
在翻译方法上,如果采用直译能准确表达原文意思应尽可能采用直译;如果直译不能再现原来谚语的丰富内涵,就可采用意译、对等翻译、直译和意译相结合等翻译方法,这样才能较完整地保留... 在翻译方法上,如果采用直译能准确表达原文意思应尽可能采用直译;如果直译不能再现原来谚语的丰富内涵,就可采用意译、对等翻译、直译和意译相结合等翻译方法,这样才能较完整地保留原文的神韵,使译文形象生动。



所谓直译法就是指在不违背译文语言规范以及不引起错误联想的条件下,在译文中保留英语谚语的比喻形象和民族、地方色彩的方法。采用直译的谚语多半是英语和汉语在谚语的比喻和形象方面基本相同的部分,或者是直译后一目了然,不至于产生误解的。[16]如:Pactice makes perfect(熟能生巧); Walls have ears(隔墙有耳); New-born calves make little of tigers(初生牛犊不怕虎);A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat(城门失火,殃及池鱼)。[17]

(二)、 意译法

有些英谚的表达方式因含有英语语言国家所特有的历史典故或文化背景,如果直译,则译文可能会牵强附会,也不易为中国读者所理解。因此在通常情况下舍弃原语的表达形式,采用意译,则可避免在某些情况下因直译而引起的拖泥带水,造成误解等弊病。例如,Achilles’s heel若直译为“阿克勒斯的脚后跟”并不能让大多数人理解,而译出它的隐含意义“唯一致命弱点”更恰当。[18]这样的例子还有:

1)In fair weather prepare for the foul.如译成“晴天要防阴天”,不如译成“有备无患”或“居安思危”或“未雨绸缪”。

2)Murder will out.如译成“谋杀终必败露”,不如译成“纸包不住火”。

3)When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.如译成“希腊人相遇希腊人,定有一场好斗”,不如译为“两雄相争,其斗必烈”。

4)Every man has a fool in his sleeve.如译成“人人袖子里都装着个傻瓜”,不如译为“人人都有糊涂的时候”。[19]



1)Diamond cut diamond(棋逢对手);

2)Two can play the game(孤掌难鸣);

3)To fish in troubled waters(浑水摸鱼);

4)Like father,like son(有其父必有其子)。[20]



1) Cut your coat according to your cloth(量布裁衣,量入为出);

2)Even Homer sometimes nods(荷马也有瞌睡时,智者千虑,必有一失);

3)If I have lost the ring, yet the fingers are still there(戒指虽丢失,手指仍然在;留得青山在,不怕没柴烧)。
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2009-02-16 · TA获得超过440个赞
Methods in the translation, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of literal translation; should not reproduce if the literal translation of the rich connotation of the original proverb can be used free translation of such translation, literal translation and free translation Translate combination methods, in order to more intact the original charm, so asked a vivid image.

Following a brief English translation of the proverb:

(1), literal translation method

Literal translation refers to the so-called law is not inconsistent with the language norms and asked not cause an error under the conditions of association, in the translation of English Proverbs analogy to retain the image and the nation, local color method. Most of the use of literal translation of the proverb in English and Chinese are the proverbial metaphor and image of the part is basically the same as, or after translation are clear, not misleading. [16] such as: Pactice makes perfect (Practice makes perfect); Walls have ears (walls have ears); New-born calves make little of tigers (初生牛犊not afraid of a tiger); A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat (Shing Mun fire, fish in the moat suffer). [17]

(B), paraphrase Law

Some English Proverbs expressions containing the English language due to country specific history or cultural background, if the literal translation, you may be asked far-fetched, it is not easy for Chinese readers to understand. Under normal circumstances, therefore discarded primitive forms of expression, the use of paraphrase can be avoided in some cases because of translation caused by beating about the bush, and other ills caused by misunderstanding. For example, Achilles's heel, if literally translated as "阿克勒斯heels" can not guarantee that the majority of people understand it, and translated its implied meaning "The only Achilles heel" is more appropriate. [18] Such examples are:

1) In fair weather prepare for the foul. Such as to "sunny to cloudy anti", it is better translated as "prepared" or "be vigilant in peace time" or "rainy day."

