
挺简单的英语--#http://bbs.duowan.com/viewthread.php?tid=13495650麻烦翻译一下..... 挺简单的英语 - -#


 我来答
2009-02-17 · TA获得超过733个赞
It's OK to be Gay 做GAY没什么不好的
Let's rejoice with the noys in the gay way! 让我们用GAY的方式跟男孩们一起庆祝

Hooray for the kind of man
That you will find In the gay way! 为你用GAY的方式找到的男人欢呼
It's OK to be Gay 做GAY没什么不好的
Let's rejoice with the noys in the gay way! 让我们用GAY的方式跟男孩们一起庆祝

Hooray for the kind of man
That you will find In the gay way! 为你用GAY的方式找到的男人欢呼

Father figures we are 我拥有有男人的身体
You are a shooting star! 你是个闪耀的明星
You come so far 你已经走了那么长的一段路

I was once in your shoes 我也曾经站在你的立场
In a closet like you 和你一样躲在衣橱里(意思是还没出柜)
I had nothing to lose 我什么也没失去

Hey man 嘿男人
Gay man 同志男人
Pick up the soap 捡起肥皂吧
Get on your knees And pray 跪下来祈祷
Hey man 嘿男人
Gay man 同志男人
Release your load 射出来吧
You've got to seize to delay 你得用GAY的方式忍住
The Gay Way!

It's OK to be Gay 做gay没什么不好的
Let's rejoice with the noys in the gay way! 让我们用GAY的方式跟男孩们一起庆祝

Hooray for the kind of man
That you will find In the gay way! 为你用GAY的方式找到的男人欢呼

Hooray for the man! 为男人欢呼!

Oh, strong man 喔!强壮的男人
Queen of the balls 舞会的女王
Some brotherly love 兄弟般的爱情
Is a pleasure for all 是所有人的快乐

Come out 出来吧(意思是出柜吧)
Open your eyes 张开双眼
La la la la! 啦啦啦啦!
It’s a matter of size! 这是尺寸的问题!

Hey man 嘿男人
Gay man 同志男人
Pick up the soap 捡起肥皂吧
Get on your knees And pray 跪下来祈祷
Hey man 嘿男人
Gay man 同志男人
Release your load 射出来吧
You've got to seize to delay 你得用GAY的方式忍住
The Gay Way!

It's OK to be Gay 做gay没什么不好的
Let's rejoice with the noys in the gay way! 让我们用GAY的方式跟男孩们一起庆祝
OK to be gay! 做gay没什么不好的

Hooray for the kind of man
That you will find In the gay way! 为你用GAY的方式找到的男人欢呼

Sing Hallelujah (Sing Hallelujah!) 让我们高歌哈利路亚!(高歌哈利路亚!)

It's getting to ya! (It's getting to ya!) 你快成功了!(你快成功了!)

It's working thru ya! 快要完成了!
Why won't you let me do ya? 为什么不让我帮你?
-Woo!- 哇!

Hey ho! 嘿哦!
Mo Hey! 哞嘿!
Ho! 哦!
Mo Hey! 哞嘿!
Ho! 齁!(HO与MO连起来就是homo同性恋的意思)

Now remember 请记得
There's a big difference 跪下和弯腰有很大的差别
Between Kneeling down
AndBending over

It's OK to be Gay 做gay没什么不好的
Let's rejoice with the noys in the gay way! 让我们用GAY的方式跟男孩们一起庆祝
Hooray for the kind of man
That you will find In the gay way! 为你用GAY的方式找到的男人欢呼

West is where you should go 你应该去在西方的旧金山
T-t-t-to San Francisco.
I bet that you know 我打赌你一定知道
would you gather my face 你能猜到我的表情吗?:
So united we stand in a gay parade 团结起来我们站在同志游行的队伍里
A human serenade 那是一首充满人性的小夜曲

The He-Man 大男人
Sex Parade! 性爱游行!
Parade! 游行!

You're gay! 你是同性恋GAY! 同性恋

Hooray for the kind of man
That you will find In the gay way! 为你用GAY的方式找到的男人欢呼

Oooh, it's . . . 喔~

It's OK to be Gay 做gay没什么不好的
Let's rejoice with the noys in the gay way! 让我们用GAY的方式跟男孩们一起庆祝

Oooh... 喔~

Hooray for the kind of man
That you will find In the gay way! 为你用GAY的方式找到的男人欢呼

It's Ok to be Gay! 做gay没什么不好的
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