用JAVA实现RSA算法的加密解密 跪求 50
已经给了(public key)P=37 Q=47 (encryption key)E=5 首先要用程序算出
(decryption key)D, 然后第二个要用E加密,并打印出结果,第三是要用D来解密,并打印出原来的那个数据。
由于小弟刚学不久 所以需要高手们尽量不用复杂的语言 或者高级的数学语言 如果适用的话 会给额外的10分。
最简单并且正确的 将给10分的加分
这里有原题 是英文的。。
[70 points] Write a program to encrypt/decrypt messages using RSA algorithm. This program needs to
show an interface for the user to choose the work to do
1. Initialization
2. Encryption
3. Decryption
4. Quit
When the user chooses 1, the program reads P, Q, and E from the console and then prints out the
decryption key – D. When the user chooses 2, the program reads an integer, uses the encryption key E
and RSA algorithm to encrypt this integer, and prints out the encryption result. When the user chooses
3, the program reads an encrypted integer, uses the decryption key D and RSA algorithm to decrypt
this integer, and prints out the original data. When the user chooses 4, the program quits execution.
To help you test your code, here is one set of P, Q, and E. P = 37, Q = 47, E = 5. Of couses, you
want to see if your code can encrypt an integer and successfully decrypt it.
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已经给了(public key)P=37 Q=47 (encryption key)E=5 首先要用程序算出
(decryption key)D, 然后第二个要用E加密,并打印出结果,第三是要用D来解密,并打印出原来的那个数据。
由于小弟刚学不久 所以需要高手们尽量不用复杂的语言 或者高级的数学语言 如果适用的话 会给额外的10分。
最简单并且正确的 将给10分的加分
这里有原题 是英文的。。
[70 points] Write a program to encrypt/decrypt messages using RSA algorithm. This program needs to
show an interface for the user to choose the work to do
1. Initialization
2. Encryption
3. Decryption
4. Quit
When the user chooses 1, the program reads P, Q, and E from the console and then prints out the
decryption key – D. When the user chooses 2, the program reads an integer, uses the encryption key E
and RSA algorithm to encrypt this integer, and prints out the encryption result. When the user chooses
3, the program reads an encrypted integer, uses the decryption key D and RSA algorithm to decrypt
this integer, and prints out the original data. When the user chooses 4, the program quits execution.
To help you test your code, here is one set of P, Q, and E. P = 37, Q = 47, E = 5. Of couses, you
want to see if your code can encrypt an integer and successfully decrypt it.
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N = P * Q = 1739
F(N) = ( p - 1 ) * ( Q - 1 ) = 1656
然后算模拟嘛。。。5 模 1656的逆。。。
1656 = 1 + 1655 = 1 + 5 * 331
所以5模1656的逆就是-331 = 1656 - 331 = 1325
所以D = 1325啦
如果加密明文M的话,密文C = M 模 1739的E次幂
解密是M = C 模1739的D次幂
N = P * Q = 1739
F(N) = ( p - 1 ) * ( Q - 1 ) = 1656
然后算模拟嘛。。。5 模 1656的逆。。。
1656 = 1 + 1655 = 1 + 5 * 331
所以5模1656的逆就是-331 = 1656 - 331 = 1325
所以D = 1325啦
如果加密明文M的话,密文C = M 模 1739的E次幂
解密是M = C 模1739的D次幂
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