2) Murder will out. Such as to "murder will eventually brought to light", it is better translated as "纸包不住火."

3) When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. Such as to "the Greeks met the Greeks, it has a militant", it is better translated as "struggle between the two hung its Doubilet Doo."

4) Every man has a fool in his sleeve. Such as to "everyone in both sleeves containing a fool", it is better translated as "everyone has the time confused." [19]

(C) of such translation

Proverbs are the masses of long-standing social phenomena and the laws of natural phenomena and the production of scientific summation of life experience. Anglo-American country between the people and the Chinese people the existence of similar experience and experience, perception of the world in many respects is similar, which makes the two nation's proverbs great similarity. Some English Proverbs and Chinese proverb coincides in content with the same connotation, the use of or substantially the same image, or substantially the same analogy and rhetoric to the same token, in this case, the use of synonyms Chinese Translate English proverb to proverb "On the one hand allows a more fluent asked, on the other hand, asked readers to more easily understand and accept." (冯庆华, 1995:144) such as:

1) Diamond cut diamond (棋逢对手);

2) Two can play the game (clap with one hand);

3) To fish in troubled waters (fish in troubled waters);

4) Like father, like son (有其父必有其子). [20]

(D), the combination of literal translation and free translation

Sometimes in the translation of some English proverb, the simple translation so that readers can not understand its meaning, and translation can not express the exact meaning of the original proverb. At this time may be literal translation, free translation method combining translation, literal translation to compensate for difficult feelings, vivid paraphrase difficult deficiencies. Asked its literal meaning can be literally translated, and then point out the implied meaning, so that the image of a lively asked, with a view to receive the finishing touch effect. [21] For example:

1) Cut your coat according to your cloth (tailoring clothes, living within our means);

2) Even Homer sometimes nods (Homer also has sleepy, the wise men of 1000 to consider, there is one missing);

3) If I have lost the ring, yet the fingers are still there (although the ring is missing, fingers are still in;留得青山在, not afraid of no firewood).
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Following a brief English translation of the proverb:

(1), literal translation method

Literal translation refers to the so-called law is not inconsistent with the language norms and asked not cause an error under the conditions of association, in the translation of English Proverbs analogy to retain the image and the nation, local color method. Literal translation of the proverb used mostly in English and Chinese proverb metaphor and image of the part is basically the same as, or after translation at a glance, not misleading. [16] such as: Pactice makes perfect (Practice makes perfect); Walls have ears (walls have ears); New-born calves make little of tigers (初生牛犊not afraid of a tiger); A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat (Shing Mun fire, fish in the moat suffer). [17]

(B), paraphrase Law

Some English Proverbs expressions containing the English language due to country specific history or cultural background, if the literal translation, you may be asked far-fetched, it is not easy for Chinese readers to understand. Under normal circumstances, therefore discarded primitive forms of expression, the use of paraphrase can be avoided in some cases because of translation caused by beating about the bush, and other ills caused by misunderstanding. For example, Achilles's heel, if literally translated as "阿克勒斯heels" can not guarantee that the majority of people understand it, and translated its implied meaning "The only Achilles heel" is more appropriate. [18] Such examples are:

1) In fair weather prepare for the foul. If translated as "sunny to cloudy anti", it is better translated as "prepared" or "be vigilant in peace time" or "rainy day."

2) Murder will out. Such as to "murder will eventually brought to light", it is better translated as "纸包不住火."

3) When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. Such as to "the Greeks met the Greeks, it has a militant", it is better translated as "struggle between the two hung its Doubilet Doo."

