apples but there aren’t many vegetables there.
三. 1. are 2. goes 3. lives 4. Do, like 5. doesn’t like
6. goes 7. Does, speak 8. doesn’t ride
9. is, will go 10. get, will call 11. Does, have
12. doesn’t do 13. am, is 14. has
15. has 16. clean 17. tells 18. is
19. teaches 20. watches 21. plays 22. studies, study
23. is 24. are 25. has 26. have
四. 1. are swimming 2. are running 3. are practicing
4. was, doing 5. were listening 6. were reading
7. were watching 8. was making 9. Are, studying
10. isn’t raining 11. is waiting 12. Are you listening
13. was watching 14. are you looking, am looking
15. is raining
(一)1. was 2. were 3. walked 4. did not
5. were 6. was 7. rained
(二)1. sent 2. were 3. phoned 4. knocked 5. went
6. didn’t like
(三)1. Did, made 2. come, didn’t 3. did, buy 4. was
5. caught
1. are, going, to, be, grow, up, going, be, computer, programmer
2. is, going, to, be, grows, up, going, be, professional, basketball.
3. How, going, to, do, going, to, study, science
4. How, going, to, do, that, going, to, play
5. Is, going, to, take, acting, is
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