4) Every man has a fool in his sleeve. Such as to "everyone in both sleeves containing a fool", it is better translated as "everyone has the time confused." [19]

(C) of such translation

Proverbs are the masses of long-standing social phenomena and the laws of natural phenomena and the production of scientific summation of life experience. Anglo-American country between the people and the Chinese people the existence of similar experience and experience, perception of the world in many respects is similar, which makes the two nation's proverbs great similarity. Some English Proverbs and Chinese proverb coincides in content with the same connotation, the use of or substantially the same image, or substantially the same analogy and rhetoric to the same token, in this case, the use of synonyms Chinese Translate English proverb to proverb "On the one hand allows a more fluent asked, on the other hand, asked readers to more easily understand and accept." (冯庆华, 1995:144) such as:

1) Diamond cut diamond (棋逢对手);

2) Two can play the game (clap with one hand);

3) To fish in troubled waters (fish in troubled waters);

4) Like father, like son (有其父必有其子). [20]

(D), the combination of literal translation and free translation

Sometimes in the translation of some English proverb, the simple translation so that readers can not understand its meaning, and translation can not express the exact meaning of the original proverb. At this time may be literal translation, free translation method combining translation, literal translation to compensate for difficult feelings, vivid paraphrase difficult deficiencies. Asked its literal meaning can be literally translated, and then point out the implied meaning, so that the image of a lively asked, with a view to receive the finishing touch effect. [21] For example:

1) Cut your coat according to your cloth (tailoring clothes, living within our means);

2) Even Homer sometimes nods (Homer also has sleepy, the wise men of 1000 to consider, there is one missing);

3) If I have lost the ring, yet the fingers are still there (although the ring is missing, fingers are still in;留得青山在, not afraid of no
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Entered here in the translation of the method, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of literal translation; should not reproduce if the literal translation of the rich connotation of the original proverb can be used free translation of such translation, literal translation and free translation Translate combination methods, more complete in this way can retain the original charm, so asked a vivid image. The need for translation of text, up to 200 bytes

Following a brief English translation of the proverb:

(1), literal translation method

Literal translation refers to the so-called law is not inconsistent with the language norms and asked not cause an error under the conditions of association, in the translation of English Proverbs analogy to retain the image and the nation, local color method. Literal translation of the proverb used mostly in English and Chinese proverb metaphor and image of the part is basically the same as, or after translation at a glance, not misleading.16] such as: Pactice makes perfect (Practice makes perfect); Walls have ears (walls have ears); New-born calves make little of tigers (初生牛犊not afraid of a tiger); A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat (Shing Mun fire, fish in the moat suffer). [17]

(B), paraphrase Law

Some English Proverbs expressions containing the English language due to country specific history or cultural background, if the literal translation, you may be asked far-fetched, it is not easy for Chinese readers to understand. Under normal circumstances, therefore discarded primitive forms of expression, the use of paraphrase can be avoided in some cases because of translation caused by beating about the bush, and other ills caused by misunderstanding. For example, Achilles's heel, if literally translated as "阿克勒斯heels" can not guarantee that the majority of people understand it, and translated its implied meaning "The only Achilles heel" is more appropriate. [18] Such examples are:

1) In fair weather prepare for the foul. If translated as "sunny to cloudy anti", it is better translated as "prepared" or "be vigilant in peace time" or "rainy day."
2) Murder will out. Such as to "murder will eventually brought to light", it is better translated as "纸包不住火."
3) To fish in troubled waters (fish in troubled waters);
4) Like father, like son (有其父必有其子). [20]

(D), the combination of literal translation and free translation

Sometimes in the translation of some English proverb, the simple translation so that readers can not understand its meaning, and translation can not express the exact meaning of the original proverb. At this time may be literal translation, free translation method combining translation, literal translation to compensate for difficult feelings, vivid paraphrase difficult deficiencies. Asked its literal meaning can be literally translated, and then point out the implied meaning, so that the image of a lively asked, with a view to receive the finishing touch effect. [21] For example:

1) Cut your coat according to your cloth (tailoring clothes, living within our means);
2) Even Homer sometimes nods (Homer also has sleepy, the wise men of 1000 to consider, there is one missing);
3) If I have lost the ring, yet the fingers are still there (although the ring is missing, fingers are still in;留得青山在, not afraid of no firewood).
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Methods in the translation, if we adopt the literal meaning of the original text can be accurately should maximize the use of literal translation; should not reproduce if the literal translation of the rich connotation of the original proverb can be used free translation of such translation, literal translation and free translation Translate combination methods, in order to more intact the original charm, so asked a vivid image.

Following a brief English translation of the proverb:

(1), literal translation method

Literal translation refers to the so-called law is not inconsistent with the language norms and asked not cause an error under the conditions of association, in the translation of English Proverbs analogy to retain the image and the nation, local color method. Most of the use of literal translation of the proverb in English and Chinese are the proverbial metaphor and image of the part is basically the same as, or after translation are clear, not misleading. [16] such as: Pactice makes perfect (Practice makes perfect); Walls have ears (walls have ears); New-born calves make little of tigers (初生牛犊not afraid of a tiger); A fire on city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat (Shing Mun fire, fish in the moat suffer). [17]

(B), paraphrase Law

Some English Proverbs expressions containing the English language due to country specific history or cultural background, if the literal translation, you may be asked far-fetched, it is not easy for Chinese readers to understand. Under normal circumstances, therefore discarded primitive forms of expression, the use of paraphrase can be avoided in some cases because of translation caused by beating about the bush, and other ills caused by misunderstanding. For example, Achilles's heel, if literally translated as "阿克勒斯heels" can not guarantee that the majority of people understand it, and translated its implied meaning "The only Achilles heel" is more appropriate. [18] Such examples are:

1) In fair weather prepare for the foul. Such as to "sunny to cloudy anti", it is better translated as "prepared" or "be vigilant in peace time" or "rainy day."

2) Murder will out. Such as to "murder must eventually brought to light", it is better translated as "纸包不住火."

3) When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war. Such as to "the Greeks met the Greeks, it has a militant", it is better translated as "struggle between the two hung, the bucket must lie."

4) Every man has a fool in his sleeve. Such as to "everyone in both sleeves containing a fool", it is better translated as "everyone has the time confused." [19]

(C), on a reciprocal Translation

Proverbs are the masses of long-standing social phenomena and the laws of natural phenomena and the production of scientific summation of life experience. Anglo-American country between the people and the Chinese people the existence of similar experience and experience, perception of the world in many respects is similar, which makes the two nation's proverbs great similarity. Some English Proverbs and Chinese proverb coincides in content with the same connotation, the use of or substantially the same image, or substantially the same analogy and rhetoric to the same token, in this case, the use of synonyms Chinese Translate English proverb to proverb "On the one hand allows a more fluent asked, on the other hand, asked readers to more easily understand and accept." (冯庆华, 1995:144) such as:

1) Diamond cut diamond (棋逢对手);

2) Two can play the game (clap with one hand);

3) To fish in troubled waters (fish in troubled waters);

4) Like father, like son (有其父必有其子). [20]

(D), the combination of literal translation and free translation

Sometimes in the translation of some English proverb, the simple translation so that readers can not understand its meaning, and translation can not express the exact meaning of the original proverb. At this time may be literal translation, free translation method combining translation, literal translation to compensate for difficult feelings, vivid paraphrase difficult deficiencies. Asked its literal meaning can be literally translated, and then point out the implied meaning, so that the image of a lively asked, with a view to receive the finishing touch effect. [21] For example:

1) Cut your coat according to your cloth (tailoring clothes, living within our means);

2) Even Homer sometimes nods (Homer also has sleepy, the wise men of 1000 to consider, there is one missing);

3) If I have lost the ring, yet the fingers are still there (although the ring is missing, fingers are still in;留得青山在, not afraid of no firewood).

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